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2002 年上海海事大学英汉互译考研真题 Put the following passage into Chinese(本题满分 50 分) The Distribution of Plants and Animals The distribution of some plants and animals is controlled by men.Men have always tried to suppress weeds and to prevent their propagation, and to eliminate harmful animals. Indeed, large wild animals are confined to small areas nowadays; before the invention of firearms, the extent of their distribution was much larger. And men have always tried to extend the area which formed the original environment of useful plants and animals. For instance, the potato, originally a plant of Peru, has been distributed over most of the world during the past 400 years. In a limited area and without interference, a population of plants or animals becomes stable; that is, it has the same number of members in one generation as it had in the previous generation This is because a balance is reached between the amount of food which is available there to be eaten and the number of individuals who are there to utilize this food. If the food supply changes so that there is not enough food to sustain that number, then some individuals die, or because of the deficiency of food, do not reproduce,so that soon there is a smaller population to live from the smaller amount of food. If the supply becomes greater, then the individuals become healthier and have more numerous offspring who consume the extra food.In this way, there is a regulation of the population; the density of population, the number of individuals on a square kilometer of land, increases or remains constant or decreases as the food supply is an abundant supply, an adequate supply, or a deficient supply. In actual conditions, an animal or plant population is rarely free from interference; each hasenemies and friends. Animals and plants try to spread their offspring as far as they can; that is,they find means to effect the maximum amount of dispersal of their young or their seeds, but as all animals and plants are trying to do the same thing at the same time, there are various systems of competition and also various
kinds of association between individual plants and between different kinds. An animal with a hairy coat may assist a plant in the dispersal of its seed; many seeds have hooks for attaching themselves to animals. Some plants have their seeds in berries,which animalslike. When an animal eats a berry, the soft part of the fruit is digested, but the hard seed is eliminated—perhaps several miles from the parent plant. Plants have developed many special devices to ensure the dispersal of the plant population. We have seen how animals are used as a means of transport. A coconut is buoyant and can survive for a long time in salt water. So a coconut palm situated near a beach may have offspring in lands very remote from their place of origin. _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Put the following passage into English∶(本题满分 50 分) 克孜峰火台 新疆库车①县乃古龟兹②国敢地)在县城西北,有一座十二米高的土建筑物, 当地人叫它克孜烽火台③。它像一尊古塔,,沐浴在如血的残阳夕照下,默默地守 着它鲜为人知的秘密。 传说古龟兹国有一位美丽的公主,很得父王宠爱。她很小的时候,国王请一个巫师给她算命。 巫师预言道;公主将在 16 岁时被毒蝎子④蛰死!国王听了大为震惊。为了保护心爱的女儿, 他命人建造了一座高大的土塔,让女儿居住在里面。有一天,邻国国王给龟兹国王送来很多 新鲜水果,国王特意挑选了几只又大又红的苹果给公主送去。结果,红苹果里钻出一只毒蝎 子,蛰死了公主。
国王悲痛欲绝,连日哀号。后来,人们就称那座土塔为"克西喀拉罕"◎,意为"姑娘居住的 地方"。这就是克孜烽火台的由来。 ①库车∶Kuqa ②龟兹∶Qiuci(③克孜烽火台∶ the Kezi Beacon Tower ④蝎子∶scorpion⑤克西喀拉罕∶Kexikalahan _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________