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2021 年中国银行校园招聘笔试试题参考答案 第一部分 英语 1. We know if we stick to it , we can work 2. The decline in Germany ‘s last quarter, if calculated on amount to 3. The U.s will continue to work with its international partners towards the achievement of a peaceful assistanceof the Syrian conflict 4. Following the rather unprecedented challenges posed by volatile weather,the corona-virus crisis and labour issues, supplies of British could be tight 5. In recent years, robots have sometimes been added to underwater cleaning crews, and have proved inevitable 6. Caregiver stress is a well-known phenomenon and good one to avoid it can lead to higher rates of anxiety and depression, and fuel a sense of adventure 7. Norway's decision to establish its contact tracing app came after the country's data protection watchdog objected to the 8. Even though life is starting to get back to normal, she's still at home a lot more than she used to be. 9. Chinese factories put together most of the world's smart phones and consumer electronics. They produce a growing share of 10. Her first call f the day is to a woman poised at the door to her apartment, debating how to take that quick walk to get groceries. 11. Due to the health emergency,demand is currently shrinking.This is causing an increased affordability 12. since the emergence of the welfare state,adults who want to work have generally found themselves in one of two positions: earning a wage or receiving insurance benefits 13. The US is slowly dragging out of the sharpest economic contraction in modern history, as parts of the county still report record spikes in corona-virus 14. The U.S.Postal Service has had financial problems for years.it lost $9 bilion
last year.Its not supported by tax dollars its funded by postage 15. The United States has become hard and fast the most important driver of Vietnam's export engine, accounting for two-thirds of Vietnam's total 16. Widely although African Americans have increased the level of education they receive. 17. Researchers at Pennsylvanian State University are intent on creating a robotic system that will artificiallypollinate fruit tree flowers due to threats 18. Once we realized it was a cluster epidemic we worked really hard to isolate people that were infected and quarantine the rest of the people 19. Never before in Germany's postwar history has the country's economy slumped as sharply as in the second quarter of this year. 20. The new research is a first step toward figuring out why air quality disparities persist in the U.S. and how changes to pollution regulation could eliminate those inequities. 21. Schools and higher education institutions across the country are grappling with how 22. A new study suggests that increased warming in Arctic areas could release 23.India has downplayed the impact of U.S. plans to end New Delhi's preferential trade status that allows duty free access to products worth of 24.Even as millions of Americans have lost their jobs in the past few weeks, nonprofits are seeing a huge wave of interest in giving out 25.The federal government has issued guidelines to give a 50% subsidy in a fixed time frame for storing and transporting fruit and vegetable 26.Life is a contact sport with risk everywhere you look. Any risk associated with dog-walking is faroverwhelmed by the risk of doing nothing. 27.Students with attention disparity or communication difficulties may not be able to focus on computer screens for significant amounts of time. 28.Four Big Tech CEOs spent Wednesday being girlled—virually— by House lawmakers,creating a first-ever spectacle that was by turns revealing 29.Retail sales jumped 7.5% in June,giving stores and restaurants a boost
30.Many housing experts warn that the end of the extra $600 a week in federal unemployment money is likely to spark a wave of delinquencies that 31.what can we learn (Lead exposure among children has long been researched) 32. Which of the following is NOT the consequence of ( Aggression) 33.what does Joseph Graziano say about lead exposure?(it limits children's creative and economic potential.) 34. How many children in the world have been exposed to dangerous(About a third of the world's children.) 35.lead exposure under the age of (5 ) 36.What is the deep reason for people who find themselves with (They need to find better productivity tools or a different lifestyle.) 37.what's the conflict for people who are differentiated but not(They aren't living a life that's true to what they know deep down. ) 38.What is the purpose of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi interviewing 91 of (He wanted to find out what they had in common.) 39.What's the most important way to cultivate awareness?(To see your emotional experience clearly and objectively.) 40.which of the following is not the reason why many people are integrated but not differentiated?(They haven't really done the work to expose themselves to the complexities surrounding them) 41.From the passage,we know that sea life (tropical areas) 42.What is Michael Jocox's attitude towards the displacement of sea(objective.) 43.What is found by the new study?(Heatwaves can force sea life to flee great distances.) 44.The underlined "thermal displacement” (para.2)means(the movement of sea life to cooler water) 45.What does Michael Alexander think of the study?(It is helpful.) 46.Which of the following has recovered from sharp declines?(Petroleum use.) 47.which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?(Coal use fell about 14 percent in April compared to the same)
48.Which of the following has remained near record low?(Oil exploration) 49.From the passage, we know that it is more difficult for(coal companies) 50.According to the passage the usage of in the United States continues to increase.(gasoline) 51.The author's attitude towards getting answer of fundamental(optimistic) 52.What should we do when looking at the universe with the(Try to serve as one of its leading actors.) 53.What is the author's occupation?(astronomer) 54.Which could be the most influential factor in broaden our vision?(Search a much larger volume though "space archaeology".) 55.which statement below is incorrect?(Colleagues of the author's at Harvard produced synthetic life in the laboratory and will export it on a spacecraft. ) 第二部分 EPI 数字运算 1、甲每小时工作 120 个,速度是乙的 6 倍,……甲乙产量差为(240) 2、12 只水桶,每只桶倒出 10 公斤装入甲桶,……每只桶装水(120) 3、100 个零件合格和不合格各占一半,25%是 A,75%是 B,A 中合格有 10 个,则 B 不合 格有(35 个) 4、甲乙效率和等于丙丁效率和,甲比乙多写 240,丙比丁少写 160,则乙与丙的字数相 比(少 40 个) 5、全价机票是(300)元 6、一辆车完全通过 750 米隧道,用时 40 秒,速度提升 30%,通过 1510 米隧道用时 1 分钟,则车子长度为(50 米) 7、小明家与学校之间的距离为(2000)米 8、最后一次运送的沙子是(3)吨 9、一二组共 16 人,一组年龄最小的 2 人调入二组,二组平均年龄增加 1 岁,一组年龄 增加 2 岁,一组一共有 6 人,则原来两组平均年龄差值是(10)岁 10、每人每次最多拿 5 个球,次数不超过 30 次,小明拿了 10 次,总共拿 48 个球,满 足小明情况的拿法有(55)种
思维策略 1、增加 3 盆鲜花可以摆成实心正三角,减少 2 盆可以摆成实心正方形,三角形和正方 形边数都大于 1,则至少有(18)盆鲜花 2、小亮在日历表上画了一个 2×2 的方块,四个日期的数字之和是 96,则方块中最后 一个日期的数字是(28) 3、用 9、8、7、6、5、4 最多可以组成的三位不重复的奇数有(60)个 4、[1×2/2+2×4/3+3×6/4+4×8/5]/(6+1/2+1/3+1/4+1/5)+1=(3) 5、23×24+24×25+25×26+27×28=(3260) 6、16789-111234+27869-22314+……+44321=(22220) 7、小刘出生月份×5 加上 20,然后把和×2,加上年龄结果是 156,则小刘今年年龄最 可能是(16) 8、一只测量不准的液体体温计刻度均匀,实际温度 100 度时,显示 97 度,实际温度 0 度时,显示 7 度,实际温度是 32 度时,显示温度是(28.8)度 9、两人同时抽中同一等级奖品概率是(5/18) 10、2+(2+4)+(2+4+6)+……+(2+4+6+……+20)=(440) 逻辑推理 1、89.66、72.36、14.18、(4.8)(拆分后做乘积递推) 2、1、32、2、4、1/2、(1/8)(倍数为乘积数列) 3、4、19、35、52、(70)(做差后为等差数列) 4、3、11/4、2、21/16、13/16、(31/64)(分子等差,分母等比) 5、38(中间数字=外面数字之和的 2 倍) 6、珊瑚虫对海水的水质与温度有着近乎苛刻的状态,破坏了海水的水质,改变了海水 的温度,都将对珊瑚虫造成致命伤害,而这将终止珊瑚礁的生长。因此,只有尊重珊瑚虫的 规律,才能有效防止在珊瑚礁的开发利用上走弯路。根据以上陈述可以推出() (B)如果不尊重珊瑚虫的生长规律,就不能有效防止在开发利用珊瑚礁上走弯路。 7、模板有 50 个名学生,年龄最大 14 岁,最小 12 岁,平均身高 1.63 米,其中,所有 年龄 13 岁以上且身高超过 1.65 米的学生都参加了运动会的开幕方阵。由此可知,正确的是 () A 未参加方阵的学生不包括年龄 13 岁以上且超过 1.65 米的学生 8、根据规律,填入问号处的图形是(D)
9、若“张伟能考生研究生,或者李明能考生研究生”为真,且张伟没考上研究生,那 么以下判断为真的是() (C)李明考生了研究生 10.根据规律,填入问号处的图形是(D) 11、根据规律,填入问号处的图形是(D) 12、根据规律,填入问号处的图形是(C) 13、根据规律,填入问号处的图形是(D) 14、李校长在评论各学院本届辅导员工作状况时表示,本届辅导员是他见过最为优秀的 辅导员,因为大多数辅导员对负责的学生非常了解,熟知他们的学习、生活及家庭情况。李 校长得出结论的前提是(A) A.辅导员对学生的熟悉程度是评价辅导员工作是否优秀的重要标准 15、新生入学,甲乙丙打算报文学社、武术社和音乐社三个社团。 如果以上条件都满足,则下列说法正确的是(D) D.丙未报任何一个社,则甲一定报文学社。
言语理解 1.B (1)就目前而言,进行详尽的市场调查,认清不同客户群体对产品功能的需求有何不 同,这有助于研发部门(有的放矢)地对产品进行统一调整和优化 (2)正是由于已经暴露的问题,公司管理层才要慎重考虑如何彻底整治,公司要做(正 本清源)的事情,而不是头痛医头,脚痛医脚 2.下列句子没有语病的是(A) 任何一个文明大国的教育都离不开史学,历史告诉我们,史学也最容易败坏一个文明大 国的教育品质。 3.当植物暴露在干旱或者有害虫、食草动物的威胁时,会表现出表型的改变,比如颜色、 气味的变化。他们所散发的挥发性有机化合物也会影响临近的植物,导致这些植物抗性增强。 然而,植物在受到胁迫压力时会发出声音的情况还没有得到充分的研究。 不能推出的是(B)并非所有植物在遭受威胁时都会发出声音用于自保。 4.当一只眼睛可以看到猎物时,这意味着不可能进行立体定位。当两只眼睛都可以看到 猎物时,这意味着动物利用了立体感,这使得他们在攻击时做出更快的决策。乌贼是已知的 第二个无脊椎动物,英国的科学家表明。螳螂也具有双眼深度感知能力,拥有立体视觉。 根据这段文字可以知道(B) 只有一只眼睛的动物是无法进行立体定位的 5.下列句子中没有语病的是(C) 音乐是抒发情感的利器,这一曲钢琴独奏,表现了人们对现在生活的向往和激昂斗志。 6.语句排序连贯的是(B) (1)中经“为政以德”的阐扬,最终成为伺候中国传统社会的基本治国方略。 (2)“德主刑辅”肇始于先秦“明德慎罚”的观念 (3)这些思想对于坚持和完善中国特色社会主义制度 (4)但仅有德治尚不足以达到 (5)德主刑辅、以德华人的德治主张 (6)“法者,治之端也” B(5)(2)(1)(4)(6)(3) 7.(D) 作为中华名族和中华文明重要的(发祥地)之一,甘肃是丝绸之路重要通道,遗留下重
要的文物遗存非常丰富。境内共有世界文化遗产 7 处,全国重点文物保护单位共 152 处。其 中(既有)以敦煌莫高窟、天水麦积山石窟等为代表的古代壁画,(也有)以汉明长城… 8.语句排序连贯的是(B) (1)近年来,越来越多的企业 (2)但如果绿色制造、绿色发展 (3)绿色低碳发展是企业应有之义 (4)只有让绿色发展成为每家企业 (5)这种主动承担社会责任、积极行动之举 B(3)(1)(5)(2)(4) 9.当前气候变化危机加剧,各大洲的供应链已经感受到危机对经济的大范围影响…这段 文字想要说明(B) B 不管是时间还是深刻程度,气候变化引发的经济影响可能超出人们预料 10.某教授写到:“该发现为理论研究提供了一个实验论证,对复杂系统接近临界点的 预警可能性…”,这段话最有可能出现在以下哪种杂志上?(C) C.生物科学前沿 资料分析 第一篇 1.AT&T 的贝尔实验室这个例子在文章中起到什么作用?(B) B 它是一个背景,引出技术人才对于产品的更新与控制 2.就像西谚所说:战争太重要了,不能油将军们来决定;计算机也太重要了,不能完全 由“僧侣”所把持。下列哪项是对上述论证最合理的解释?(B) B 虽然“专家”是计算机领域里的“将军”,但是也不能由其完全决定计算机的发展 3.下列哪项陈述最能体现这段文字的观点? (A ) A 技术日益为少数人所控制,我们因为技术丧失了一些自由 4.下列哪项陈述最能支持“现代技术离开了专家就玩不转”这一说法(D) D 大部分公司可以制造产品而不能创造产品 5.对于“知识就是力量,必须将其贮藏起来。因此任何领域的专家都不愿让普通人了解 他们在做什么,并且以折辱普通人为乐。下列陈述最合理的一项是(D) D“将知识贮藏起来”和“不愿与普通人分享知识”并不是同一回事,而作者却认为两 者意义相同