

第1页 / 共7页
第2页 / 共7页
第3页 / 共7页
第4页 / 共7页
第5页 / 共7页
第6页 / 共7页
第7页 / 共7页
蚁群算法 Delphi 源程序: {*Ant algorithm for VRP —Ant cycle, Ant density, Ant quantity*} const inf=99999999; eps=1E-8 type item=integer; var FN:string; f:System. Text; procedure T_VRPANT_RUN; const maxn=500; ruo=0.7; Q=10; label loop; type item2=real; Arr1=array of array of item; Arr2=array of array of item2; Arr3=array of array of boolean; Arr4=array of array of item; Arr5=array of array of item2; n,i,j,k,l,ii,jj,count,s,maxcount,tweight,index,model,qq,capa,m, Last,selected,tm,weight:item;tmax,tmin:item2;datatype:byte; W,route,opt,cycle:arrl;t,dt:arr2;ch:arr3;x,y:arr5; Len,tlen,nearest,series,demand,kcount,tkcount:arr4; var function PValue(i,j,k:item):item2 var 1:item; sum:item2; begin Sum:=0; For 1:=2 to n do If(capa>demand[1])and(ch[1]and(cycle[k,l]=0)and(1< >i)then Sum:=sum+t[i,1]/w[i,l]; If(sum>eps)and(cycle[k,j]=0)and(j< >i)then ahead,i,i1,i2,index,j,j1,j2,last,limit,max,next,s1,s2,t1,t2,maxtemp:item;pt:arr4; Sun:t[i,j]/ w[i,l]/sum PValue:=sum; end; procedure TwoOpt(p:item); var begin setLength(ph,n+1); t1:=1; t2:=1; sl:=1; s2:=1; for I:=1 to p-1 do pt[route[k,i]:=route[k,i+1]; pt[route[k,p]:=route[k,l]; repeat maxtemp:=0; i1:=1; for i:=1 to p-2 do begin
if i=1 then limit:=p-1 else limit:=p; i2:=pt[i1]; j1:=pt[i2]; for j:=i+2 to limit do begin j2:=pt[j1] max:=w[i1,i2]+w[j1,j2]-(w[i1,j1]=+w[i2,j2]); if(max>maxtemp)then begin s1:=i1; s2:=i2; t1=j1; t2=j2; maxtemp:=max; end; j1:=j2; end; i1:=i2; end; if ( maxtemp>0) then begin pt[s1]:=t1; next:=s2; last:= t2; repeat ahead:=pt[next];pt[next]:=last; last:=next;next:=ahead; until next=t2; end; until(maxtemp=0); index:=1; for i:=1 to p do begin end; end; route[k,i]:=index; index:=pt[index]; procedure Antmove; label lop, select, check,next; var a,j,k:item; begin k:=1; capa:=qq; last:=n-1; for j:=1 to last do series[j]:=j+1; for j:=1 to last do ch[j]:=true for j:=1 to last do kcount[j]:=0; lop: select: nearest[k]:=1; for j:=1 to n do cycle[k,j]:=0; a:=nearest[k]; j:=1; while j< =last do
begin index:=0; selected:=random(last)+1; if (capa> =demand[series[selected]])then begin index:=series[selected]; if (random=1 then goto select; if last>=1 then; begin k:=k+1; capa:=qq; goto lop; end; m:=k; next: end; begin AssignFile(f,FN); Reset(f); {$I-}Readln(f,n,datatype,qq,maxcount); {$I+} If(IOResult< >0)or(n<4)or(n>maxn)or(maxcount<1)or(datatype<1) or(datatype>2)or(qq<=0) then begin ShowMessage(‘数据错误’); System.Close(f); exit; end; SetLength(t,n+1,n+1); SetLength(dt,n+1,n+1); SetLength(w,n+1,n+1); SetLength(opt,n+1,n+1); SetLength(route,n+1,n+1); SetLength(cycle,n+1,n+1); If datatype=1 then begin SetLength(x,n+1); SetLength(y,n+1); for i:=1 to n do begin
{$I-}Readln(f,ii,x[i],y[i]); {$I+} If(IOResult< >0)or(ii< >i) then Begin Show Message(‘数据错误’); System.Close(f); exit; end; end; for i:=1 to n-1 do for j:=i+1 to n do begin w[i,j]:=trunc(sprt(spr(x[i]-x[j])+spr(y[i]-y[j]))+0.5); w[j,i]:=w[i,j]; t[i,j]:=1; dt[i,j]:=0; t[j,i]:=t[i,j]; dt[j,i]:=dt[i,j]; {$I-}Readln(f,ii,jj,w[i,j]); {$I+} If(IOResult< >0)or(ii< >i) or(jj< >j)or(w[i,j]<1)then begin Show Message(‘数据错误’); System.Close(f); exit; end; w[j,i]:=w[i,j]; t[i,j]:=1; dt[i,j]:=0; t[j,i]:=t[i,j]; dt[j,i]:=dt[i,j]; end; for i:=1 to n do begin w[i,i]:=inf; t[i,i]:=1; dt[i,i]:=0; end; SetLength(x,0); SetLength(y,0); end else begin for i:=1 to n-1 do for j:=i+1 to n do begin end; for i:=1 to n do begin w[i,i]:=inf; t[i,i]:=1; dt[i,i]=0; end; end; SetLength(len,n+1); SetLength(tlen,n+1); SetLength(series,n+1); SetLength(nearest,n+1); SetLength(tkcount,n+1,n+1); SetLength(demand,n+1); SetLength(kcount,n+1); SetLength(ch,n+1); demand[1]:=0; for i:=2 to n do begin {$I-}Readln(f,ii,demand[i];{$I+} If(IOResult< >0)or(ii< >i)or(demand[i]>qq)or(demand[i]<0)then
1oop: AntMove; weight:=0; for k:=1 to m do len[k]:=0; for k:=1 to m do begin index:=1; for i:=1 to kcount[k]+1 do begin route[k,i]:=index; index:=cycle[k,index]; end; TwoOpt(kcount[k]+1); Len[k]:=w[route[k,kcount[k]+1],route[k,1]]; for i:=1 to kcount[k] do len[k]:=len[k]+w[route[k,i],route[k,i+1]]; weight:=weight+len[k]; begin Show Message(‘数据错误’); System.Close(f); exit; end; end System.Close(f); FN:=Copy(FN,1,Length(FN)-4)+’.OUT’; Show Message(’输出结果存入文件:’+FN); AssignFile(f,FN);Rewrite(f); count:=0; tweight:=inf; index:=1; tm:=inf; randomize; model:=random(3)+1; end; if m< tm then begin tm:=m; tweight:=weight; for k:=1 to tm do begin tkcount[k]:=kcount[k]; for j:=1 to tkcount[k]+1 do opt[k,j]:=route[k,j]; tlen[k]:=len[k]; end; end; if m=tm then if tweight>weight then begin tweight:=weight; for k:=1 to tm do begin tkcount[k]:=kcount[k];
for j:=1 to tkcount[k]+1 do opt[k,j]:=route[k,j]; tlen[k]:=len[k]; end; end; for k:=1 to tm do begin case model of 1: begin for 1:=1 to kcount[k] do begin ii:=route[k,l];jj=route[k,1+1]; dt[ii,jj]:=dt[ii,jj]+q/len[k]; end; ii:=route[k,kcount[k]+1]; jj=route[k,1]; dt[ii,jj]:=dt[ii,jj]+q/len[k]; end; begin for 1:=1 to kcount[k] do begin ii:=route[k,l]; jj:=route[k,1+1]; dt[ii,jj]:=dt[ii,jj]+q; end; ii:=route[k,kcount[k]+1]; jj:=route[k,1]; dt[ii,jj]:=dt[ii,jj]+q; for 1:=1 to kcount[k] do begin ii:=route[k,1]; jj:=route[k,l+1] dt[ii,jj]:=dt[ii,jj]+q/w[ii,jj]; end; ii:=route[k,kcount[k]+1]; jj:=route[k,1]; dt[ii,jj]:=dt[ii,jj]+q/w[ii,jj]; 2: 3: end; begin end end end; for i:=1 to n do for j:=1 to n do begin t[i,j]:=ruo*t[i,j]+dt[i,j]; tmax:=1/(tweight*(1-ruo); tmin=tmax/5; if (t[i,j]>tmax) then t[i,j]:=tmax; if (t[i,j]
for i:=1 to n do for j:= 1 to n do dt[i,j]:=0; if count