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2017 年 2 月托福真题回忆及解析 水滴石穿,绳锯木断。备考需要一点点积累才能到达好的效果。无忧考网搜集整理了 2017 年 2 月托福真题回忆及解析,通过做题,能够巩固所学知识并灵活运用,考试时会更得心 应手。2017 年 2 月举行了 3 场考试,考试时间分别为 2 月 18 日、2 月 25 日、2 月 26 日, 以下内容仅供参考。 2 月 18 日托福口语真题回忆: T1 Which of following aspects do you think contributes most to a country's success? (1)many business opportunities:better employment means better economy; better employment means a more stable society and less criminal behaviours; (2)well-rounded medical care system: health is the footstone of a society so a well-rounded medical care system is the basic guarantee of social members; (3)a developed educational system: a sound and scientific educational system greatly contributes to economic development and social harmony in a long run; knowledge is the most important power to change the future; 3. 模板 (1) From my perspective, I prefer to think that... (2) As we all know,… is the mainstay of a country;Besides that... (3)As a result... T2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the popularity of the technology that focuses on entertainment, people read fewer books than before. (1)specifically express your stand. (1)Agree: Public’s attention is occupied with “the technological entertainment” that we could see “The Phonbies” everywhere. People’s much time is spent in playing with their iPhones and iPads that they have no time to read; even if they intend to read, they will be distracted by “the technological entertainment”. (2)Disagree: The technology also contributes to the invention of electronic reader, such as kindle. There are more and more people enjoying the popularity of the technology that focuses on entertainment as well as reading; For people who really love reading, the popularity of the technology that focuses on entertainment could not replace anything. 3、模板: T3 标题: Top chemistry student should receive money 原因 1:encourages students to work harder 原因 2:make use of 100.000 dollar recently donated to the chemistry department 原因 1:目前能够得到证书已经是很好的鼓励了。给了钱也无法比现在更努力
原因 2:可以买一些设备。现在学院的设备比较 old and outdated ,买新设备可以让所 有的学生获益。 (1) The writer has written a proposal that...And the listening material is a conversation between two students to express their opinions about the proposal. (2) In the reading passage, the letter writer says that... (3) In the conversation, the man doesn’t like the proposal; he explained two reasons for that... (4) Firstly, he... Moreover, ... T4 定义:以学生为中心的教育方式,改变过去老师授课学生照着学的方式。增加学生的学习 动力。 例子: 教授的女儿 anna 12 岁的时候去学吉他,一开始老师演示,她学,但是总是分神并 day dreaming ,效果不好,后来老师换成让她回家录制自己喜欢的歌拿来学,anna 学的 很有兴趣,进步很大。 解析模板: (1) In this set of materials, the reading passage introduces the concept of Student Centered Teaching and the listening material is a lecture by a professor on an example about the topic. (2) The reading passage introduces a concept of Student Centered Teaching...It emphasizes... (3) In the lecture, the speaker illustrates an example of his daughter Anna to explain the concept of Student Centered Teaching... T5 问題: 与校长的晚宴不知道穿什么好 解决方案 1:买一套西装 支持方案 1:1.西装在重要场合都用的上,长久看买西装是非常必要的;2.准备考试和买 西装没有太大的时间冲突,可以先在网上选好款式之后直接试穿购买,避免不必要的尝试 而浪费时间。 支持方案 2:1.考试是最重要的,买西装的话可以等时间宽裕再说;2.还是学生,所以只 要打扮得当,哪怕不是非常正式也可以被理解,这不是参加晚宴最重要的。 解析模板: (1)In this talk, the man has got a problem... (2)He will...but...He has two options to solve the problem, that is to…or… T6 要点 1:可以用费洛蒙沟通位置信息 例子 1:寻找食物的蜜蜂可释放费洛蒙,住在蜂巢里的接受并传出自己位置 要点 2 :可以用来交配 (1)In the listening material, the woman/man says... (2)There are two effects of Pheromone. One is... for example,... (3)The second effect that is talked in the listening material is...for
example,… 2 月 18 日托福写作真题回忆: 综合 土星的卫星,Titan,和其他的卫星有相似之处,但是也有一些不寻常无法解释的特征。 1. unusual orbit 普通的卫星运转是 circular 环形的轨道,但是 Titan 卫星运 转时是 elliptical orbit 椭圆轨道。Titan 表层周边有很多 depression and crater 洼 地和坑,正常来讲,一般是由火山活动和碰撞造成的,但是没有证据显示周边有火山,碰 撞的话也应在随机位置。Titan 赤道附近有很多沙丘,沙丘的方向一般是和风向相符的, 但是 Titan 的沙丘斜面朝东,但是一般表层风向确是朝向西的。 Listening: 1. Titan 不是一个单一的卫星,周边的卫星群相互作用,相互影响,就使得它呈现椭圆形 轨道。 2. 洼地和坑不是火山和碰撞造成的,而是强降雨导致的。 3. 沙丘方向和风向确实相符,它上面的沙丘确实斜面朝东,那是因为暴风改变风向把沙吹 往东边的。 The reading raises three unusual features of Titan, which are puzzling. The listening, however, strongly insist that those features are explainable. The first feature mentioned in the reading is its elliptical orbit which is different from the common satellites whose orbit is circular. This phenomena is explained by the listening which reminds us that there are other satellites which move around Titan. The nearby satellites could exert influence on titan, hence leading to the elliptical phenomena. As to the second point, it is believed in the reading that the usual feature of massive depression, which should have been caused by volcanic eruption, but there is no volcano on Titan. The listening pushes forward another theory that instead of being caused by volcanic eruption and collision, the massive depression and crater formed as a result of storm. The reading, therefore, is wrong again. Lastly, the reading is of the view that the sand tunes near the Titan’s equator should be in the same direction with the wind direction but the opposite is true. It is admitted in the listening that the direction of sand tunes is originally in conformity to the wind direction. What’s more,it is true that the top sand tunes point to the east, which is in a reverse direction to the wind. But the truth is that under the influence of the storm, its direction has been changed. As a result, the last phenomena is also explainable. 独立 Topic: Sometimes we are assigned to work in a group on a project. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The group will be helped more by person who will be willing to do what other group members want than by person who often strongly insists that things should be done in a way that is different from what the group wants to do. As the core power of a group, the group members are obliged to spare no efforts
to push forward the project in progress. However, the members of a group encompass people of different characteristics, divergent way of thinking and working styles, as a result of which, someone may unconditionally follow the group's orders, while someone maybe always critical about them. As far as I am concerned, the former is more favorable when considering benefiting the whole group. Primarily and undeniably, a higher working efficiency could be achieved if the group members could comply with the whole group’s rules and targets. During the process of accomplishing a project, team cooperation is of great significance, which could be realized by the wholehearted dedication of all members with their divergence being eliminated. Evidently, team cooperation is in direct proportion to the working efficiency of the group. By contrast, if a group member, when assigned tasks, always goes against the whole group’s progressing direction and working targets, a bunch of time will be wasted. What’s worse, direct conflict may arise, which brings forth great obstacles standing in the way before the project is started. It is due to such a disagreement within the group that exerts side effects on the working efficiency. Apart from working efficiency, another important benefit of choosing a compliant group member is all team members will work with greater impetus. Compared with harmony, disagreement never fail to fuel bias and possibly discrimination, hence creating a negative state of mind. Under such circumstance, almost everyone loses the impetus and motivation to struggle in the group, no matter how ambitious and aggressive they are before. Just imagine, an English association is going to conduct an English speaking contest. Every member of the group is allocated with certain assignment like purchasing required necessities, site layout, selecting the contestants and so on, with the purpose of guaranteeing the smooth progression of the contest. If someone of them refuses to accept the assignment by arguing that things should be arranged in another way, it may turn out to be great hazard to the morale of the group especially when others are in agreement with the plans. Needless to say, morale is to a group what soul is to humankind. I tend to concede that some novel ideas and inspirations may turn out to be new blood for the whole group, but that should not be an excuse for not obeying what the majority of the members insist. Just as an old saying goes: the minority is subject to the majority. Those bearing different considerations should put the collective in the first place. From what has been discussed above, it is safe to draw the conclusion that a member willing to do what other group members want is more favorable for a group, not only for a higher working efficiency but also for a greater impetus. 2 月 18 日托福听力真题回忆: 学生找历史老师问问题,要找一些课上要用的资料,老师建议她去史料馆查询,学生不知 道 ID 密码,老师说会以发邮件的形式告知密码;学生还担心自己的 drawing skill,老师 安慰她说书上有 Greek art and photocopies 可供参考等,解决了学生的疑问。女生去找
电台管理员,提出一些建议,建议播放一些有关 Green frog 和 the growth rate of aquatic plant 水生植物话题的科学栏目,管理员告诉她近期播放节目的情况,并且告诉她要去获 得一些职工的批准。 Lecture 1 教授讲述了蝴蝶的两个生长时期及其特征,年幼时期为 caterpillar,成年时期会产卵 broods,环境特征会影响产卵的地点,而且成年的蝴蝶产卵数量也不同等。 Lecture 2 学科分类: Architecture 标題: Green Architecture 教授采取师生互动的方式,探讨了 Green Architecture 的话题,跟传统的 integrated building 相比,绿色建筑的优点是环保,而且能与周边环境十分和谐,但是需要 cost more money,不是那么经济。 Lecture 3 教授先用自己的例子引入 cognitive 的话题,再举出两个孩子的例子,分别是 candy experiment 和 doll experiment 来证 明孩 子和 成人 认知 的差 异, 其中 讲到 了 false belief,阐述了认知的特征。 Lecture 4 教授围绕三种火山,讲述了表层火山活动因为不同的地理位置特征而发生变化,其中重点 讲了 Southern Washington cascade conductor 还有 geyser 的影响。 2 月 18 日托福阅读真题回忆: Passage One:Agricultural revolution 话题分类:农业类 题目:农业革命 本文共四段。第一段讲了传统是用 scratch plow 耕作,但是并不适用于北欧的坚硬土地。 有几项重要的生产方式革新影响了农业革命的发生。 第 2 段说明了 horseshoe 的发明有助于马能够站的更稳。新的 collar 套在马的肩背上 脖子上也使得马不窒息,更容易使力。 第 3 段说明传统的 scratch plow 只能在松软的土地上工作,发明了 heavy plow 可以使 得在硬地上工作。鉴于以往的田地都是正方形的,但是 heavy plow 很难掉头,所以将田 地改成了欧洲典型的长条田地。而且 heavy plow 需要合作才能推动。 第 4 段说明了轮作方式由一年两次改为了一年三次大大增加了种植的总面积。而且春季的 豆子可以给田地带来更多的养料。 第五段说明了这些农业方式对社会生活的改变。人们比以前更依赖于合作。 词汇题: Passage Two: Printing revolution 话题分类:历史类 題目: 打印革命史 内容回忆: 共四段。第 1 段说明宗教革命与打印机息息相关。Martin luther 的宗教革命期间大量的 新宗教的小册子和宣传海报流传。
第 2 段 打印机革命与 papemaking.有重大关联。以往的打印都在动物的皮毛上,十分昂 贵且不方便。后来才换成纸张。 第 3 段,与 goldsmith 行业的创新有关。打印所需的 heavy metal 要求的技术性很高。 需要转换成 soft metal 的沾染上墨水的活印。除了 press 比较便宜之外,其余都比较贵。 例如一部圣经的价格相当于一座房子了。因此一开始是商人自己找市场,但一开始后,迅 速在欧洲蔓延。当时流行的主要书种是宗教和哲学方面的书。 第 4 段说明打印机变革带来的社会影响。语言上通过重复使得语言标准化。法律更能统一 的推行。教育方式和法律培训方式也受到了改变。 词汇题: Passage Three A evolution of grassland and herbivores 第 1 段讲到草比起其它植物的优势之处是它成功的防御机制。草被切割时,损失的是它生 命生长中最不重要的一部分,而把最 basal 的部分保留了下来。 第 2 段讲到传统观点认为是气候变化造成了了草场的进化。草场生长于在 prairie and savanna 分布的更加广泛,而在 canopy forest 较为少见。后者的生长环境更为湿润。以 前认为气候变化造成草场进化,进而造成食草动物的进化。 第 3 段反对理论指出可能是食草动物的进化造成了草场。比如新西兰某地气候适宜草场发 展,可是是在人类引入了食草动物之后草场才广泛发展的; 第 4 段说有可能是食草动物的进化导致了那些草场的发展,因为其它的植物并不具备足够 的防御机制来满足它们的需求。 词汇题: 1.Herbivores=animals who eats grass 2.Subsequent=followed 3.Observation=finding 4.Vulnerable=unprotected 2 月 25 日托福口语真题回忆: T1 Your friend will move to a school and worried about making new friends there. What kind of advice will you give him to help him make new friend in the new school? Why? Suppose my friend Philip will move to a school and is worried about making new friends there, I would recommend that he should join a book club since he loves reading novels all the time. It will be quite easy to break the ice if Philip and members of the club share some interest in, say, the new Harry Potter book. They can have discussions over a cup of coffee about the highlights in the book and its relevance to the first seven novels. While Philip expresses how thrilled he is when he reads the book, other members of the club can relate to the situation. Naturally,Philip can make some new friends at the new school. T2 Many people prefer to read books in electronic format on a computer screen or other devices. Some other people prefer to read books on paper printed copies. Which way do you prefer? Why? Many people prefer to read books in electronic books on their laptops, tablets or cellphones. However, I prefer to read paper printed copies when
it comes to best-selling novels. You can call me a nerd, but when the new Harry Potter book came out, I was really thrilled to have one more chance to enjoy the adventures in the world of magic. When the first seven books were introduced in my country, paper printed copies were what I saw. It would feel so wrong if I read the eighth book on my tablet or other electronic devices. I just love the feeling of turning the pages with my fingers and the new book is such a page-turner. T3 标题: Research Thesis Presentation 原因 1:学生可以 gather wider range of topics and ideas by reading 原因 2:虽然论文通常很长很复杂,但是他们可以给别人看提纲和重点节选。 听力 态度:反对 原因 1:学校的 websites 有更多的信息可以去获得,帮助学生扩大知识面。 原因 2:论文通常很复杂很长,节选或提纲只能让别人有一个片面的认识,不能看到 the whole picture. Students are supposed to make a presentation on their research theses to gather a wider range of topics and ideas by reading others ‘theses. Although their theses are often long and complicated, students can give outlines and highlights of their theses. The woman/man finds the plan unconvincing. Firstly, the students in this university can have other ways to get information for their theses. They can get more information on the website of the university so that they can know a wider range of topics for academic development. Secondly, the theses are too long and too complicated for students to handle. Outlines and highlights can only give students a partial picture rather than a whole picture of the arguments in the theses. 阅读 标題:Peak-End Rules 定义:与传统的将广告放到电视、报考、杂志上不同,ambient 人们在回忆过 去的经历时通常只会回忆起记忆最深刻和发生在最后的事情。 听力 例子: 教授去旅游前几天天气很不好,只能在室内读书,看电视。后来天气变好了,他们 出海去航行,看到很美妙的风景,看到成群的鲨鱼,特别棒的体验。后来几天就很普通, 在沙滩上看书和放松。旅行结束时参加了一个 party,认识了一个来自同一个地方的人。 当他的同事问他这次旅行,他只提到第二段出海和最后 party 认识一个新朋友的。而没有 提到别的。 The professor uses his personal experience to illustrate the concept of peak-end rules which means that people only remember the most intense part and the ending segment of any event. At the beginning of the vacation the weather was a bit nasty and the professor had to stay in his hotel room, reading books and watching TV. When the weather cleared up, the professor and others sailed on the sea. The scenery wasbreath-taking and the sharks swam in groups, which gave the professor great
experience. In the following days, nothing extraordinary happened. The professor just read books and chilled on the beach. At the end of the vacation, the professor went to a party at which he met a person who came from his hometown. When his coworkers asked him about the vacation, the professor only remembered the sailing trip and the party, the most intense and the ending segment of the experience. T5 问 題 : 作 为 head-editors, 男 生 遇 到 的 问 题 是 有 一 个 news reporter always makes mistakes about the facts。有一次搞错一个教授的教龄和背景,之后还继续犯错。 解决方案 1:give him other assignments, such as comment on movies and campus issues. The male student is a head editor and one of his news reporters always makes mistakes about the facts, such as the working experience and educational background of a professor. I recommend that the student should give the reporter other assignments rather than check his articles for the reporter. The reporter may show great enthusiasm in news reports; however, he will work even harder if the head editor assigns other tasks to him. It is possible that the reporter can learn to be detail-oriented when he finds that basic facts in movies and campus issues are important. Besides, the editor already has a lot on his plate and does not have time to check the possible errors for the reporter. Even if he finds time to do this, the reporter will not have the opportunity to grow as a qualified news reporter. T6 话題:一些在树上生活的灵长类避免从树上掉落的两个 adaptations 要点 1:Grasp and hold to the branches 例子 1:用尾巴缠住树枝,避免掉落。 要点 2 :准确测量树枝与树枝的距离 例子 2:有时候从一个树枝到另一个树枝比较远,需要 swing to other branches 而不能 run,所以需要准确测量距离,以便能够跳跃过去。 Some primates living on trees have two adaptations to avoid falling from the trees. The first adaptation is to grasp and hold onto the branches of the trees on which they live. Some primates use their tails to wrap around the branches so tightly that it is almost impossible for them to fall from the tree if they are careful with their movements on the tree. Another adaptation is to measure in accuracy the distance between branches. When there is a wider distance between the branch the primates are standing and the other branch, it makes more sense if the primates swing rather than run to their destination. Under this circumstance, the primates measure the distance accurately in order to swing to the other branch. These are the adaptations some primates make to avoid falling from trees. 2 月 25 日托福写作真题回忆: 综合 听力:palm oil 生产同时也会有消极的影响,不应该扩大生产。 1. 种植虽然可以成为森林且需要的土地少,但是在以砍伐其他森林为目的的,也是破坏了