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1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Prerequisites on Rotations and Unit Vectors
3.1 Notation
3.2 Representation of 3D Rotations
3.3 Representation of 3D Unit Vectors
4 Multilevel Patches and Photometric Error
4.1 Multilevel Patch Features
4.2 Projection Model and Linear Warping
4.3 Photometric Error and Patch Alignment
4.4 Detection and Scoring
5 Filter Framework
5.1 Iterated Extended Kalman Filtering
5.2 Filter Setup and State Definition
5.3 State Propagation
5.4 Direct Innovation Term and Update
5.5 Landmark Management
6 Multi-Camera Setup
7 Experimental Results
7.1 Convergence Evaluation
7.2 Parameter Exploration
7.3 Photometric Feedback Evaluation
7.4 Comparison with Related Work
7.5 Robust MAV Control
8 Conclusion
A Bearing Vector Calculus
Research Collection Journal Article Iterated extended Kalman filter based visual-inertial odometry using direct photometric feedback Author(s): Bloesch, Michael; Burri, Michael; Omari, Sammy; Hutter, Marco; Siegwart, Roland Publication Date: 2017-09 Permanent Link: https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000187364 Originally published in: The International Journal of Robotics Research 36(10), http://doi.org/10.1177/0278364917728574 Rights / License: In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted This page was generated automatically upon download from the ETH Zurich Research Collection. For more information please consult the Terms of use. ETH Library
IEKF-based Visual-Inertial Odometry using Direct Photometric Feedback Journal Title XX(X):1–18 cThe Author(s) 2017 Reprints and permission: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/ToBeAssigned www.sagepub.com/ Michael Bloesch1, Michael Burri1, Sammy Omari1, Marco Hutter1, Roland Siegwart1 Abstract This paper presents a visual-inertial odometry framework which tightly fuses inertial measurements with visual data from one or more cameras, by means of an iterated extended Kalman filter (IEKF). By employing image patches as landmark descriptors, a photometric error is derived, which is directly integrated as an innovation term in the filter update step. Consequently, the data association is an inherent part of the estimation process and no additional feature extraction or matching processes are required. Furthermore, it enables the tracking of non-corner shaped features, such as lines, and thereby increases the set of possible landmarks. The filter state is formulated in a fully robocentric fashion, which reduces errors related to nonlinearities. This also includes partitioning of a landmark’s location estimate into a bearing vector and distance and thereby allows an undelayed initialization of landmarks. Overall, this results in a compact approach which exhibits a high level of robustness with respect to low scene texture and motion blur. Furthermore, there is no time-consuming initialization procedure and pose estimates are available starting at the second image frame. We test the filter on different real datasets and compare it to other state-of-the-art visual-inertial frameworks. The experimental results show that robust localization with high accuracy can be achieved with this filter- based framework. Keywords Visual-Inertial Odometry, Cameras Iterated Extended Kalman Filter, Photometric Error, Tight Information Fusion, Multiple 1 Introduction Robust and high-bandwidth estimation of ego-motion is a key factor to enable the operation of autonomous robots. For dynamically controlled robots, such as aerial vehicles or legged robots, a reliable state estimate is essential: Failures of the state estimator can quickly lead to damage of the hardware and its surroundings. Thus, as autonomous robots become more capable and extend their range of applications, it is essential that the corresponding ego-motion estimation can perform well in increasingly difficult environments. The corresponding selection of sensors should be kept as lightweight and low-cost as possible in order to employ them on a wide range of robotic systems. Furthermore, in the context of vision-based estimation, extreme conditions such as strongly varying lighting, missing texture, fast motion, or dynamic objects may need to be accounted for. Past research has shown that combining the comple- mentary information from an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) and visual sensors can be a very capable approach in terms of accuracy and reliability. Consequently this approach has been successfully applied to robotic systems such as unmanned aerial robots (Weiss et al. (2013); Shen et al. (2014)) or legged robots (Stelzer et al. (2012); Ma et al. (2015)). Since assessing the precision of an algo- rithm is often simpler than evaluating its robustness, many researchers have focused on optimizing the accuracy of their approaches. The evaluation is typically done by measuring the accumulated position error over given traveled distances. Depending on the experimental setup, state-of-the-art algo- rithms reduce position errors to 0.1% of the traveled distance Prepared using sagej.cls [Version: 2015/06/09 v1.01] (Leutenegger et al. (2015); Forster et al. (2016); Usenko et al. (2016)). Such a demonstration of high accuracy can serve as surrogate for the well-functioning of an approach. However, all odometry frameworks inherently suffer from drift and, if the primary goal is localization accuracy, a back-end frame- work doing global mapping, re-localization and loop closure will be indispensable (e.g. Lynen et al. (2015)). Furthermore, if the ego-motion estimation is employed within a feedback loop on an autonomous robot, other aspects like reliability and estimation time-delay become more central. The well-established Kalman Filtering techniques repre- sent sensor fusion frameworks that allow computationally efficient and high-bandwidth state estimation. Due to the inherent marginalization, the filter states at each timestep can refer to different physical quantities, e.g., a landmark’s position can be estimated w.r.t. the moving sensor frame (and thereby represent a varying quantity over time). This enables the use of a fully robocentric formulation of the state and thereby reduces observability/nonlinearity related issues (Castellanos et al. (2004)). To mitigate the problem of intrinsic unobservability of a landmark’s initial distance from the observer, the landmark position can be parameterized by its bearing vector and distance (Montiel et al. (2006)). 1ETH Z¨urich, Switzerland Corresponding author: Michael Bloesch, Autonomous Systems Lab, ETH Z¨urich, LEE J 225, Leonhardstrasse 21, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland. Email: bloeschm@ethz.ch
2 Journal Title XX(X) Consequently a landmark’s distance can be initialized with a high uncertainty without affecting its bearing vector estimate (which can be initialized with a low uncertainty). Especially for scenarios with fast motions and short feature tracks, this becomes invaluable as it allows a seamless initialization of landmarks and thereby the extraction of visual information out of a landmark’s second observation onwards. In this context, a sound representation of the filter state is crucial for the applicability of sensor fusion algorithms. An approach that has become increasingly popular for 3D orientations is based on a manifold encapsulation technique (Hertzberg et al. (2011)), which in the present work is also applied to bearing vectors. The proposed approach combines an iterated extended Kalman filter (IEKF), a fully robocentric formulation of visual-inertial odometry, and a photometric error model. This is achieved by associating every landmark with a multilevel patch feature, where the innovation term is derived by projecting the patch into the current image and computing the photometric error for every patch pixel. To keep the computational effort tractable, a QR-decomposition based reduction is applied for obtaining an equivalent 2D innovation term per observed landmark. This method takes into account the local texture of a landmark and thereby gains more information along the directions where the patch gradients are stronger. In addition, this offers the possibility to track non-corner shaped features, such as lines, increasing the set of possible image features which is beneficial in scenarios with missing texture. The main contributions of this work lie in the fully robocentric formulation of a visual-inertial odometry as well as in the tight integration of the photometric error. The application of manifold encapsulation to bearing vectors can be seen as enabling technique and allows for a sound robocentric representation of 3D landmarks. Furthermore, in contrast to our previous work (Bloesch et al. (2015)), the present approach inherently takes care of landmark tracking by employing an IEKF. This allows per-landmark iterative updates and thus provides simultaneous landmark tracking and full state refinement while considering inertial and visual data. To the best of our knowledge, this tight integration of data association and estimation process has no precedent in visual-inertial odometry. All in all, this paper describes a fully robocentric and direct visual-inertial odometry framework which runs in real-time on computationally constrained platforms. To increase robustness and usability, we implement multi- camera support (with or without overlapping field of view) and enable online calibration of camera-IMU extrinsics. An in-depth derivation and evaluation of the framework is provided, including experiments on publicly available datasets (Burri et al. (2016)). Our framework, which we refer to as Rovio (RObust Visual-Inertial Odometry), is implemented in C++ and is available as open-source software ∗. 2 Related Work Within the field of computer vision, Davison (2003) proposed one of the first real-time 3D monocular localization and mapping frameworks. Similarly to the work in this paper, Prepared using sagej.cls the author made use of an EKF framework where he co- estimates the absolute position of 3D landmarks. Since then, various research groups have contributed improvements and proposed further approaches. A key issue is to improve the consistency of the estimation framework that is affected by its inherent nonlinearity (Julier and Uhlmann (2001); Castellanos et al. (2004)). One approach is to make use of a robocentric representation for the tracked landmarks and thereby significantly reduce the effect of nonlinearities (Castellanos et al. (2004); Civera et al. (2009)). As an alternative, Huang et al. (2008) propose the use of a so- called observability constrained extended Kalman filter, whereby the inconsistencies can be avoided by using special linearization points while evaluating the system Jacobians. A somewhat related problem is the choice of the specific representation of a landmark’s location. Since the depth of a newly detected landmark is unknown for monocular setups, the initial 3D location estimate exhibits a high uncertainty along the view axis. To integrate this landmark from the beginning into the estimation process, Montiel et al. (2006) proposed the use of an inverse-depth parametrization (IDP). They parametrize each landmark location by the camera position where the landmark was initially detected, by a bearing vector (parametrized with azimuth and elevation angles), as well as the inverse depth of the landmark. The increase in consistency for the IDP and other parametrization methods was further analyzed and confirmed by Sol`a et al. (2012). While most standard visual odometry approaches are based on detected and tracked point landmarks as source of visual information, so-called direct approaches directly use the image intensities in their estimation framework. Jin et al. (2003) propose to model the environment as a collection of planar patches and to derive a corresponding photometric error between camera frames. Their work is similar to ours in that they also embed the photometric error directly into a filtering framework (but they do not use any inertial data which limits them to slow motions). Molton et al. (2004) also track locally planar image patches in a filter-based SLAM framework. By employing gradient-based image alignment, they also co-estimate surface normals but keep data association separated from the subsequent EKF-based information fusion. Silveira et al. (2008) also use planar regions and minimize the photometric error with respect to a reference frame in order to estimate the relative motion as well as other parameters like illumination parameters and patch normals. They subsequently merge the output in an EKF. More recently, by employing highly optimized SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) implementations, first real-time, CPU-based approaches for semi-dense motion estimation using a monocular camera (Engel et al. (2014); Forster et al. (2014)) have recently been proposed. Incorporating inertial measurements in the estimation can significantly improve the robustness of the system, provides the estimation process with the notion of gravity, and allows for a more accurate and high bandwidth estimation of the velocities and rotational rates. By adapting the original EKF proposed by Davison (2003), additional IMU ∗https://github.com/ethz-asl/rovio
Bloesch et al. 3 measurements can be relatively simply integrated into the ego-motion estimation, whereby calibration parameters can be co-estimated online (Kelly and Sukhatme (2011); Jones and Soatto (2011)). Leutenegger et al. (2015) describe a tightly coupled approach in which the robot trajectory and sparse 3D landmarks are estimated in a joint optimization problem using inertial error terms as well as the reprojection error of the tracked landmarks in the camera images. This is done in a windowed bundle adjustment approach over a set of keyframe images and a temporal inertial measurement window. Similarly, Mourikis and Roumeliotis (2007) estimate the trajectory in an IMU-driven filtering framework using the reprojection error of 3D landmarks as measurement updates. Instead of adding the landmarks to the filter state, they marginalize them out using a nullspace decomposition, thus leading to a small filter state size. Since inertial measurements are often obtained at a higher rate than image data, methods for combining multiple inertial measurements are desirable to reduce the computational costs. Forster et al. (2016) have presented a concise IMU measurements pre-integration method such that they can be efficiently included in a factor graph framework. Recently, Usenko et al. (2016) have extended their previous work on semi-dense visual odometry (Engel et al. (2014)) in order to integrate inertial measurements. They minimize a joint energy term composed of visual and inertial error terms in order to estimate the ego-motion of their sensor. Probably the most comparable work to ours was developed by Tanskanen et al. (2015), who implemented an EKF-based framework for merging patch-based photometric errors with IMU measurements. They parameterize their landmarks by the pose of the camera when the landmark was detected as well as the corresponding bearing vector and inverse depth (analogously to Montiel et al. (2006)). Our work differs in that it uses a fully robocentric formulation of the current state, which has various implications on the filtering and visual processing framework. We also integrate a QR-decomposition based measurement space reduction and perform per-landmark update iterations, which are both key to the efficiency and accuracy of our system. 3 Prerequisites on Rotations and Unit Vectors 3.1 Notation For better readability and comprehensibility, we give a brief overview of the employed notations and the algebra of 3D rotations and unit vectors. Three different coordinate frames are used throughout the paper: the inertial world coordinate frame, I, the IMU fixed coordinate frame, B, as well as the camera fixed coordinate frame, C. Only in section 6, where multi-camera setups are discussed, the distinction between the different camera frames will be made. The origin associated with a specific coordinate frame is denoted by the same symbol. In this context, a term of the form IrBC denotes the coordinates of a vector from the origin of B to the origin of C, expressed in the coordinate frame I. Furthermore, qBI is employed in an abstract manner for representing the rotation between a frame I and B. A good way to think of a rotation is Prepared using sagej.cls as a mapping qBI : R3 → R3 between the two associated coordinate frames: Given a physical vector rBC, a rotation maps the corresponding coordinates from the right index frame to the left index frame, e.g., BrBC = qBI (IrBC). We also employ the mapping C(q) : SO(3) → R3×3 which is defined such that q(r) C(q)r and basically returns the 3 × 3 rotation matrix. As further abbreviations, we use vB for denoting the absolute velocity of B, and ωIB for the vector describing the relative rotational velocity of the coordinate frame B w.r.t. the coordinate frame I. In some cases we use further denotations like tildes (measurements) or hats (estimates) if we want to highlight a specific aspect of a quantity. The superscript × is used to denote the skew symmetric matrix v× ∈ R3×3 of a vector v ∈ R3. 3.2 Representation of 3D Rotations the special orthogonal group The set of 3D rotations, is not a vector space SO(3) with group operation ⊗, and thus adaptations are required in order to enable traditional optimization based methods (e.g. filtering). A mathematically sound and increasingly popular method is to map the region around a selected linearization point to a proper vector space and thereby introduce a local parametrization. There are slight variation in how this concept is formalized and we follow the approach of Hertzberg et al. (2011) as we found it to provide a useful level of abstraction for modeling. SO(3) is a Lie group and has a logarithmic and an exponential map which map to and from a corresponding Lie algebra R3: log :SO(3) → R3, exp :R3 → SO(3), qBI → log(qBI) = θBI, θBI → exp(θBI) = qBI. (1) (2) There is a certain amount of freedom in selecting these maps. Here, we select the exponential and logarithmic maps such that θBI in the above equations coincides with the passive rotation vector of the rotation qBI. We can write the following identities (the last identity is known as Rodrigues’ formula): exp(−θ) = exp(θ)−1, exp(q(θ)) =q ⊗ exp(θ) ⊗ q−1, × C(θ) =I − sin(θ)θ θ + (1 − cos(θ))θ θ2 (3) (4) ×2 . (5) The exponential and logarithmic maps can be used to introduce a boxplus () and a boxminus () operator, which adopt the role of addition and subtraction operators for rotations. Using a slightly different notation than Hertzberg et al. (2011), we define: :SO(3) × R3 → SO(3), q, θ → exp(θ) ⊗ q, :SO(3) × SO(3) → R3, q, p → log(q ⊗ p−1). (6) (7)
4 Journal Title XX(X) Similarly to regular addition and subtraction, both operators fulfill the following axioms: q 0 = q, (q θ) q = θ, q (p q) = p. (8) (9) (10) This approach distinguishes between actual rotations which are on SO(3) (Lie group) and differences of rotations which lie on R3 (Lie algebra). The above operators take care of appropriately transforming the elements into their respective spaces and allow a smooth embedding of rotational quantities in filtering and optimization frameworks. The definition of differentials involving rotation can be adapted by replacing the regular plus and minus operators by the above boxplus and boxminus operators. For instance the differential of a mapping q(x) : R → SO(3) can be defined as: ∂ ∂x q(x) := lim →0  q(x + ) q(x) . (11) The same can be done for the other way round where we have a mapping x(q) : SO(3) → R:  x(q(e1))−x(q) x(q(e2))−x(q) x(q(e3))−x(q)   T ∂ ∂q x(q) := lim →0 (12)  where e1/2/3 are orthonormal basis vectors. This results in the following frequently-used derivatives (these may vary depending on conventions): ∂/∂q (q(r)) = (q(r)) ∂/∂t (qBI(t)) = BωIB(t), × , ∂/∂qq−1 = −C(q)T , ∂/∂q (q ⊗ p) = I, ∂/∂q (p ⊗ q) = C(p), ∂/∂θ (exp(θ)) = Γ(θ), ∂/∂q (log(q)) = Γ−1(log(q)). (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) θ2 The derivative of the exponential map is given by the Jacobian Γ(θ) ∈ R3×3 which has the following analytical expression: ×2 × (1 − cos(θ))θ (θ − sin(θ))θ + . Γ(θ) =I − (20) The above derivations are independent of the actual numerical parametrization of 3D rotations (e.g. quaternions or rotation matrices) as long as it is lossless and the associated operations adhere to certain rules. A more detailed discussion and derivations can be found in Bloesch et al. (2016). The employed parametrization in the implementation is based on unit quaternions using the Hamilton convention. For a unit quaternion q with real part q0 and imaginary part ˇq we employ the following exponential and logarithmic maps: θ3 exp(θ) = (q0, ˇq) = cos(θ/2), sin(θ/2) θ θ (21) (22) log(q) = 2 atan2(ˇq, q0) ˇq ˇq Prepared using sagej.cls where θ ∈ R3 can be interpreted as the corresponding rota- tion vector. Both maps together with the quaternion multipli- cation are the only parametrization specific operations that are required. 3.3 Representation of 3D Unit Vectors While the above handling of rotations has been used similarly in previous filtering frameworks (e.g. Li and Mourikis (2013); Bloesch et al. (2013)), we extend the methodology to 3D unit vectors on the 2-sphere S2. This is done analogously to Hertzberg et al. (2011), whereas we employ a parametrization yielding simple analytical derivatives and guarantee second order differentiability. A main issue with 3D unit vectors is to select orthonormal vectors for spanning the tangent space such that a suitable difference operator can be defined. Assigning orthonormal vectors to every point on the 2-sphere creates a vector field and as stated by the “hairy ball theorem”, there is no continuous way of doing so over the full 2-sphere. To solve this issue we employ a rotation, µ ∈ SO(3), as underlying representation for unit vectors and define the following quantities: n(µ) := µ(ez) ∈ S2 ⊂ R3, N (µ) := [µ(ex), µ(ey)] ∈ R3×2, (23) (24) where ex/y/z ∈ R3 are the basis vectors of an arbitrary orthonormal coordinate system. The actual unit vector is given by n(µ) which results when rotating ez by µ (if the context is clear we directly refer to the unit vector using µ). The matrix N (µ) is composed of the rotated ex and ey and spans the tangent space. While such a construction of the tangent space is not deterministic since infinitely many rotations µ provide the same unit vector n(µ), we have the advantage that smooth transformations of the rotation µ induce smooth transformations of the associated tangent space. The tangent space can be used to define the following boxplus and boxminus operators: µ, u → exp(N (µ)u) ⊗ µ, :SO(3) × R2 → SO(3), :SO(3) × SO(3) → R2, ν, µ → N (µ)T θ(µ, ν), (25) (26) where θ maps two unit vectors to the minimal rotation vector between them: θ(n(µ), n(ν)) = acos(n(ν)T n(µ)) n(ν) × n(µ) n(ν) × n(µ). (27) A visualization of the 2-sphere and the tangent space for a specific µ is given in Figure 1. The concept is slightly more complicated than in the case of 3D rotations since we truly over-parameterize a 3D unit vector (no constraint is imposed on the underlying rotation). To overcome this, we use a different notion of equivalence where we define that two unit vector parametrizations µ and ν are equivalent (µ ∼ ν) iff n(µ) = n(ν). With this, the
Bloesch et al. 5 Figure 1. Representation of 3D unit vectors: The 3D unit vector n(µ) is represented as the result of applying the rotation µ onto the z-axis of an arbitrary inertial coordinate system. The images of the x- and y-axis are used to define an orthonormal plane to the unit vector. This plane then represents the tangent space used for the construction of the boxplus and boxminus operations. The boxminus operator takes two 3D unit vectors and represents their difference in R2. Conversely, the boxplus operator takes an element from R2 and applies it on a 3D unit vector. axioms proposed by Hertzberg et al. (2011) are fulfilled: µ 0 = µ, (µ u) µ = u, µ (ν µ) ∼ ν. (28) (29) (30) A technical detail with this parametrization is that whenever representing a difference, u ∈ R2, we have to keep track of the corresponding tangent space. Mathematically, if we have two rotations µ and ν with µ ∼ ν, it does not follow that (µ u) ∼ (ν u). Similarly to the derivatives given in section 3.2, the most commonly used derivatives for terms involving 3D unit vectors are given by: ∂/∂t (µ(t)) = − N (µ(t))T n(µ(t))× ∂/∂µ (n(µ)) = n(µ)×N (µ), ∂/∂µN (µ)T r = − N (µ)T r×N (µ). · ∂/∂t (n(µ(t))) , (31) (32) (33) The first identity relates the time derivative of a 3D unit vector on its manifold to its time derivative in the 3D vector space. The second expression is the derivative of the unit vector in 3D w.r.t. to its minimal 2D representation. Those identities can be very useful when computing Jacobians, whereby the chain rule can be applied for computing the derivatives of more complex terms. An example will be provided when discussing the process model of the bearing vector state of 3D landmarks (see section 5.3 and Appendix A). in all, the proposed unit vector parametrization yields analogous advantages as obtained when employing the well established minimal 3D rotation parametrization. This includes a singularity-free parametrization which comes with relatively simple differentials. Furthermore the parametrization of the tangent space is orthogonal and the direction of the boxminus operation is in accordance with the shortest path between two given unit vectors (taking a step along ν µ is optimal for going from µ to ν, All Prepared using sagej.cls Figure 2. The construction of a multilevel patch out of an image pyramid. Here each single patch is composed of 8 × 8 pixels and 3 pyramid levels are depicted. These settings may vary in the actual implementation. see Figure 1). Other parametrizations, such as azimuth and elevation angles, do not meet these properties and often exhibit singular configurations. 4 Multilevel Patches and Photometric Error 4.1 Multilevel Patch Features Along the lines of other landmark-based visual odometry approaches (Davison (2003)) we model landmarks as distinguished stationary 3D locations in the environment. Each landmark is associated with a multilevel patch feature P = {P0, . . . , PL}, which is composed of multiple n × n image patches, Pl, extracted at the projected landmark location on image level l. In the current default implementation we extract 6 × 6 image patches on the second and third pyramid level (down-sampling factor of 2). These parameters can and should be adapted to the actual hardware setup and the scenario. An example is given in Figure 2. The simultaneous use of multiple pyramid levels leads to cross-correlations between the pixel intensities. These are not explicitly modeled but can be handled to a certain extent by tuning the corresponding error weighting. to a standard feature descriptor, a patch- based descriptor allows to compute a photometric error and thereby to avoid the use of reprojection errors. Taking the information of every pixel gives much richer information about the environment, which not only helps improving the robustness in bad lighting conditions, but also inherently takes into account the texture of the tracked image patch. For instance, it enables the integration of edge-shaped features, whereby the gained information is along the perpendicular direction of the edge. In comparison, reprojection error based approaches typically attempt to minimize the distance between the predicted and detected feature location. This ignores the local texture around the landmark and, if no additional measures are taken, all landmarks are weighted equally. In contrast 4.2 Projection Model and Linear Warping Given the bearing vector µ of a landmark, the pixel coordinates in the camera frame can be retrieved by using the camera model π. Assuming a known intrinsic calibration, the pixel coordinates p can directly be expressed by p = π(µ). If the camera is moving, the feature moves through the image and is seen from a different perspective. To account for a certain patch distortion effect, a linear warping matrix is n()N(1)()N(2)()n()N()u = θ(n(μ),n(ν))exp(N(μ)u)N(μ)TN(μ)u=n(ν)n(μ)R2u
6 Journal Title XX(X) tracked with each feature. This is done by concatenating all Jacobians when transforming a landmark location. For instance, if we detect a feature in some frame at pixel p1, transform the corresponding bearing vector µ1 = π−1(p1) with a process model µ2 = f (µ1), and then re-project the bearing vector in a subsequent frame p2 = π(µ2), we obtain the following linear warping matrix: D = ∂π(µ2) ∂f (µ1) ∂π−1(p1) ∂µ2 ∂µ1 ∂p1 ∈ R2×2. (34) In essence, this maps the two patch axes from the point of patch extraction (which where aligned with the image axes) to the two distorted patch axes in the projection image. This approach tracks the distortion locally around the patch and ignores any larger scale information like the geometric shape of a patch. To avoid large distortions and the accumulation of errors, the patches are re-extracted regularly and the warping matrix is reset to identity. 4.3 Photometric Error and Patch Alignment The photometric error between a given multilevel patch feature and a specific image is computed by extracting a warped patch at the estimated location and evaluating the pixel-wise intensity error. For a given multilevel patch feature (with coordinates p and multilevel patch P = {P0, . . . , PL}) at a specific image level l and patch pixel pj, the photometric error can be formalized as follows: el,j(p, P, I, D) = Pl(pj) − a Il(p sl + Dpj) − b, (35) is the image at the pyramid level l and sl = where Il 0.5l is a scaling factor to account for the down-sampling. The linear warping matrix D is used to map patch pixel coordinates to image coordinates. Furthermore, inter-frame illumination changes are taken into account by employing an affine intensity model composed of the scalars a and b (both get marginalized out). Figure 3 depicts the photometric error between a patch and its measurement in an image at a predicted location p. If we minimize the squared error terms for a multilevel patch, we obtain a patch alignment algorithm which is very similar to the well-known Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi (KLT) feature tracker (Lucas and Kanade (1981); Shi and Tomasi (1994)). A slight difference is given by the fact that we optimize over multiple image levels at once. The minimization can be solved by a Gauss-Newton method which iteratively linearizes the optimization problem around an estimated patch location ˆp: b(ˆp + δp, P, I, D) = A(ˆp, I, D)δp + b(ˆp, P, I, D), (36) where b(ˆp, P, I, D) represents the stacked error terms from eq. (35) and A(ˆp, I, D) the corresponding Jacobian. The corresponding normal equations are then given by: A(ˆp, I, D)T A(ˆp, I, D)δp = −A(ˆp, I, D)T b(ˆp, P, I, D), (37) which can be solved for the correction δp. This is analogous to one iteration step of the KLT feature tracker (but is not used as such in Rovio). In section 5.4 we will demonstrate Prepared using sagej.cls Figure 3. Illustration of the (signed) photometric error between a previously extracted patch (green) and its projection into an image (measured, red) at a predicted location p. The bottom left grey tone of the difference patch represents 0. Only a single image level is depicted. This photometric error is directly used as the innovation term in an IEKF. how eq. (36) is leveraged into the innovation term of the employed IEKF. Note that due to the scaling factor sl in eq. (35), error terms for higher image levels will have a weaker corrective influence on the filter state or the patch alignment. On the other hand, they exhibit increased robustness w.r.t. image blur or bad initial alignment and thus strongly increase the robustness of the overall alignment method. 4.4 Detection and Scoring The detection of new landmarks is based on the FAST corner detector (Rosten and Drummond (2006)) which provides a large amount of candidate feature locations. After removing candidates which are close to currently tracked features, we compute a patch gradient based score for selecting new features which are added to the state. This basically represents an adaptation of the Shi-Tomasi score (Shi and Tomasi (1994)) by considering the combined Hessian on multiple image levels, instead of only a single level. The combined Hessian can be directly retrieved from the normal equations (37): H = A(ˆp, I, D)T A(ˆp, I, D), (38) where the minimal eigenvalue of H corresponds to the adapted Shi-Tomasi score. The advantage is that a high score is correlated with the alignment accuracy of the corresponding multilevel patch feature. Instead of returning the minimal eigenvalue, the method can return other eigenvalue based scores like the 1- or 2-norm. This is useful in environments with scarce corner data, whereby also edge-shaped features can be considered. Finally, the detection process is also coupled with a bucketing technique to achieve a good distribution of the features within the camera frame.
Bloesch et al. 5 Filter Framework 5.1 Iterated Extended Kalman Filtering The regular Kalman filter can be interpreted as the recursive optimal solution to the maximum likelihood estimation problem formulated over two subsequent time steps (Bell and Cathey (1993)). Analogously, the EKF can be associated with a nonlinear maximum likelihood estimation and can be shown to yield the same result as the first iteration step of a corresponding Gauss-Newton optimization. However, in contrast to its linear counterpart, the EKF cannot guarantee to retrieve the optimal solution, whereby linearization errors tend to become larger if the linearization point is further away from the real solution. A possibility to improve this aspect is to make use of an IEKF which is basically the recursive form of the Gauss-Newton optimization (Bell and Cathey (1993)). A nonlinear discrete time system with state x, innovation term y, process noise w ∼ N (0, W ), and update noise n ∼ N (0, R) can be written as: xk = f (xk−1, wk−1), yk = h(xk, nk). (39) (40) In eq. (40) we made use of an implicit formulation of the measurement model which directly yields the Kalman innovation yk. This provides more flexibility in the design by allowing the direct integration of residuals. Given an a-posteriori estimate x+ the prediction step of the IEKF is analogous to the EKF and yields the a-priori estimate at the next time step: k−1 with covariance P + k−1, x− k = f (x+ P − k = F k−1P + k−1, 0), k−1F T k−1 + Gk−1W k−1GT k−1, with the Jacobians F k−1 = Gk−1 = ∂f ∂xk−1 ∂f ∂wk−1 (x+ k−1, 0), (x+ k−1, 0). (41) (42) (43) (44) Analogously to the EKF, the update step of the IEKF can be linked to an optimization problem considering the deviation from the prior x− k and the innovation term h(x+ k , 0): min x+ k x+ k x− k P −−1 k + h(x+ k , 0)(J kRkJ T k )−1 . (45) in contrast However, to the EKF, an iterative scheme is employed where the problem is linearized around continuously refined linearization points x+ k,j starting with k,0 = x− x+ k : ∆xk,jx+ min k,j x− k,j∆xk,jP k + L−1 k,j, 0) + H k,j∆xk,j(J kRkJ T −−1 k + h(x+ k )−1 (46) Prepared using sagej.cls where the Jacobians are updated every iteration step: H k,j = J k,j = Lk,j = ∂h ∂xk ∂h ∂nk ∂(x− (x+ k,j, 0), (x+ k,j, 0), ∆x) k ∂∆x (x+ k,j x− k ). 7 (47) (48) (49) The Jacobian Lk,j of the boxplus operator is required to account for the special linearization of certain states such as rotations or bearing vectors. Its inverse L−1 is the corresponding Jacobian of the boxminus operation w.r.t. to the left operand and is required to linearize the deviation of the prior in (46). Please note that due to the special notion of differentials on manifolds the Jacobian Lk,j is a square matrix (see eq. (11)). Also, in the case of vector spaces this Jacobian will be the identity matrix. k,j Setting the derivative of the cost function (46) w.r.t. the incremental update ∆xk,j to zero and employing some matrix calculus yields the following recursive solution: Sk,j = H k,jLT k,jP − Kk,j = LT − h(x+ ∆xk,j = Kk,j k,jP − k,j + J k,jRkJ T k Lk,jH T k,jS−1 k Lk,jH T k,j, H k,jLk,j(x+ k,j x− k ) x− k ), − Lk,j(x+ k,j k,j, x+ k,j+1 = x+ k,j k,j, 0) ∆xk,j, (50) (51) (52) (53) whereby the iteration is terminated when the update ∆xk,j is below a certain threshold. Finally, the covariance matrix is only updated once the process has converged after n iterations: k = (I − Kk,nH k,n)LT P + k,nP − k Lk,n. (54) Especially in setups with large initial uncertainties, the IEKF can provide a significant gain in convergence and accuracy. Using a termination criteria based on the magnitude of the performed correction, the computational overhead can be limited to cases with large update the initial measurements of a new corrections landmark). Once the state has properly converged, the number of iterations can be kept to a minimum and the computational costs remain similar to the ones of the regular EKF. (e.g. 5.2 Filter Setup and State Definition Similar to other visual-inertial filtering frameworks (Kelly and Sukhatme (2011); Jones and Soatto (2011)), the inertial measurements are employed to propagate the filter state, while the visual measurements are processed and integrated during the filter update step (see Figure 4). The proposed filter setup differs in that it makes use of a fully robocentric formulation of the filter state, which has previously been tested in vision-only approaches Civera et al. (2009). The advantage of this formulation is that the position and yaw states, which are unobservable, can be fully decoupled from the rest of the filter states. This decreases the noise magnitude and improves the consistency of relevant states such as