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《面向对象的程序设计》大作业报告 班级:计科 1204 学号:1030412426 姓名 孙彦苹 成绩 (注:按章组织题目) 题目 2.1 内容:输入一个十进制数(正负均可),输出它的二进制形式。 设计思路:分正数,负数;运用位运算;数组。 程序代码: #include using namespace std; void Create(int b[],short s){ int i; for(i=0;i<16;i++){ b[i]=s&0x01; s=s>>1; } } void Display(int b[]){ int i; for(i=15;i>=0;i--) cout<>s; if(s>=0){ Create(b,s); cout<<"数的二进制形式:"; Display(b); } else{ s=(s-0x01)^0x7fff; Create(b,s); cout<<"数的二进制形式:"; Display(b);
} } 运行结果: 结论:1 位运算的使用:实现二进制位末置 1,各位取反。 2 数组倒序输出。 题目 2.2 内容:设计一个计算器菜单界面。 设计思路:1 计算器界面:+-*/ 2 实现循环:选择操作类型+-*/ 程序代码: #include using namespace std; void main(){ double n,i; char ch; cout<<"Enter a figure:"; cin>>n; cout<<"Menu:A(dd) M(inus) P(lus) D(ivid) Q(uit)"<>ch; while(ch!='Q'){ cout<<"Enter another figure:";
cin>>i; if(ch=='A') n+=i; if(ch=='M') n-=i; if(ch=='P') n*=i; if(ch=='D') n/=i; cout<<"Result= "<>ch; } } 运行结果: 结论:循环的控制条件;界面的美化。 题目 3.13 内容:用递归编写函数求 fibonacci 级数,公式为 f(n)=f(n-1)+f(n-2)(n>2),f(1)=f(2)=1 设计思路:1 递归函数 2 函数的调用 程序代码: #include using namespace std; int Fibonacci(int n){ if(n==1||n==2) return 1;
else return Fibonacci(n-1)+Fibonacci(n-2); } void main(){ int n; cout<<"请输入要操作的数:"; cin>>n; cout< #define Maxsize 10 using namespace std; template T Max(T b[],int n){ int i;
T temp; for(i=0;ib[i+1]){ temp=b[i]; b[i]=b[i+1]; b[i+1]=temp; } return b[n-1]; } void main(){ double a[Maxsize]; int b[Maxsize]; char c[Maxsize]; int n,i; cout<<"please enter the number of figures 整型数:"<>n; cout<<"please enter the figures:"<>b[i]; cout<<"The max of the figures:"<>n; cout<<"please enter the figures:"<>a[i]; cout<<"The max of the figures:"<>n; cout<<"please enter the figures:"<>c[i]; cout<<"The max of the figures:"< #define Maxsize 10 using namespace std; int Max(int b[],int n){ int i; int temp; for(i=0;ib[i+1]){ temp=b[i];
b[i]=b[i+1]; b[i+1]=temp; } return b[n-1]; } double Max(double b[],int n){ int i; double temp; for(i=0;ib[i+1]){ temp=b[i]; b[i]=b[i+1]; b[i+1]=temp; } return b[n-1]; } char Max(char b[],int n){ int i; char temp; for(i=0;ib[i+1]){ temp=b[i]; b[i]=b[i+1]; b[i+1]=temp; } return b[n-1]; } void main(){ double a[Maxsize]; int b[Maxsize]; char c[Maxsize]; int n,i; cout<<"please enter the number of figures 整型数:"<>n; cout<<"please enter the figures:"<>b[i]; cout<<"The max of the figures:"<>n; cout<<"please enter the figures:"<>a[i];
cout<<"The max of the figures:"<>n; cout<<"please enter the figures:"<>c[i]; cout<<"The max of the figures:"< #include class Point{ public:
Point(int a=0,int b=0){ x=a; y=b; } Point(Point &p); int getx(){return x;} int gety(){return y;} private: int x,y; }; Point::Point(Point &p){ x=p.x; y=p.y; } class Rectangle{ public: Rectangle(Point x1,Point x2); Rectangle(Rectangle &r); void show_l_w(){ cout<<"the length:"<>n>>m; Point b(n,m);