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32 1 2012  1  Systems Engineering — Theory & Practice Vol.32, No.1 Jan., 2012 : 1000-6788(2012)01-0120-07 : O211 : A   1,2, 1 (1.  , 410075; 2.  ,  411104) "#$%&’, ()*,."0124$67’. 7, :4$67’;, ’>@: AB*C"#%&’$EÆR1  Æ R2 Æ; GB IJNO.  56 PRSTRSUV, W,X  Z\$^’_.  124; "0; 67’; "#%&’; IJ Genetic algorithm for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows PAN Li-jun1,2, FU Zhuo1 (1. School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China; 2. School of Economics and Management, Hunan Institute of Engineering, Xiangtan 411104, China) Abstract In this paper, an insertion heuristic based on time difference is introduced. Based on this insertion heuristic, a genetic algorithm for pickup and delivery problem with time windows (PDPTW) is proposed. Comparing with other genetic algorithms, our algorithm holds two characters: 1) Cross operation as well as R1- mutation operation and R2- mutation operation are based on time difference insertion heuristic; 2) Non-generation search strategy is applied to the algorithm. Our algorithm is subject to a comparative test on the benchmark problem sets that comprise 56 PDPTW instances. The results show that the solution quality is better than the reported algorithm whose objective function is the same as ours. Keywords pickup and delivery problem; time window; genetic algorithm; time difference insertion heuris- tic; non-generation search strategy 1 ‘a  (vehicle routing problem, VRP) 1959  Dantzig Ramser[1] ,  Æ.  ÆÆ,  VRP ,  ,   (vehicle routing problem with time windows, VRPTW).  (pickup and delivery problem with time win- dows, PDPTW)  VRPTW , :   !, ! ,   (),  ,   , #. , !  , !", !. $, !#"#%,  !’$ %, &$, ’’%. PDPTW ’’  &. () , )*’!!!, (), "#! *, !)*’ %. - [2] (!-%  !: 2010-03-22 de": &’#.)* (70671108); +/.0.1/-..0% g’: 3 (1977–), , +01, /218, 213: 4956, 49956, E-mail: pansoftware@ 126.com; 1 (1960–), , +:, ;, /8 <, 213: 4956.
1 3, 4: =4>56?6<7=8 121 , - [3] 7:. ? VRPTW, PDPTW -8%. @9@A: ;,-A"* = PDPTW. Li Lim[4] Æ>?@ CEAA"-, <*=F CC 100 =. Pankratz[5] DFG (group genetic algorithms, GGA). EHH>I =IFJ, IG G>I?ÆJ, *=CC 100 =, #8H*=K. Popken[6] L) , I*= PDPTW, AB  PDPTW MK. Bent Van Hentenryck [7] LC>A". DLCCEA A"L$ , DELCL) FJL). , *=@=B:L!$$), L:8%, G I, MO KO /A0=. , PPK A"* =B@= PDPTW SOP.  G  VRP Q8*=KO, RGT>G HI *= PDPTW. 1A: PPTJ 8, PDPTW P S, - [8]  PDPTW $C. DELMG HI; DSLMTU* = PDPTW GAVW)X$B@=A?2ÆJ2; DLM JT, WJT ; DLMTLM. 2 345 (time difference insertion heuristics, TDIH) I VRPTW $W/AA". Solomon[9] YI (push forward insertion heuristics, PFIH), PY7 P.  PFIH [I\LI T>, Solomon PP,*= VRPTW A", =J, *=K8H. Pankratz - [5] M PFIH GGA ?T>*= PDPTW, #8HK. PP,IA"  —— HI, PZ: 2.1 8:k P%$ Routei (P0, P1,··· , Pi−1, Pi, Pi+1,··· , Pn, P0), P0 , Pi (i = 1, 2,··· , n)  A;*#, Bi Li (i = 1, 2,··· , n) ;* ,  Pi ;*O#( [Bi, Li] <, , A Bi P;*, B0 L0 MQ P0 :S, ’A L0 < ;*, . Si  Pi ; *T!, Ti−1.i ! Pi−1 Pi : :k 1 P Pi ;* EFi, EFi = max(Bi + Si, EFi−1 + Ti−1.i + Si) (i = 1, 2,··· , n). : 1 P%$ Routei (P0, P1, ···, Pi−1, Pi, Pi+1, ···, Pn, P0) (i = 1, 2,··· , n),  Pj I B Pi−1, Pi C PP*= PDPTW G,  X=W, ?2ÆJ2W_  (pickup and delivery points, PD) IY; ( PD I$, <DI ). , :k 2 P Pi ;* LSi, LSi = min(Li, LSi+1 − Ti.i+1 − Si).  P0 T!;*, S0=0, ] EF0=B0, LS0=L0,  EF0 LS0 MQ=\\P Routei  EFLS 7. P Routei O?L Pi−1, Pi(i = 1, 2,··· , n),  EFi−1 U ! P0 Pi−1 T!;*, G LSi UA; ! Pi Pn ;*,  Pi ; *^. V Pi−1, Pi i), LSj Pj , EFi Pi  , H T Di,j = LSj − EFi. 2.2 8>m@
122 5 6  [ . Z c [  32 HI G. , PPHI: HI (fast time difference insertion heuristics, FTDIH) HI (optimization time difference insertion heuristics, OTDIH). P$ Routei (P0, P1, ···, Pi−1, Pi, Pi+1, ···, Pn, P0) (i = 1, 2,··· , n), / C max, / Load i (i = 1, 2,··· , n),  PD (MQ Pp, Pq U) I Routei. 1) FTDIH Z: Fn 1 P Routei  EFi LSi (i = 1, 2,··· , n). Fn 2 ! Pp DIB P0, P1 , PBH TDi,i+1 (i = 0, 1,··· , n), P EFp, VB" 1,  Pp IB, fdj<AÆ)#kk. =GG ,< fS, GbG l fSSG, X Goldberg[11]. PPGG jVZ: X, Pop; VTU%e> fl)REfl x, y; e?O Pcross x, y g?2, ’ l x, y; eÆJO Pmut x, y gÆJ2, ’ l x, y; Ffl T, ,)7fl; flU PDPTW =, hETi=.   ),  Goldberg[11] jV;ZA: b HI’ X=; E_
3, 4: =4>56?6<7=8 123 1 jVFflY;j,  x, y _,fl?))7 _, )Lfl, F, ^F. TU%: ’ fl$E S max, Em Num \i,fl, S max Num nk$. 3.2 qCVW b#>k;G>Ip, 1, 2,··· , n U#, >kUGG. Hl ;HI, G>k# EF LS 7p. 3.3 sXY Z[\]^  PDPTW *=@=/A)e\: %!$ L&lm L&L. A#*=@=, PP@=X$: min Z(x) = a1K(x) + a2Dist(x) + a3Duration(x) + a4W ait(x) (1) K(x), Dist(x), Duration(x), W ait(x) e\Ufl x ’!$ &lm &; a1a2 a3 a4 $,  a1 >> a2 >> a3 >> a4. PP)knX$ : F it(x) = Z(x)/Zmin (2) Z(x) fl x @=X$, Zmin ,’fl@=X$L7. 3.4 abq PP?2 Pankratz[5] ?2;j, fllmL.  ?ofl A, B MQRV%. qm/p#kgnq, qm# ko] flIp, ; OTDIH I#?fl A, B. VI , fl\f’ %$/I. 3.5 dvq ,ÆJ2:  R1 ÆJ2, 2kÆJflfR%, !_fl nq, # PD  OTDIH I_fl. R1 ÆJ2K%$ . E R2 ÆJ2, 2!kÆJflfR PD ,  PD  OTDIH I _. R2 ÆJ2p, K/. 4 Æ5exfg b Matlab7.0 >I,  Æ IV2.0G PC #, TtL$. ! PDPTW =Jp (CC 100 #, i 56 , http://www.sintef.no/Projectweb/TOP/Probl- ems/PDPTW) J. JEk$bZPB: ,CC 100, ?O 0.5, ÆJO 1.0,  $ S max=10000, m,\$ Num=30.  10 \, 10 \TW- 8. s-,  Li Lim[4] PP (Z LLA U) *=@=h, GW *=@=IL$ L&lm, e! . , JT LLA 8. U 1U 2  LLA MK: U 1 ep 8,qT,
124 5  5 6  [ . Z c [  32 PPW PDPTW *=!HI, PPG HI?2Æ J2, GPP*= PDPTW G, <ql fS_ux@=X$. ,   Matlab7.0 >I, x{y; MW= {4>5x{y; |z{x = >5z ({~), )xx|{ Linux Kernel 2.2.15-5.0smp on i686; CPU(M)= x{ LLA 7}~; CPU >5z ({~), )x7x|{ XP on Pentium IV 2.0G; MCPU= 5. ♠ n 2 oyzp{ LLA ruwxn < D (V) Li and Lim[4]  Li and Lim[4]  < Dur(W) CPU ♠ D (V) Dur(W) CPU D (V) Dur(W) CPU ♠ D (V) Dur(W) CPU lc101 828.94 9828.94 (10) (0) lc102 828.94 9828.94 (10) (0) lc103 827.86 10058.03 191 (10) (230.17) lc104 861.95 10006.9 (144.95) lc105 828.94 9828.94 (9) (10) (0) (0) 33 71 (9) (0) (9.41) 17.80 lr112 1003.77 2013.17 35.31 lr201 1263.84 3495.81 828.94 9828.94 (10)* 828.94 9828.94 (10)* 1082.40 10300.86 41.45 lr202 1197.67 2749.39 (9) (551.73) 1254 865.94 10009.25 78.02 lr203 949.40 2762.80 (813.40) 29.09 lr204 849.05 1988.57 (139.52) (89.08) 47 (3) (3) (2) (4) (1231.97) (9) (143.31) 828.94 9828.94 (10) * 828.94 9828.94 (0) 638 193 885 2013.17 (9.41) 1003.77 (9)* 1253.23 3495.82 (4) 1197.67 (3) * 50.72 148.84 351.09 283.44 639.84 (1242.59) 2749.39 (551.73) 2762.80 (813.40) 1988.57 (139.52) 1950 949.40 (3) * 2655 849.05 (2) * lc106 828.94 9828.94 43 31.54 lr205 1054.02 2550.13 585 1054.02 2550.13 252.11
1 3, 4: =4>56?6<7=8 125 { 2 }{ < D (V) Li and Lim[4]  Li and Lim[4]  < Dur(W) CPU ♠ D (V) Dur(W) CPU D (V) Dur(W) CPU ♠ D (V) Dur(W) CPU (10) (0) lc107 828.94 9828.94 (10) (0) lc108 826.44 9826.44 (10) (0) lc109 827.82 9831.78 (10) (3.96) lc201 591.56 9591.56 (3) (0) lc202 591.56 9591.56 (3) (0) lc203 585.56 9521.66 (26.09) lc204 591.17 9591.17 (3) (3) (0) lc205 588.88 9588.88 (3) (0) lc206 588.49 9588.49 (3) (0) (3) (3) (19) lc207 588.29 9660.4 (72.12) lc208 588.32 9744.23 (155.91) lr101 1650.78 3599.45 (948.65) lr102 1487.57 3202.46 (714.89) lr103 1292.68 2729.15 (436.48) lr104 1013.39 2050.85 (37.46) lr105 1377.11 2631.56 (254.45) (13) (17) (14) (9) lr106 1252.62 2412.11 (159.49) (12) lr107 1111.31 2220.27 (108.96) (10) lr108 968.97 2029.93 (60.96) lr109 1239.96 2311.37 (9) (0) 255 145 (3) (3) (0) (0) (2) (2) 54 82 746 190 (0) (0) (3) (3) (0) (0) (14) 27 94 (13) (3.96) (496.11) 150.98 lr211 927.8 61.41 lr207 903.06 1936.44 (33.38) 155.31 lr208 743.85 1858.36 (123.51) 35.21 lr206 931.63 2502.46 (570.84) (10) * 828.94 9828.94 (10) * 826.44 9826.44 (10) * 827.82 9831.78 (10) * 48.69 lr209 937.05 2432.61 591.56 9591.56 (459.56) (3) * 83.41 lr210 964.22 2782.06 591.56 9591.56 (817.83) (3) * 1954.57 591.17 9601.72 (26.77) (3) (10.54) 252.34 lrc101 1708.80 2956.32 591.17 9591.17 (247.52) (3)* 86.67 lrc102 1563.55 2764.14 588.88 9588.88 (200.59) (3)* 184.2 lrc103 1258.74 2443.68 588.49 9588.49 (3)* (184.95) 588.29 9588.52 203.44 lrc104 1128.40 2238.17 (3) (109.77) 272.17 lrc105 1637.62 2830.16 588.32 9744.23 (3)* (155.91) (192.54) lrc106 1425.53 2475.01 1650.78 3599.45 (19)* (948.65) (49.48) 43.56 lrc107 1230.15 2344.94 1168 1487.57 3202.46 (17)* (714.89) (114.8) 38.48 lrc108 1147.97 2245.3 1292.68 2729.15 (13)* (97.34) (436.48) 70.94 lrc201 1468.96 3358.41 1013.39 2050.85 (9) * (37.46) (889.45) 28.81 lrc202 1374.27 2657.14 1377.11 2631.56 (282.87) (254.45) (14) * 1252.62 2412.11 (12) (159.49) * 1111.31 2220.27 (10) (108.96) * 968.97 2029.93 (9) * (60.96) 1239.96 2311.37 33.03 lrc204 827.78 2537.83 (710.05) 42.61 lrc206 1162.91 2444.87 46.19 lrc205 1302.2 3464.61 29.06 lrc203 1089.07 2700.3 (611.23) (11) (10) (0) (0) (4) (3) (11) (10) 169 459 102 178 415 348 69 87 (3) (3) (13) (11) 88 87 287 (2) 19 (4) (1162.41) (3) * (496.11) 747 931.63 (3) * 2502.46 (570.84) 394.84 1594 903.06 (2) * 1936.44 (33.38) 304.63 3572 738.87 (2) 1849.67 503.16 (110.80) 2773 930.78 (3) 1482 970.54 (3) 4204 911.49 316.72 280.25 2405.01 (474.32) 2782.06 (811.52) 1920.34 438.5 (8.85) 2956.32 (247.52) 25.33 40.36 53.48 (145.85) 2443.68 (184.95) 2238.17 (109.77) 2830.16 (192.54) (2) 1708.80 (14)* 1558.07 2703.92 42.05 (12) 1258.74 (11) * 1128.40 (10) * 1637.62 (13) * 1424.73 2474.22 59.83 (11) 1230.15 (11) * 1147.43 2244.76 65.33 (10) (97.34) 1421.20 3358.41 (937.21) (4) 1374.27 2657.14 (282.87) (3)* (49.49) 2344.94 (114.8) 68.08 28.19 109.86 180.42 119 152 175 202 179 459 154 650 266 987 1605 1089.07 (3)* 2700.3 (611.23) 186.88 3634 827.78 (3)* 2537.83 (710.05) 478.05 639 445 1302.2 (4)* 1159.06 2444.90 3464.61 (1162.41) 185.44 133.83
126 { 2 }{ < D (V) 5 6  [ . Z c [  32 Li and Lim[4]  Li and Lim[4]  < Dur(W) CPU ♠ D (V) Dur(W) CPU D (V) Dur(W) CPU ♠ D (V) Dur(W) CPU (11) (71.42) lr110 1159.35 2222.99 (63.64) (10) 547 lr111 1108.9 2189.53 (80.63) (10) 179 (71.42) (11) * 1159.35 2222.99 (10) (63.64) * 1108.9 2189.53 (80.63) (10) * (3) (281.96) (3) (285.84) 51.89 lrc207 1424.6 2461.42 (36.82) (3) 607 1062.05 2417.51 288.54 (3) (355.46) 38.09 lrc208 852.76 2271.19 (418.44) (3) 4106 918.68 (3) 2344.04 (425.36) 456.85 = >5 ({~), )xx|{ Linux : D= {w; V= z{|; Dur= {>; W= {4>5; CPU Kernel 2.2.15–5.0smp on i686; CPU=10 }7x{>5 ({~), )x7x|{ XP on Pentium IV 2.0G; * { c LLA 7}~~, |z{x LLA 7}~ ♠ }}~ [1] Dantzig G B, Ramser J H. The truck dispatching problem[J]. Management Science, 1959, 6(1): 80–91. [2] Rekiek B, Delchambre A, Saleh H A. Handicapped person transportation: An application of the grouping genetic algorithm[J]. Eng Appl Artif Intel, 2006, 19: 511–520. [3] Fagerholt K, Christiansen M. A combined ship scheduling and allocation problem[J]. Journal Operation Research Society 2000, 51: 834–842. [4] Li H, Lim A. A metaheuristic for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows[C]// 13th IEEE Inter- national Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, 2001: 333–340. [5] Pankratz G. A grouping genetic algorithm for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows[J]. Operation Research Spectrum, 2005, 27: 21–41. [6] Popken D A. Controlling order circuity in pickup and delivery problems[J]. Transport Research E-Log, 2006, 42: 431–443. [7] Bent R, Van Hentenryck P. A two-stage hybrid algorithm for pickup and delivery vehicle routing problems with time windows[J]. Compute Operation Research, 2006, 33: 875–893. [8] Savelsbergh M W P, Sol M. The general pickup and delivery problem[J]. Transportation Science, 1995, 29: 17–29. [9] Solomon M. Algorithms for the vehicle routing and scheduling problem with time window constraints[J]. Oper- ations Research, 1987, 35(2): 254–265. [10] Holland J H. Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems — An Introductory Analysis with Applications to Biology, Control, and Artificial Intelligence[M]. The University of Michigan Press, Ann, 1975. [11] Goldberg D E, Korb B, Deb K. Messy genetic algorithms: motivation, analysis, and first result[J]. Complex Systems, 1990, 3: 493–530.