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2020 浙江杭州师范大学国际商务专业基础考研真题 一、单项选择题(每小题 2 分,共 30 分) 1.( )是指缔约一方现在和将来所给予任何第三方的一切特权.优待.利益及豁免,也同样 给予缔约对方。 A.最惠国待遇 C.市场经济地位 B.国民待遇 D.战略伙伴 2.在下列商业活动中,哪一笔属于国际商务活动( )。 A.美国花旗银行上海浦东分行向美国花旗银行总行贷款 B.美国花旗银行上海浦东分行向中国建设银行浦东分行贷款 C.美国花旗银行上海浦东分行向美国城市银行上海浦东分行贷款 D.美国花旗银行上海浦东分行向美国第一国民银行总行贷款 3.( )是企业所特有的.能够经得起时间考验的.具有延展性,并且是竞争对手难以模仿的 技术或能力。 A.竞争力 C.国际竞争力 D.表层竞争力 B.核心竞争力 4.企业通过一系列具体的策略和措施,使本企业成本与同行业其他企业成本相比很低的战略 叫( )。 A.差异化战略 D.低价倾销战略 C.成本领先战略 B.集中战略 5.一些企业拥有或可以得到的那些外国企业不能获得的优势,如产品.技术.规模经济.市场 等称之为( )。 A.所有权优势 B.区位优势 C.内部化优势 D.成本优势 6.某公司为东道国建造工厂或其他工程项目,一旦设计与建造工程完成,即将该工厂或项目 所有权和管理权依合同完整地给对方,这一国际化方式称( A.国际特许经方式 B.许可证方式 C.新建直接投资 D.交钥匙工程 7.宝洁公司将牙膏细分为价廉物美、防治牙病、洁齿美容、口味清爽四个市场,该细分市 场的依据是( )。 A.地理 B.人口 C.心理 D.行为 )。 8.将自己的产品定位在目标市场上尚未得到满足的那部分需求的策略是( )。 A.市场空隙策略 B.追随市场领先者策略 C.市场挑战者策略 D.差异化策略 9.我国曾向伊朗出口 10 万辆自行车,由于在车座所用皮革上没有注意伊斯兰教的特殊要求, 受到伊朗进口商的刁难。这提醒我们在跨国经营活动中应重视其他民族的( )。 A.生活习惯 C.体态语言差异 D.文字语言差异 B.宗教信仰 10.( )如不能向金牛产品发展,应果断淘汰,继续维持只会加重企业的负担。 A.瘦狗产品 B.明星产品 C.问题产品 D.新产品
11.( )是指销售渠道中的每个层次使用同类中间商数目的多少。 A.渠道长度 C.产品线宽度 B.产品线长度 D.渠道宽度 12.本国派出的经理应熟悉母公司的情况,熟悉母公司的政策、习惯做法及人事状况等,因 此西方跨国公司中较为常见的做法是( )。 A.高层管理人员本土化 B.高层管理人员国际化 C.高层管理人员区域化 D.高层管理人员母国化 13.( )有时也被称为会计风险,产生于国际企业将其国外附属公司或投资经营项目成果 的计值单位由记账外币换算成本币的换算过程。 A. 交易风险 C. 折算风险 B.经济风险 D.投资风险 14.下列哪一项不是国际技术转让的动机( )。 A.挖掘其它市场潜力 C.有利于技术差异化 B.适应特定的市场环境 D.缺乏利用技术的能力 15.在国际经营活动中,正确运用语言是十分重要的。对经营活动中所涉及的函电、合同、 商品牌名、产品说明、广告等,可将其视作为( A.口头语言 C.体态语言 B.文字语言 D.人体语言 )。 二、名词解释(每小题 5 分,共 30 分。用中文作答) 1. 里昂惕夫之谜 2. 全球知识供应链 3. 单一窗口 4. BOT 模式 5. Outsourcing 6. 购买力平价 三、简答题(每题 10 分,共 40 分) 1. 应对各种贸易与投资壁垒,企业有哪些策略? 2. 区域经济一体化对国际商务活动有什么影响? 3. U 型企业结构和 M 型企业结构的区别在哪里? 4. 从企业内部来讲,企业出口的动机或原因有哪些? 四、综合分析题(每题 25 分,共 50 分。用中文作答) 1. 如果自由贸易对贸易双方都是有利的,那为什么会出现各种“逆全球化”的思潮和运动? 结合现实和中国采取的策略,谈谈你对这个问题的理解。 2. 这是英国《金融时报》2019 年 6 月 11 日的一篇报道,结合所附的人民币汇率走势图, 回答下列问题 1.China’s renminbi sank to its weakest level in six months on Monday after the country’s central bank chief hinted that he did not object to the currency falling beyond perceived red lines.
2.For months, a key question for analysts and investors has been whether the Chinese currency would “po qi”(破 7), or “crack seven”, in its exchange rate against the US dollar. That level, which has not been crossed since the financial crisis, has been thought to represent the limit of tolerance for the People’s Bank of China. 3.But in an interview on Friday, PBoC governor Yi Gang said that no hard limit existed for the dollar exchange rate. “I don’t think this is an important question,” Mr Yi said in an interview with Bloomberg News. “I don’t think along the mathematical scale any one number is more important than the other number,” he said. 4.In response, the tightly controlled onshore renminbi dropped by as much as 0.4 per cent against its US counterpart to Rmb6.9358 with the Chinese currency touching its weakest point since November 2018. The currency dropped 2.9 per cent in May. 5.Mr Yi’s comments “have refuelled the speculation that the exchange rate could go beyond seven sooner than expected,” said Zhou Hao, an economist at Commerzbank. 6.Geoffrey Yu, head of the UK investment office at UBS Wealth Management, said it was unwise for the market to fixate on any particular exchange rate against the dollar, noting that the central bank tracked the renminbi’s value against a number of other currencies. Still, he added: “It’s entirely possible that further renminbi weakness is on the cards as the country’s current account position deteriorates and shifts towards a deficit. This could well be reflected in the currency as well in the future, and recent data also supports this view.” 7.The PBoC’sMr Yi also said Chinese officials had “tremendous” room to cut interest rates or trim the amount of funds that banks were required to keep in reserve, if they needed to prop up the economy in the event of a deepening trade war with the US. 8.The renminbi’s fall on Monday followed similar losses in the more lightly controlled offshore renminbi on Friday. The onshore version of the Chinese currency, which can trade only 2 per cent in either direction of a daily midpoint set by the central bank, did not trade on Friday due to a public holiday. 9.Investors have trained their sights on the G20 meeting in Osaka set for June 28 and 29, where hopes are pinned on the possibility that US president Donald Trump and Chinese leader Xi Jinping will reach some kind of breakthrough on global trade. 10.While a weaker renminbi could help boost the Chinese economy by supporting exporters, it also poses risks, such as heightening US-China tensions further. Authorities are also unlikely to want the currency to fall too hard, as that would risk a rerun of the sharp outflows of capital seen in 2016. 11.Recommended Renminbi China weighs allowing the renminbi to ‘crack 7’ Silvia Dall’Angelo, a senior economist at Hermes Investment Management, said she did not expect to see the dollar to trade above Rmb7 for now. “[But] if trade tensions escalate further [following the summit], I think the PBoC may allow the renminbi to break that level,” she added. 12.On Monday, Mr Trump reiterated his unease with what he sees as Chinese efforts to weaken the renminbi. “[China] devalue their currency, they have for years; it’s put them at a tremendous competitive advantage,” he said. “We don’t have that advantage because we have a Fed(美联储) that doesn’t lower interest rates . . . Our
Fed is very, very disruptive to us.” 13.Seema Shah, a strategist at Principal Global Investors, said authorities would be reluctant to allow the renminbi to depreciate rapidly, especially in the second half of the year when the country would mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. 14.“Financial markets haven’t really looked at this factor yet but around the time of the anniversary [in October] I believe policymakers will be keen to show the country’s economic strength, including a stable and strong renminbi,” Ms Shah said. 图人民币汇率月 K 线图(2014.7-2019.10) (1)我国央行行长易纲是如何认识人民币汇率的?为什么在易纲讲话之后在岸人民币汇率 应声而跌?(5 分) (2)人民币如果继续贬值,其可见的收益和成本是哪些?(5 分) (3)在第 6 段中,瑞银的经济学家是如何预测人民币汇率的?他分析的逻辑是什么(7 分) (4)人民币贬值能作为应对中美贸易冲突的武器吗?结合第 11 段和第 12 段谈谈你的看法 (8 分)