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2005 年湖北武汉科技大学界面分选原理及写作与翻译考研 真题 界面分选原理 一、界面分选主要包括哪些单元作业?(15 分) 二、当矿粒浸入水中时,在矿粒-水界面可能发生的主要过程有哪些?(15 分) 三、用哪两种实验方法可以判断固体颗粒表面是亲水性还是疏水性(15 分) 四、矿粒表面荷电的主要原因有哪些?(15 分) 五、何谓界面双电层结构?以示意图形式简要表示出固体颗粒表面的双电层结构?(15 分) 六、什么是界面动电现象?有那四种动电现象?什么是动电位?动电位通常如何表示?(20 分) 七、简要叙述 DLVO 理论并写出颗粒体系的总作用势能方程式。 (15 分)
八、从分析均一球形颗粒的碰撞出发,假定碰撞动能来自布朗运动或重力沉降运动,对于快 速凝聚,试写出相同颗粒的碰撞频率 N 及相当于二级反应的凝聚速度表达式。(15 分) 九、写出化学分散剂增强颗粒排斥作用的主要方式。(15 分) 十、实现选择性凝聚的可能途径?(10 分) 写作与翻译 Part One Translation 50% 1. Translate the following into Chinese. (35 points) 1. Everybody called her Xinglin’s wife and no one asked her own name… 2. Sink or swim, live or die, survive or perish, I give my hand and heart to this vote… If it be the pleasure of heaven that my country shall require the poor offering of my life, the victim shall be ready at the appointed hour of sacrifice, come when that hour may. 3. By removing and inserting these rods in an atomic reaction pile, the number of neutrons causing fission reactions is controlled. 4. Care kills a cat.
5. Seven thousand people, connected to Ireland by a narrow bridge, live on the Isle of Achill in the shadow of blue mountains. They think in Irish, and they speak in Irish. When the sun shines they inhabit a paradise of colures. Titian-blue hills, blue skies, seas that rival the blue of Naples; but in bad weather the Atlantic waves scream on every side of them, and the winds from the east go tearing round the mountains like forty thousand devils. 2. Translate the following into English. (40 points) 1.第十一条 合营企业的外籍职工的工资收入和其它正当收入,按中华人民共和国税法缴纳 个人所得税后,可按外汇管理条例汇往国外。 2.夜长梦多,时不我与。盼弟善为抉择,未雨绸缪。 3. 药盘里的药瓶、玻璃杯,发出微微震响的"当当"声,仿拂在替她焦急似的。 4. 子曰∶ "言必信,行必果。" 5. 峨嵋山地区的空气非常潮湿,当夕阳落下去的时候,如果天空有云雾,这些云雾就成了 天然的大银幕。阳光从下向上照射到人身上,人的巨大影子就落到天然的大银幕上了。这就 成了"佛影"。由于形成"宝光佛影"需要合适的自然条件,所以登上舍身崖的人并不是都能看 到这种奇景的。因此,一些信佛的人就编造了种种有关神佛的说法。 Part Two Writing 50% 1. State briefly the differences between Exposition and argumentation.(about 100
words)(25 points) 2. Write an argumentative essay on the topic" Students should be or should not be allowed to go into business".(about 300 words)(50 points)