
单片机 C8051F120 单端输入AD程序 数码管显示.pdf

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//******************************************************************* ********************// //************************2013-09- 25*****************************************************// //**********************************湖南工业大学 *****************************************// //*******************************************QQ:401167823************ ********************// //**********************功能:单端 AD 电压测量 *********************************************// //******************************************************************* ********************// #include "C8051F120.h" #include #define uint unsigned int #define uchar unsigned char #define SYSCLK 24500000 // Output of PLL derived from (INTCLK*2) #define SAR_CLK 2500000 // Desired SAR #define HIGH ((65536-2450)/256) //24.5 定时 100US #define LOW ((65536-2450)%256) #define t 1 uchar temp_l,temp_h,count; uint mm; double AD; int temp; // Peripheral specific initialization functions, // Called from the Init_Device() function unsigned char code table1[]={0x03,0x9f,0x25,0x0d, 0x99,0x49,0x41,0x1f, 0x01,0x09,0x11,0xc1, 0x63,0x85,0x61,0x71,0xfd };//段选 P0
unsigned char code sel[]={0xfe,0xfd,0xfb,0xf7,0xef,0xdf,0xbf,0x7f};//位选 P2 /******************************************************************** ******* 软件延时 i*1ms 在内部时钟 24.5MHZ ********************************************************************* ******/ void delay(unsigned int n) //i*1MS 延时,在内部时钟 24.5MHZ 时 { unsigned int i,j; for(i = 0; i < n; i++) for (j = 0; j < 3450; j++); // Wait 1ms for initialization } void Reset_Sources_Init() { WDTCN = 0xDE; //禁止看门狗 WDTCN = 0xAD; } /*******************定时器 2 自动重载 ***********************************************/ void Timer_Init() { SFRPAGE = TMR2_PAGE; ET2=1; TMR2CN = 0x04; TMR2CF = 0x08; RCAP2L = LOW; RCAP2H = HIGH;
TMR2L = RCAP2L; TMR2H = RCAP2H; } /**************************************ADC0 初始化 **************************************/ void ADC_Init() { /*SFRPAGE = ADC0_PAGE; ADC0CF = 0x20; ADC0CN = 0x8C;*/ char SFRPAGE_SAVE = SFRPAGE; // Save Current SFR page SFRPAGE = ADC0_PAGE; ADC0CN = 0x0C; // ADC0 disabled; normal tracking // mode; ADC0 conversions are initiated // on overflow of Timer3; ADC0 data is // right-justified REF0CN = 0x03; // Enable temp sensor, on-chip VREF, // and VREF output buffer AMX0CF = 0x00; // AIN inputs are single-ended (default) AMX0SL = 0x01; // Select AIN0.1 pin as ADC mux input ADC0CF = 0x48; // ADC conversion clock = 2.5MHz (SYSCLK/2/SAR_CLK) << 3 ADC0CF |= 0x00; // PGA gain = 1 (default) EIE2 |= 0x02; // enable ADC interrupts
SFRPAGE = SFRPAGE_SAVE; // Restore SFR page } void Port_IO_Init() { SFRPAGE = CONFIG_PAGE; P0MDOUT = 0xFF; P1MDOUT = 0xFF; P2MDOUT = 0xFF; P3MDOUT = 0xFF; P4MDOUT = 0xFF; P5MDOUT = 0xFF; P6MDOUT = 0xFF; P7MDOUT = 0xFF; XBR2 = 0x40; } /******************************************************************** ******************** 内部时钟 24.5M 配置 ********************************************************************* ********************/ void Oscillator_Init() { SFRPAGE = CONFIG_PAGE; OSCICN = 0x83; }
/******************************************************************** ******************** 根据数值大小选择相应的处理函数,显得有些繁琐,但还没有其他算法之前也显得还 可以 ********************************************************************* *******************/ void display(uint temp1) { unsigned char j,k,m; if(temp1>2430) P1=table1[14]; P2=0xf0; { } else { //i=temp1/1000; j=temp1/100; k=temp1%100/10; m=temp1%10; //P1=table1[i]&0xfe; //P2=sel[3]; //delay(t); //P2=0xff; //P1=0xff; P1=table1[j]&0xfe; P2=sel[2];
delay(t); P2=0xff; P1=0xff; P1=table1[k]; P2=sel[1]; delay(t); P2=0xff; P1=0xff; P1=table1[m]; P2=sel[0]; delay(t); P2=0xff; P1=0xff; } } // Initialization function for device, // Call Init_Device() from your main program void Init_Device(void) { Reset_Sources_Init(); Port_IO_Init(); Oscillator_Init(); ADC_Init(); //Voltage_Reference_Init();
Timer_Init(); //Interrupts_Init(); } void main() { Init_Device(); SFRPAGE = ADC0_PAGE; //AD0EN = 0; // Enable ADC //delay(t); AD0EN = 1; // Enable ADC EA = 1; // Enable global interrupts while(1) { } display(temp); } //这个入口地址千万别搞错 //溢出位一定要清零! void timer2() interrupt 5 TF2=0; { } void ADC0_ISR (void) interrupt 15 { AD0INT=0; //清 A/D 中断标志 EA=0; temp_l=ADC0L; temp_h=ADC0H&0x0f; mm=temp_h*256+temp_l;
AD+=mm; count++; if(count==20) { count=0; mm=0; AD=AD/20.000; AD=AD*2.43/4096.00; temp=(int)(AD*100); AD=0; } EA=1; }