
matlab esn工具箱.doc

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% A sample script for generating % training and testing an ESN on a NARMA time series prediction task. clear all; training and testing data; %%%% generate the training data sequenceLength = 1000; disp('Generating data ............'); disp(sprintf('Sequence Length %g', sequenceLength )); systemOrder = 3 ; % set the order of the NARMA equation [inputSequence outputSequence] = generate_NARMA_sequence(sequenceLength , systemOrder) ; %%%% split the data into train and test train_fraction = 0.5 ; % use 50% in training and 50% in testing [trainInputSequence, testInputSequence] = ... split_train_test(inputSequence,train_fraction); [trainOutputSequence,testOutputSequence] = ... split_train_test(outputSequence,train_fraction); %%%% generate an esn nInputUnits = 2; nInternalUnits = 30; nOutputUnits = 1; % esn = generate_esn(nInputUnits, nInternalUnits, nOutputUnits, ... 'spectralRadius',0.5,'inputScaling',[0.1;0.1],'inputShift',[0;0], ... 'teacherScaling',[0.3],'teacherShift',[-0.2],'feedbackScaling', 0, ... 'type', 'plain_esn'); %%% VARIANTS YOU MAY WISH TO TRY OUT % (Comment out the above "esn = ...", comment in one of the variants % below) % % Use a leaky integrator ESN % esn = generate_esn(nInputUnits, nInternalUnits, nOutputUnits, ... % % % % % % Use a time-warping invariant ESN (makes little sense here, just for 'spectralRadius',0.5,'inputScaling',[0.1;0.1],'inputShift',[0;0], ... 'teacherScaling',[0.3],'teacherShift',[-0.2],'feedbackScaling', 0, ... 'type', 'leaky_esn');
% % demo's sake) % esn = generate_esn(nInputUnits, nInternalUnits, nOutputUnits, ... % % % 'spectralRadius',0.5,'inputScaling',[0.1;0.1],'inputShift',[0;0], ... 'teacherScaling',[0.3],'teacherShift',[-0.2],'feedbackScaling', 0, ... 'type', 'twi_esn'); % % Do online RLS learning instead of batch learning. % esn = generate_esn(nInputUnits, nInternalUnits, nOutputUnits, ... % % % % 'spectralRadius',0.4,'inputScaling',[0.1;0.5],'inputShift',[0;1], ... 'teacherScaling',[0.3],'teacherShift',[-0.2],'feedbackScaling',0, ... 'learningMode', 'online' , 'RLS_lambda',0.9999995 , 'RLS_delta',0.000001, ... 'noiseLevel' , 0.00000000) ; esn.internalWeights = esn.spectralRadius * esn.internalWeights_UnitSR; %%%% train the ESN nForgetPoints = 100 ; % discard the first 100 points [trainedEsn stateMatrix] = ... train_esn(trainInputSequence, trainOutputSequence, esn, nForgetPoints) ; %%%% save the trained ESN % save_esn(trainedEsn, 'esn_narma_demo_1'); %%%% plot the internal states of 4 units nPoints = 200 ; plot_states(stateMatrix,[1 2 3 4], nPoints, 1, 'traces of first 4 reservoir units') ; % compute the output of the trained ESN on the training and testing data, % discarding the first nForgetPoints of each nForgetPoints = 100 ; predictedTrainOutput = test_esn(trainInputSequence, trainedEsn, nForgetPoints); predictedTestOutput = test_esn(testInputSequence, trainedEsn, nForgetPoints) ; % create input-output plots nPlotPoints = 100 ; plot_sequence(trainOutputSequence(nForgetPoints+1:end,:), predictedTrainOutput, nPlotPoints,... 'training: teacher sequence (red) vs predicted sequence (blue)'); plot_sequence(testOutputSequence(nForgetPoints+1:end,:), predictedTestOutput, nPlotPoints, ... 'testing: teacher sequence (red) vs predicted sequence (blue)') ; %%%%compute NRMSE training error trainError = compute_NRMSE(predictedTrainOutput, trainOutputSequence); disp(sprintf('train NRMSE = %s', num2str(trainError)))
%%%%compute NRMSE testing error testError = compute_NRMSE(predictedTestOutput, testOutputSequence); disp(sprintf('test NRMSE = %s', num2str(testError))) function [inputSequence, outputSequence] = generate_NARMA_sequence(sequenceLength, memoryLength) %%%% create input inputSequence = [ones(sequenceLength,1) rand(sequenceLength,1)]; % use the input sequence to drive a NARMA equation outputSequence = 0.1*ones(sequenceLength,1); for i = memoryLength + 1 : sequenceLength % insert suitable NARMA equation on r.h.s., this is just an ad hoc % example outputSequence(i,1) = 0.7 * inputSequence(i-memoryLength,2) + 0.1 ... + (1 - outputSequence(i-1,1)) * outputSequence(i-1,1); end function [train,test] = split_train_test(sample, trainPercentage) nSamplePoints = size(sample, 1) ; nTrainPoints = floor(nSamplePoints * trainPercentage) ; train = sample(1:nTrainPoints,:) ; test = sample(nTrainPoints+1:end,:) ; function esn = generate_esn(nInputUnits, nInternalUnits, nOutputUnits, varargin) %%%% set the number of units esn.nInternalUnits = nInternalUnits; esn.nInputUnits = nInputUnits; esn.nOutputUnits = nOutputUnits; connectivity = min([10/nInternalUnits 1]); nTotalUnits = nInternalUnits + nInputUnits + nOutputUnits; esn.internalWeights_UnitSR = generate_internal_weights(nInternalUnits, ... connectivity); esn.nTotalUnits = nTotalUnits; % input weight matrix has weight vectors per input unit in colums esn.inputWeights = 2.0 * rand(nInternalUnits, nInputUnits)- 1.0; % output weight matrix has weights for output units in rows % includes weights for input-to-output connections
esn.outputWeights = zeros(nOutputUnits, nInternalUnits + nInputUnits); %output feedback weight matrix has weights in columns esn.feedbackWeights = (2.0 * rand(nInternalUnits, nOutputUnits)- 1.0); %init default parameters if nInputUnits > 0 esn.inputScaling = ones(nInputUnits, 1); esn.inputShift = zeros(nInputUnits, 1); else esn.inputScaling = []; esn.inputShift = []; end if nOutputUnits > 0 esn.teacherScaling = ones(nOutputUnits, 1); esn.teacherShift = zeros(nOutputUnits, 1); else esn.teacherScaling = []; esn.teacherShift = []; end esn.noiseLevel = 0.0 ; esn.reservoirActivationFunction = 'tanh'; esn.outputActivationFunction = 'identity' ; % options: identity or tanh or sigmoid01 esn.methodWeightCompute = 'pseudoinverse' ; % options: pseudoinverse and wiener_hopf esn.inverseOutputActivationFunction = 'identity' ; % options: % identity or % atanh or sigmoid01_inv esn.spectralRadius = 1 ; esn.feedbackScaling = zeros(nOutputUnits, 1); esn.trained = 0 ; esn.type = 'plain_esn' ; esn.timeConstants = ones(esn.nInternalUnits,1); esn.leakage = 0.5; esn.learningMode = 'offline_singleTimeSeries' ; esn.RLS_lambda = 1 ; args = varargin; nargs= length(args); for i=1:2:nargs switch args{i}, case 'inputScaling', esn.inputScaling = args{i+1} ; case 'inputShift', esn.inputShift= args{i+1} ; case 'teacherScaling', esn.teacherScaling = args{i+1} ; case 'teacherShift', esn.teacherShift = args{i+1} ; case 'noiseLevel', esn.noiseLevel = args{i+1} ; case 'learningMode', esn.learningMode = args{i+1} ; case 'reservoirActivationFunction',esn.reservoirActivationFunction=args{i+1}; case 'outputActivationFunction',esn.outputActivationFunction= ...
args{i+1}; case 'inverseOutputActivationFunction', esn.inverseOutputActivationFunction=args{i+1}; case 'methodWeightCompute', esn.methodWeightCompute = args{i+1} ; case 'spectralRadius', esn.spectralRadius = args{i+1} ; case 'feedbackScaling', case 'type' , esn.type = args{i+1} ; case 'timeConstants' , esn.timeConstants = args{i+1} ; case 'leakage' , esn.leakage = args{i+1} ; case 'RLS_lambda' , esn.RLS_lambda = args{i+1}; case 'RLS_delta' , esn.RLS_delta = args{i+1}; esn.feedbackScaling = args{i+1} ; otherwise error('the option does not exist'); end end %%%% error checking % check that inputScaling has correct format if size(esn.inputScaling,1) ~= esn.nInputUnits error('the size of the inputScaling does not match the number of input units'); end if size(esn.inputShift,1) ~= esn.nInputUnits error('the size of the inputScaling does not match the number of input units'); end if size(esn.teacherScaling,1) ~= esn.nOutputUnits error('the size of the teacherScaling does not match the number of output units'); end if size(esn.teacherShift,1) ~= esn.nOutputUnits error('the size of the teacherShift does not match the number of output units'); end if length(esn.timeConstants) ~= esn.nInternalUnits error('timeConstants must be given as column vector of length esn.nInternalUnits'); end if ~strcmp(esn.learningMode,'offline_singleTimeSeries') &&... ~strcmp(esn.learningMode,'offline_multipleTimeSeries') && ... ~strcmp(esn.learningMode,'online') error('learningMode should be either "offline_singleTimeSeries", "offline_multipleTimeSeries" or "online" ') ; end if ~((strcmp(esn.outputActivationFunction,'identity') && ... strcmp(esn.inverseOutputActivationFunction,'identity')) || ... (strcmp(esn.outputActivationFunction,'tanh') && ... strcmp(esn.inverseOutputActivationFunction,'atanh')) || ... (strcmp(esn.outputActivationFunction,'sigmoid01') && ... strcmp(esn.inverseOutputActivationFunction,'sigmoid01_inv'))) ... error('outputActivationFunction and inverseOutputActivationFunction do not match');
end function internalWeights = generate_internal_weights(nInternalUnits, ... connectivity) uccess = 0 ; while success == 0 % following block might fail, thus we repeat until we obtain a valid % internalWeights matrix try, internalWeights = sprand(nInternalUnits, nInternalUnits, connectivity); internalWeights(internalWeights ~= 0) = internalWeights(internalWeights ~= 0) maxVal = max(abs(myeigs(internalWeights,1)));%一个最大特征值取绝对值 internalWeights = internalWeights/maxVal; success = 1 ; - 0.5; catch, success = 0 ; end end function [trained_esn, stateCollection] = ... train_esn(trainInput, trainOutput , esn, nForgetPoints) trained_esn = esn; switch trained_esn.learningMode case 'offline_singleTimeSeries' % trainInput and trainOutput each represent a single time series in % an array of size sequenceLength x sequenceDimension if strcmp(trained_esn.type, 'twi_esn') if size(trainInput,2) > 1 trained_esn.avDist = ... mean(sqrt(sum(((trainInput(2:end,:) - trainInput(1:end - 1,:))').^2))); trained_esn.avDist = mean(abs(trainInput(2:end,:) - trainInput(1:end - 1,:))); else end end stateCollection = compute_statematrix(trainInput, trainOutput, trained_esn, nForgetPoints) ; teacherCollection = compute_teacher(trainOutput, trained_esn, nForgetPoints) ; trained_esn.outputWeights feval(trained_esn.methodWeightCompute, = stateCollection, teacherCollection) ; case 'offline_multipleTimeSeries' % trainInput and trainOutput each represent a collection of K time % series, given in cell arrays of size K x 1, where each cell is an % array of size individualSequenceLength x sequenceDimension % compute total size of sample points to be used sampleSize = 0;
nTimeSeries = size(trainInput, 1); for i = 1:nTimeSeries sampleSize = sampleSize + size(trainInput{i,1},1) - max([0, nForgetPoints]); end % collect input+reservoir states into stateCollection stateCollection = zeros(sampleSize, trained_esn.nInputUnits + trained_esn.nInternalUnits); collectIndex = 1; for i = 1:nTimeSeries if strcmp(trained_esn.type, 'twi_esn') if size(trainInput{i,1},2) > 1 trained_esn.avDist = ... mean(sqrt(sum(((trainInput{i,1}(2:end,:) - trainInput{i,1}(1:end - 1,:))').^2))); trained_esn.avDist = mean(abs(trainInput{i,1}(2:end,:) - trainInput{i,1}(1:end - 1,:))); else end end stateCollection_i = ... compute_statematrix(trainInput{i,1}, trainOutput{i,1}, trained_esn, nForgetPoints); l = size(stateCollection_i, 1); stateCollection(collectIndex:collectIndex+l-1, :) = stateCollection_i; collectIndex = collectIndex + l; end % collect teacher signals (including applying the inverse output % activation function) into teacherCollection teacherCollection = zeros(sampleSize, trained_esn.nOutputUnits); collectIndex = 1; for i = 1:nTimeSeries teacherCollection_i = ... compute_teacher(trainOutput{i,1}, trained_esn, nForgetPoints); l = size(teacherCollection_i, 1); teacherCollection(collectIndex:collectIndex+l-1, :) = teacherCollection_i; collectIndex = collectIndex + l; end % compute output weights trained_esn.outputWeights = ... feval(trained_esn.methodWeightCompute, stateCollection, teacherCollection) ; case 'online' nSampleInput = length(trainInput); stateCollection = zeros(nSampleInput, trained_esn.nInternalUnits + trained_esn.nInputUnits);
SInverse = 1 / trained_esn.RLS_delta * eye(trained_esn.nInternalUnits + trained_esn.nInputUnits) ; totalstate = zeros(trained_esn.nTotalUnits,1); internalState = zeros(trained_esn.nInternalUnits,1) ; error = zeros(nSampleInput , 1) ; weights = zeros(nSampleInput , 1) ; for iInput = 1 : nSampleInput if trained_esn.nInputUnits > 0 in = [diag(trained_esn.inputScaling) * trainInput(iInput,:)' + esn.inputShift]; % in is column vector else in = []; end %write input into totalstate if esn.nInputUnits > 0 totalstate(esn.nInternalUnits+1:esn.nInternalUnits+esn.nInputUnits) = in; end % update totalstate except at input positions % the internal state is computed based on the type of the network switch esn.type case 'plain_esn' typeSpecificArg = []; case 'leaky_esn' typeSpecificArg = []; case 'twi_esn' if esn.nInputUnits == 0 error('twi_esn cannot be used without input to ESN'); end typeSpecificArg = esn.avDist; end internalState = feval(trained_esn.type , totalstate, trained_esn, typeSpecificArg ) ; netOut = feval(trained_esn.outputActivationFunction,trained_esn.outputWeights*[internalState;in]); totalstate = [internalState;in;netOut]; state = [internalState;in] ; stateCollection(iInput, :) = state'; phi = state' * SInverse ; % % k = phi'/(trained_esn.RLS_lambda + phi * state ); e = trained_esn.teacherScaling * trainOutput(iInput,1) + trained_esn.teacherShift - netOut(1) ; % collect the error that will be plotted error(iInput , 1 ) = e*e ; % update the weights u = SInverse * state ; k = 1 / (lambda + state'*u)*u ;