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Math 158, Spring 2013 Jo Hardin Multiple Regression IV – R code Model Building Consider the multiple regression model: E[Y ] = β0 + β1X1 + β2X2 + β3X3 + β4X4 + β5X5 + β6X6 Y = state ave SAT score X1 = % of eligible seniors who took the exam, takers X2 = median income of families of test takers, income X3 = ave number of years of formal eduction, years X4 = % of test takers who attend public school, public X5 = total state expenditure on public secondary schools ($100 /student), expend X6 = median percentile rank of test takers within their secondary school class, rank > sat.data <- read.table("sat.csv", header=T, sep=",") > attach(sat.data) > sat.n <- nrow(sat.data) > ltakers <- log(takers) # be careful with missing values!! # variable is quite right skewed AIC and BIC in R 1. > sat.lm0 <- lm(sat ~ 1) > summary(sat.lm0) Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) --- Signif. codes: 948.45 10.21 92.86 <2e-16 *** 0 *** 0.001 ** 0.01 * 0.05 . 0.1 1 Residual standard error: 71.5 on 48 degrees of freedom > sat.sse0 <- sum(resid(sat.lm0) ^2) > sat.n + sat.n*log(2*pi) + sat.n * log(sat.sse0 / sat.n) + 2 * (1+1) [1] 560.4736 > AIC(sat.lm0, k=2) [1] 560.4736 > sat.n + sat.n * log(2*pi) + sat.n*log(sat.sse0/sat.n) + log(sat.n)*(1+1) [1] 564.2573 > AIC(sat.lm0, k=log(sat.n)) [1] 564.2573
2. > sat.lm1 <- lm(sat ~ ltakers) > summary(sat.lm1) Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 1112.408 ltakers -59.175 --- Signif. codes: 12.386 89.81 4.167 -14.20 <2e-16 *** <2e-16 *** 0 *** 0.001 ** 0.01 * 0.05 . 0.1 1 Residual standard error: 31.41 on 47 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.811, F-statistic: 201.7 on 1 and 47 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16 Adjusted R-squared: 0.807 > sat.sse1 <- sum(resid(sat.lm1) ^2) > sat.n + sat.n*log(2*pi) + sat.n * log(sat.sse1 / sat.n) + 2 * (2+1) [1] 480.832 > AIC(sat.lm1, k=2) [1] 480.832 > sat.n + sat.n * log(2*pi) + sat.n*log(sat.sse1/sat.n) + log(sat.n) * (2+1) [1] 486.5075 > AIC(sat.lm1, k=log(sat.n)) [1] 486.5075 These notes belong at the end... I’m putting them here to save paper and keep the formatting reasonably clear. • Notice that Cp and F-tests use a “full” model MSE. Typically, the MSE will only be an unbiased predictor of σ2 in backwards variable selection. • SBC usually results in fewer parameters in the model than AIC. • Using different selection criteria may lead to different models (there is no one best model). • The order in which variables are entered does not necessarily represent their impor- tance. As a variable entered early on can be dropped at a later stage because it is predicted well from the other explanatory variables that have been subsequently added to the model.
Forward Variable Selection: F-tests > add1(lm(sat~1), sat~ ltakers + income + years + public + expend + rank, test="F") Single term additions Model: sat ~ 1 ltakers 1 1 income years 1 1 public 1 expend rank 1 Df Sum of Sq RSS 245376 199007 46369 102026 143350 26338 219038 1232 244144 386 244991 190297 55079 Pr(F) AIC F value 419 340 201.7138 < 2.2e-16 *** 395 33.4513 5.711e-07 *** 416 421 421 348 162.3828 < 2.2e-16 *** 0.02156 * 0.62856 0.78683 5.6515 0.2371 0.0740 > add1(lm(sat~ ltakers), sat~ ltakers + income + years + public + expend + rank, test="F") Single term additions Model: sat ~ ltakers Df Sum of Sq RSS 46369 785 45584 6364 40006 449 45920 20523 25846 871 45498 Pr(F) AIC F value 340 341 0.7922 335 7.3170 341 0.4497 313 36.5274 2.489e-07 *** 341 0.378064 0.009546 ** 0.505838 0.8807 0.352900 income 1 years 1 public 1 expend 1 rank 1 > add1(lm(sat~ ltakers + expend), sat~ ltakers + income + years + public + expend + rank, test="F") Single term additions Model: sat ~ ltakers + expend Df Sum of Sq AIC F value Pr(F) RSS 25845.8 53.3 25792.5 1248.2 24597.6 1.3 25844.5 1053.6 24792.2 income 1 years 1 public 1 rank 1 Note: Sum of Sq refers to the SSR(new variable | current model) (additional reduction in SSE). RSS is the SSE for the model that contains the current variables and the new variable. 313.1 315.0 0.0930 0.7617 312.7 2.2835 0.1377 315.1 0.0023 0.9624 313.1 1.9124 0.1735
Backward Variable Selection: F-tests > drop1(lm(sat ~ ltakers + income + years + public + expend + rank), test="F") Single term deletions Model: sat ~ ltakers + income + years + public + expend + rank ltakers 1 1 income 1 years public 1 1 expend rank 1 Df Sum of Sq RSS 21397 2150 23547 340 21737 2532 23928 20 21417 10964 32361 2679 24076 Pr(F) AIC F value 312 315 4.2203 311 0.6681 315 4.9693 310 0.0393 330 21.5221 3.404e-05 *** 316 0.04620 * 0.41834 0.03121 * 0.84390 0.02691 * 5.2587 > drop1(lm(sat ~ ltakers + income + years + expend + rank), test="F") Single term deletions Model: sat ~ ltakers + income + years + expend + rank ltakers 1 1 income 1 years 1 expend rank 1 Df Sum of Sq RSS 21417 2552 23968 505 21922 3011 24428 12465 33882 3162 24578 Pr(F) AIC F value 310 313 5.1232 309 1.0147 314 6.0451 330 25.0277 1.003e-05 *** 315 0.02871 * 0.31942 0.01805 * 0.01555 * 6.3480 If you ask to add1 here (that is, to see whether it makes sense to add either public or income back into the model), neither is significant. > drop1(lm(sat ~ ltakers + years + expend + rank), test="F") Single term deletions Model: sat ~ ltakers + years + expend + rank ltakers 1 1 years 1 expend rank 1 Df Sum of Sq RSS 21922 5094 27016 2870 24792 13620 35542 2676 24598 Pr(F) AIC F value 309 317 10.2249 0.002568 ** 313 5.7606 0.020687 * 331 27.3360 4.52e-06 *** 313 5.3700 0.025200 *
Forward Stepwise: AIC > step(lm(sat~1), sat ~ ltakers + income + years + public + expend + rank,direction = "forward") Start: AIC=419.42 sat ~ 1 + ltakers + rank + income + years + public + expend 1 1 1 1 1 1 Df Sum of Sq RSS 199007 46369 190297 55079 102026 143350 26338 219038 245376 1232 244144 386 244991 Step: AIC=339.78 sat ~ ltakers Df Sum of Sq + expend + years + rank + income + public 1 1 1 1 1 RSS 20523 25846 6364 40006 46369 871 45498 785 45584 449 45920 Step: AIC=313.14 sat ~ ltakers + expend Df Sum of Sq + years + rank + income + public 1 1 1 1 RSS 1248.2 24597.6 1053.6 24792.2 25845.8 53.3 25792.5 1.3 25844.5 Step: AIC=312.71 sat ~ ltakers + expend + years + rank + public + income 1 1 1 Df Sum of Sq RSS 2675.5 21922.1 24597.6 287.8 24309.8 19.2 24578.4 AIC 340 348 395 416 419 421 421 AIC 313 335 340 341 341 341 AIC 312.7 313.1 313.1 315.0 315.1 AIC 309.1 312.7 314.1 314.7 Step: AIC=309.07 sat ~ ltakers + expend + years + rank AIC Df Sum of Sq RSS
+ income + public 1 1 21922.1 505.4 21416.7 185.0 21737.1 309.1 309.9 310.7 lm(formula = sat ~ ltakers + expend + years + rank) (Intercept) 399.115 ltakers -38.100 expend 3.996 years 13.147 rank 4.400 Backward Stepwise: SBC > step(lm(sat ~ (ltakers + income + years + public + expend + rank)), direction = "backward", k=log(sat.n)) Start: AIC=325.12 sat ~ (ltakers + income + years + public + expend + rank) Df Sum of Sq - public - income - ltakers - years - rank - expend 1 1 1 1 1 1 - income - ltakers - years - rank - expend 1 1 1 1 1 RSS 20 21417 340 21737 21397 2150 23547 2532 23928 2679 24076 10964 32361 RSS 505 21922 21417 2552 23968 3011 24428 3162 24578 12465 33882 AIC 321 322 325 326 327 327 342 AIC 319 321 323 324 324 340 Step: AIC=321.28 sat ~ ltakers + income + years + expend + rank Df Sum of Sq Step: AIC=318.53 sat ~ ltakers + years + expend + rank Df Sum of Sq - rank - years - ltakers - expend 1 1 1 1 RSS 21922 2676 24598 2870 24792 5094 27016 13620 35542 AIC 319 320 321 325 338 lm(formula = sat ~ ltakers + years + expend + rank) (Intercept) 399.115 ltakers -38.100 years 13.147 expend 3.996 rank 4.400
To get an idea of how complicated your models can get, try this: > step(lm(sat ~ (ltakers + income + years + public + expend + rank)^2), direction = "backward")