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Date of this version: October 2002 1-D FDTD code with PML Program author: Mats Gustafsson Department of Lund Institute of Sweden % %************************************** ********************************* % % % Electroscience % Technology % % % % % % Erans % PML PEC % +-----+---+------+--------------------- +-----+------+--> % z=Lz % Ntrans r=Nz+1 % %************************************** ********************************* % Physical constants mu0 = 4e-7 * pi; of vacuum z=0 r=1 Nref Nin Eref Ein PEC PML objects % Permeability
= 299792458; % % % Speed of % % Wave c0 light in vacuum eps0 = 1/c0^2/mu0; Permittivity of vacuum eta0 = sqrt(mu0/eps0); impedance in vacuum GHz = 10^9; mm = 10^(-3); %************************************** ********************************* % Parameter initiation %************************************** ********************************* % Length in meters Lz = 1; % Time Tmax = 4*Lz/c0; interval [0,Tmax] Dz = 1*mm; % spatial grid size R = 1/sqrt(3); number, grid cells per time step freq = 5*GHz; frequency of source excitation fmax = 9*GHz; frequency to plot fmin = 1*GHz; Nz = round(Lz/Dz); Number of cells in the z-direction n_pict = round(Nz/20); plot each n_pict step % stabillity % center % Max
% linewidth % Time step % Number of linew = 2; in plot Dt = Dz*R/c0; Nt = round(Tmax/Dt); time steps Nfft = max(2^(round(log2(Nt)+1)),2*1024); Number of points for the fft z = linspace(0,Lz,Nz+1); z-coordinates t = Dt*[0:Nt-1]'; % time lambda = c0/freq; % center wavelength of source excitation ppw = lambda/Dz % sample points per wave length at the center frequency omega = 2.0*pi*freq; frequency % % % angular % scattered % near to far % Number of Nabc = 1*10; PML layers to the left and to the right Nin = 4; field surface Nref = 2; field surface Ntrans = Nz-2; Labc = Nabc*Dz; % PML length %************************************** ********************************* % Material parameters
%************************************** ********************************* Nmedia=3; material media_par = [1.0 0.0; permitivity and conductivity 3.4 1*10^(-12); % 3.0 0]; % Number of % vacuum: % Number of % object objects = 0; objects obj_z = Dz/2+[0.500 0.504; 1 between z1 and z2 0.624 0.628; 0.24 0.26]; % Material of % Color of object obj_m = [2 2 1]; objects obj_c = 'rrb'; epsr = ones(Nz-1,1); sig = zeros(Nz-1,1); obj_ind = []; obj_ind(:,1) = ceil(obj_z(:,1)/Dz); obj_ind(:,2) = floor(obj_z(:,2)/Dz); obj_frac(:,1) = obj_ind(:,1)-obj_z(:,1)/Dz; obj_frac(:,2) = -obj_ind(:,2)+obj_z(:,2)/Dz; %break %epsr(64:73) = 3; for n=1:objects
epsr(obj_ind(n,1):obj_ind(n,2)) = %epsr(obj_ind(n,1)) = obj_frac(n,1) * %epsr(obj_ind(n,2)+1) = obj_frac(n,2) sig(obj_ind(n,1):obj_ind(n,2)) = %sig(obj_ind(n,1)) = obj_frac(n,1) * %sig(obj_ind(n,2)+1) = obj_frac(n,2) * media_par(obj_m(n),1); (media_par(obj_m(n),1)-1)+1; * (media_par(obj_m(n),1)-1)+1; media_par(obj_m(n),2); media_par(obj_m(n),2); media_par(obj_m(n),2); end %************************************** ********************************* % Allocate field vectors %************************************** ********************************* Ex = zeros(Nz+1 ,1); Hy = zeros(Nz,1); Eref = zeros(Nt,1); Etrans = zeros(Nt,1); % Absorbing boundary conditions E1abc = zeros(Nabc+1,1); E2abc = zeros(Nabc+1,1); H1abc = zeros(Nabc,1); H2abc = zeros(Nabc,1); zpmlH = linspace(0,Labc,Nabc)'/Labc; % left % right
zpmlE = linspace(Dz/2,Labc-Dz/2,Nabc-1)'/Labc; %sigmaH2 = linspace(1,Nabc,Nabc)'/Nabc; abc_pow = 3; sigma_max = -(abc_pow+1)*log(10^(-4))/(2*eta0*Labc) ; sigmaH2 = sigma_max*zpmlH.^abc_pow*mu0/eps0; sigmaE2 = sigma_max*zpmlE.^abc_pow; sigmaE1 = sigmaE2((Nabc-1):-1:1); sigmaH1 = sigmaH2(Nabc:-1:1); figure(4) plot(sigmaH2) %break %************************************** ********************************* % %************************************** ********************************* Hdelay = Dt/2-Dz/2/c0; % Incident puls from the left tau = 80.0e-12; delay = 2.1*tau; Ein = sin(omega*(t-delay)).*exp(-((t-delay).^ 2/tau^2)); Hin = 1/eta0*sin(omega*(t-delay+Hdelay)).*exp Wave excitation
(-((t-delay+Hdelay).^2/tau^2)); % Incident time harmonic wave from the left %Ein = sin(omega*(t)); %Hin = 1/eta0*sin(omega*(t+Hdelay)); Einmax = max(abs(Ein)); %************************************** ********************************* % Time stepping %************************************** ********************************* for n = 1:Nt; % Update H from -Dt/2 to Dt/2 Hy = Hy - (Dt/mu0/Dz) * diff(Ex,1); % main grid Hy(Nin) = Hy(Nin) - (Dt/mu0/Dz) * Ein(n); H1abc = (H1abc.*(mu0/Dt-sigmaH1/2) - diff(E1abc)/Dz) ./ (mu0/Dt+sigmaH1/2); % ABC to the left diff(E2abc)/Dz) ./ (mu0/Dt+sigmaH2/2); % ABC to the right H2abc = (H2abc.*(mu0/Dt-sigmaH2/2) - % Update E from 0 to Dt Ex(2:Nz) = (Ex(2:Nz).*(eps0*epsr/Dt-sig/2) - diff(Hy,1)/Dz)./(eps0*epsr/Dt+sig/2); % main grid except boundary
Ex(Nin) = Ex(Nin) - Hin(n)/(Dz*eps0/Dt); Ex(1) = Ex(1) - (Dt /eps0) * E1abc(Nabc+1) = (Hy(1)-H1abc(Nabc))/Dz; boundary between left ABC and main grid Ex(1); % add one point to simplify the scheme (E1abc(2:Nabc).*(eps0/Dt-sigmaE1/2) - diff(H1abc,1)/Dz) ./ (eps0/Dt+sigmaE1/2); E1abc(2:Nabc) = % Ex(Nz+1) = Ex(Nz+1) - (Dt /eps0) * (H2abc(1)-Hy(Nz))/Dz; E2abc(1) = Ex(Nz+1); E2abc(2:Nabc) = (E2abc(2:Nabc).*(eps0/Dt-sigmaE2/2) - diff(H2abc,1)/Dz) ./ (eps0/Dt+sigmaE2/2); % Sample the electric field at chosen if mod(n,n_pict) == 0 points ',num2str(n*Dt*10^9),'ns']) figure(1); subplot(2,1,1); plot(z,Ex,'LineWidth',1); title(['time is axis tight; ax=axis; axis([ax(1:2) -1.2*Einmax 1.2*Einmax]); ax=axis;