
计算机图形学(第三版)Donald Hearn 蔡士杰译 课后习题答案 8.pdf

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Chapter 8 Three-Dimensional Object Representations This chapter examines the methods that have been devised to describe and visualize various kinds of objects and data sets. In addition, programming projects explore the application of OpenGL functions for different representations, as well as the implementation details involved in the algorithms for generating displays of splines, fractals, and other objects. Exercises 8-1. Input for this algorithm is the sphere radius, assuming that the sphere is centered at the coordinate origin. A polygon-mesh representation can be constructed using longitude and latitude lines to obtain vertex positions. Thus, two additional input parameters could be provided to specify the number of latitude and longitude lines that are to be used in subdividing the sphere surface. The parametric equations for either a longitude line or a latitude line can be obtained from Eqs. 8-2. Along each longitude line, angle θ has a constant value. Similarly, angle φ is constant along any latitude line. For example, the coordinates along the longitude line in the xz plane (θ = 0) are calculated with the equations x = r cos φ, y = 0, z = r sin φ and the equations for computing coordinate positions along the latitude line in the xy plane (φ = 0) are x = r cos θ, y = r sin θ, z = 0 If we denote the required number of latitude lines as nlat and the required number of longitude lines as nlong, the algorithm can obtain vertex coordinates by calculating nlong positions along nlat latitude lines (or vice versa). Thus, angle θ is assigned nlong values over the range from −π to +π, and angle φ is assigned nlat values over the range from −π/2 to +π/2. 47
48 CHAPTER 8. THREE-DIMENSIONAL OBJECT REPRESENTATIONS The algorithm should take sphere symmetries into account to reduce the number of trigonometric calculations. Coordinate positions need to be computed from the paramet- ric sphere equations only for the latitude lines in the northern (or southern) hemisphere. Positions in the other hemisphere are obtained using a reflection about the xy plane. Also, the algorithm need only calculate positions within one octant of each circular lat- itude (or longitude) line. The remaining positions in the other octants for each circle are obtained by symmetry (Fig. 3-18). Furthermore, the latitude “lines” at the top and bottom of the sphere (the poles) are points. At the top of the sphere, polygon edges are defined from the pole position radially down to the coordinate positions on the first latitude line below the pole, and a polygon edge is defined between each pair of adjacent positions along that latitude line. A similar set of polygons is constructed at the bottom of the sphere. Thus, the top and bottom of the spherical surface are each represented with a triangular mesh. For all other latitude lines, adjacent pairs of coordinate positions are used to define a horizontal edge of a quadrilateral, and adjacent positions along a longitude line joining two latitude lines are used to define a vertical edge of a quadrilateral. To facilitate processing and to ensure that the vertex positions for each surface facet are coplanar, additional calculations can be performed to split each quadrilateral into two triangles. The final step in the algorithm is to store the information for vertex coordinates, polygon edges, and surface facets in polygon tables (Section 3-15). 8-2. A polygon-mesh representation for an ellipsoid can be constructed using Eqs. 8-4 and the sphere algorithm from the preceding exercise. The primary differences between the two algorithms are that the parametric equations involve a radius value for each axis and input values are needed for rx, ry, and rz, with the ellipsoid centered at the coordinate origin. Also, coordinate positions along an ellipse are symmetric between quadrants, but not between octants. 8-3. Assuming that the cylinder parameters are specified relative to the coordinate origin, input for this algorithm can be the cylinder radius r and the height h above the xy plane. Thus, the cylinder axis is along the z axis, the center position for the bottom of the cylinder is (0, 0, 0), and the center position for the top of the cylinder is (0, 0, h). If some other position is to be given for the cylinder, calculations for the polygon-mesh vertex coordinates can be carried out relative to the given cylinder reference position. Or, the cylinder can be translated and rotated to place its base in the xy plane and its axis along the z axis. First, compute a set of equally spaced points around the perimeter of the cylinder top. This can be accomplished using the midpoint circle algorithm (Section 3-9) or the para- metric circle equations 3-28. In either case, we need only calculate coordinates for the points in the first quadrant, and the remaining points are determined by symmetry (Fig. 3-18). These points provide the vertices for a convex polygon representation of the top of the cylinder, and form the basis for obtaining the polygon representation for the cylinder base. For every position (x, y, h) along the top of the cylinder, there is a corresponding point (x, y, 0) at the base of the cylinder, which are the remaining vertex positions
49 needed for the polygon at the base and for the rectangles along the side of the cylinder. The final step in the algorithm is to store the information for vertex coordinates, polygon edges, and surface facets in polygon tables (Section 3-15). The number of circle subdivisions can be an additional input parameter. Or a fixed number of subdivisions, such as 8 or 10, can be used for all input cylinders. To facilitate processing and to ensure that the vertex positions for each surface facet are coplanar, additional calculations can be performed to convert the polygon representation into a triangular mesh. This is accomplished for the top and bottom of the cylinder by adding radial lines from the circle center to the vertex positions on the circle perimeter. For each rectangular strip along the side of the cylinder, add a diagonal line. Also, the size of the polygons along the side of the cylinder can be reduced by first dividing each rectangle into a number of smaller rectangles, then splitting the reduced rectangles into triangles. Thus, another option for this algorithm is the specification of the number of horizontal slices to be used in creating the rectangles along the side of the cylinder. 8-4. A polygon-mesh representation for a superellipsoid can be constructed using Eqs. 8-12 and the ellipsoid algorithm (Exercise 8-2), along with the additional parameters s1 and s2. 8-5. An algorithm for generating a polygon-mesh representation for the surface of a meta- ball object can be set up using techniques similar to those for the sphere and ellipsoid algorithms (Exercises 8-1 and 8-2). Given values for parameters b, d, and the surface constant for f(r), convert the object description to a parametric form involving surface parameters u and v. Then, subdivide the surface into a number of subintervals in the two orthogonal directions to obtain a set of polygon facets. 8-6. Input for this routine can be a data file that includes a value for the tension parameter t, as well as a set of four control-point positions. An additional input can be either the number of coordinate positions to plot along the curve or a step size ∆u for the parametric parameter u. The parametric representation 8-35 can be rewritten in standard polynomial form for each of the x and y coordinates, and positions along the curve between the middle two control points are calculated for parameter values uj+1 = uj + ∆u, where u0 = 0, un = 1, and j = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n. These coordinate positions could be connected with straight line segments, or forward differences can be used to determine points along the cardinal-spline path. To display the curve section, the example program in Section 8-10 can be modified so that the cardinal-spline routine replaces procedure bezier. As an option, a closed curve as in Fig. 8-29 can be displayed using a cyclic permutation of the four control points. Another option is to specify more that four control points so that multiple connected cardinal-spline sections can be generated between all control points except the first point and the last point. 8-7. The parametric equations for a Kochanek-Bartels spline can be derived from boundary conditions 8-36 using the same procedures discussed for cardinal splines. And the curve
50 CHAPTER 8. THREE-DIMENSIONAL OBJECT REPRESENTATIONS can be displayed using the cardinal-spline procedures in Exercise 8-6. For this program, an input file can include values for the tension, bias, and continuity parameters, in addition to the control-point positions and a value for the parametric step size ∆u. 8-8. As noted in Section 8-10, a B´ezier curve generated with three distinct, noncollinear control points is a parabola. The three blending functions are BEZ0,2 = (1 − u)2, BEZ1,2 = 2u(1 − u), BEZ2,2 = u2 Function BEZ0,2 has a minimum value of 0 at u = 1.0 and a maximum value of 1.0 at u = 0. Function BEZ1,2 has its minimum value of 0 at both u = 0 and u = 1.0, and BEZ1,2 has a maximum value of 0.5 at u = 0.5. Function BEZ2,2 has a minimum value of 0 at u = 0 and a maximum value of 1.0 at u = 1.0. 8-9. The five B´ezier blending functions for n = 4 are BEZ0,4 = (1 − u)4, BEZ1,4 = 4u(1 − u)3, BEZ2,4 = 6u2(1 − u)2, BEZ3,4 = 4u3(1 − u), BEZ4,4 = u4, max = 1 at u = 0 min = 0 at u = 1; min = 0 at u = 0, 1; max = 27/64 at u = 1/4 min = 0 at u = 0, 1; max = 3/8 at u = 1/2 min = 0 at u = 0, 1; max = 27/64 at u = 3/4 min = 0 at u = 0; max = 1 at u = 1 8-10. For this exercise, replace the set of four control-point coordinates given in procedure displayFcn with input from a data file. Other input values could also be included in the data file, such as the curve width, the curve color, and details for displaying the control points and control graph. For example, the control points could be displayed in a specified size and color, with connecting dashed lines. 8-11. For this exercise, replace the fixed values for variable nCtrlPts and the control-point coordinates given in procedure displayFcn with input from a data file that contains the control-point positions and the number of positions. Various other data can be included in the input, such as the number of points to be plotted along the curve path, the width and color of the curve, and details for displaying the control points and control graph. For example, the control points could be displayed in a specified size and color, with connecting dashed lines. Other options include displaying the curve as set of straight-line segments, or a set of points obtained with forward-difference calculations. 8-12. This programming exercise is a variation of the program for Exercise 8-10. Modify the programming example in Section 8-10 so that the OpenGL routines from the example in Section 8-18 are used to generate and display the B´ezier curve, instead of the explicit calculations for the blending functions and curve coordinates. 8-13. Expand the program from the preceding exercise so that the control points are specified in three-dimensional Cartesian coordinates and a three-dimensional B´ezier curve is gener- ated. Viewing routines for displaying the curve can be taken from previous programming
51 examples. Various projection planes could be used to view the curve from different po- sitions. For example, a curve defined in the xz plane projects to a straight line if the projection plane is parallel to the xy plane. Also, the four input control points might not be coplanar. 8-14. Input for each curve section can be limited to three or four control points. Any number of connected curve sections could be displayed, or the routine could be limited to the display of just two connecting curve sections. An input file can be used to specify the coordinates for each set of control points, the number of control points in each set, and the number of curve sections to be displayed. For the second curve section, the positions for the first two control points could be calculated from the continuity conditions, or all control-point positions could be specified as input. If all control-point positions are included in the input file, tests should be performed to be sure that the first-order continuity conditions are satisfied. Thus, the coordinates for the first control point of the second curve section should be the same as the coordinates for the last control point of the first curve section. And the coordinates for the second control point should satisfy Eq. 8-47. Either the program from Exercise 8-10 or the program from Exercise 8-12 could be modified to display the two curve sections. 8-15. This is an extension of the preceding exercise, with an added calculation for the coor- dinates of p2. For this routine, the third control point of the second curve section is positioned so that the first and second derivatives of the first and second curve sections match at the boundary. Thus, the position for the first control point of the second curve section is the same as the position for the last control point of the first curve section, the position for the second control point of the second curve section is calculated from Eq. 8-47, and the position for the third control point of the second curve section is calculated from Eqs. 8-45 as p2 = pn + n (pn − pn−1) + 2n n(n − 1) n(n − 1) [pn−2 − 2pn−1 + pn] 8-16. The subdivisions methods given in Section 8-17 are to be used to calculate curve positions in the program for Exercise 8-10. 8-17. The forward-difference methods given in Section 8-17 are to be used to calculate curve positions in the program for Exercise 8-10. 8-18. For a given value of n, a uniform knot vector with integer values from 0 to n+d+1 = n+6 can be constructed. Then the knot vector values are used in relations 8-53 to obtain the first blending function. The remaining blending functions can then be obtained from Eqs. 8-55. Also, the blending functions Bk,3(u) from Example 8-1 in Section 8-12 can be used in the determination of blending functions Bk,5(u). As an example, if n = d = 5, the knot vector is {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
52 CHAPTER 8. THREE-DIMENSIONAL OBJECT REPRESENTATIONS And blending function B0,5(u) is evaluated from blending functions B0,3(u) in Example 8-1. 8-19. For a given value of n, a uniform knot vector with integer values from 0 to n+d+1 = n+7 can be constructed. Then the knot vector values are used in relations 8-53 to obtain the first blending function. The remaining blending functions can then be obtained from Eqs. 8-55. Also, the blending functions Bk,3(u) from Example 8-1 in Section 8-12 can be used in the determination of blending functions Bk,6(u). As an example, if n = d = 6, the knot vector is {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11} And blending function B0,6(u) is evaluated from blending functions B0,3(u) in Example 8-1. 8-20. In general, the set of blending functions could be determined for specified values of the knot vector and parameters d and n. These blending functions would then replace the B´ezier blending functions in the programming example of Section 8-10. A simpler assignment for this problem is to implement the blending functions in Exercise 8-1 of Section 8-12 to display the quadratic B-spline curve. And the forward-difference methods from Section 8-17 are used to calculate coordinate positions along the B-spline curve, using the procedures discussed for Exercise 8-17. 8-21. As in Exercise 8-12, programming examples from Section 8-10 and 8-18 can be combined to display the curve. In this case, the GLU routines are to be used to generate a B-spline. 8-22. For this exercise, input can be specified in a data file that contains the coordinates for three control points and the values for the weight factors ωk. These input values are then used in Eq. 8-69, along with the B´ezier blending functions, to generate a conic section, using the methods given in Section 8-15. 8-23. The routine from the preceding exercise is modified to implement Eq. 8-71, using the methods described in the Section 8-15 example. 8-24. Coordinates for a position on a B´ezier surface are calculated from Eq. 8-51, given a set of control points and the values for the blending functions. At any point P(u, v) on the surface, we can calculate two surface vectors that are tangent to the surface along the directions of the surface parameters: ru = ∂P ∂u , rv = ∂P ∂v The unit normal vector at point P is then calculated as n = ru × rv |ru × rv|
8-25. For quadratic equations of the form with 0 ≤ u ≤ 1 and increments uk+1 = uk + δ, the forward-difference calculations are x(u) = a0 + a1u + a2u2 53 with initial values xk+1 = xk + ∆xk ∆xk+1 = ∆xk + ∆2xk x0 = a0 ∆x0 = a1δ + a2δ2 ∆2x0 = 2a2δ2 and the second forward difference ∆2xk is a constant for all values of k. The above equations are then applied repeatedly to obtain the (x, y) coordinate positions along the curve from u = 0 to u = 1. This algorithm can be implemented to display a quadratic curve, specified by input parameters. 8-26. Forward-difference calculations for a cubic curve are given in Section 8-17. These calcula- tions are then applied repeatedly to obtain the (x, y) coordinate positions along the curve from u = 0 to u = 1. As in the preceding exercise, this algorithm could be implemented to display a cubic curve, specified by input parameters. 8-27. An input file for this problem can include the components of the translation vector, specifying the sweep direction relative to the coordinate origin, a translation distance, and a shape that is defined in the xy plane. The translation distance (Section 8-19) can be assumed to specify the third dimension for the object relative to its definition in the xy plane. (Otherwise, starting and ending positions along the sweep direction can be specified.) For example, a translation distance in the +z direction for a circle specifies the height of a circular cylinder above the xy plane. The surface for the three-dimensional object is to be defined with a polygon mesh. This is accomplished by dividing both the perimeter of the two-dimensional object and the trans- lation distance into a number of intervals, which are connected to form the boundaries of the surface facets, as illustrated in Fig. 8-55. The size of the intervals (or the number of intervals) in each direction can be specified in the input file. A complete description of the surface is then given in a set of polygon tables that specify the vertex and edge information for each surface facet. 8-28. Methods for this exercise are similar to those in the preceding exercise. The difference is that rotational sweep parameters are specified in the input file instead of translational sweep parameters. A rotation axis can be specified in various ways. It could be defined with an axis vector or with two three-dimensional coordinate positions (Section 5-11). Or the rotation axis could be assumed to be in the xy plane at a specified distance from the center of the object, as in Fig. 8-56. Also, a rotation angle can be given in the input
54 CHAPTER 8. THREE-DIMENSIONAL OBJECT REPRESENTATIONS file, which specifies the amount of rotation about the axis from the defined position of the object in the xy plane. Or, a 360◦ sweep could be assumed. The perimeter of the two-dimensional object is divided in subintervals, which are rotated incrementally through the sweep angle to form a set of points on the three-dimensional surface. Surface facet information is then stored in tables as in Exercise 8-27. 8-29. The ray-casting method discussed in Section 8-20 can be used to generate the CSG description of an object formed from two overlapping three-dimensional shapes using a specified Boolean operation. For this algorithm, two simple shapes, such as a cube and a sphere or a cube and a tetrahedron, can be defined relative to the coordinate origin. For instance, each object can be defined with its center at the coordinate origin. The parameters for the two objects, such as the sphere radius and the cube vertex coordinates, could be specified in an input file, along with the new center position and orientation for each object, the surface color for each object, and the type of Boolean operation to be applied. Geometric transformations are applied to place the two objects in some region of space, given the input positioning and orientation information. Then ray intersection calcu- lations are performed, as indicated in Figs. 8-60 and 8-61, for each pixel within the firing-plane projection of the coordinate extents of the scene. To compute the intersection position for a ray and a sphere, substitute the equation for the line along the path of the orthogonal ray into the sphere equation and solve for the distance from the firing plane. For example, if a pixel is at position Ppix on the firing plane and the center of a sphere with radius r is at position Pc, then the intersection position is calculated from the sphere equation as |(Ppix + s u) − Pc|2 − r2 = 0 where s is the distance along the ray from the firing plane and u is the unit direction vector for the ray. If the firing plane is the xy plane, as in Fig. 8-61, then all rays are parallel to the z axis and u = uz. If the discriminant in the solution for s is negative, the ray does not intersect the sphere. Otherwise, the intersection point nearest the firing plane is the visible surface intersection position. Methods for computing the intersection position for a ray and a polygon surface of a polyhedron are similar to those for computing the intersection of a polygon edge with a clipping plane (Exercise 3-17). First determine whether the ray intersects the bounding sphere for the polyhedron. If it does, then test the surface normal vector for each polygon to identify those polygons that are visible to the firing plane. The normal vector N for a visible polygon satisfies the inequality N·u < 0 For each visible polygon, substitute the equation for the pixel ray into the plane equation to obtain N·(Ppix + s u) + D = 0