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2004-2005 年福建师范大学写作与翻译考研真题 2004 I、Translation:(75 points) 1.Put the following passage into Chinese.(35 points) Some people say that money is what makes everything possible…I share a different opinion . I believe that money can be really horrible .sure,with money one could afford to live ultimate desires,but what’s really hidden from view is the kind of thing that too much money could do to people.Money and wealth disguise all the humanity of life.So many people wonder about every day of their lives wishing to live a rich animation.Yet the part they miss in that “wonderful”life is the change that takes place in themselves.To gain something one must be willing to exchange something,and for something as massive as money,the price is breathtaking.Nevertheless,some see it as reasonable amount and even more agree to the trade;even if the price is the one most important gift from God,All one must pay is their soul. These innocent victims of greed and selfishness are blinded from all but bills of disgusting green.Pretty soon they are jailed inside their own world of rotten filth fooled by their philosophy that money is the most substantial thing on the face of this planet.Suddenly even the nicest restaurants in town fail to please them and so they move elsewhere seeking something—anything —that will satisfy their lost and stolen senses.The braggadocio of their mammoth ego demolishes even the most patient hearts and so they become lonely predators of their own hunmanity . They look upon soul as thieves eyeing their every penny,and even their own mother to them is a burglar thirsty for green.They trust no one,think of no one ,help no one,and in the process shed all love within them;hopeless,and helpless.Trappde in their own creation ,these dreams are …and they say money is harmless—how could they say that?
2.Put the following passage into English:(40 points) 今天我看了一部非常精彩的电影,我觉得这是我看过的最好的影片。影片讲的是一个纯朴的 姑娘,她的父亲在一个有魅力的富人家中当司机。这位姑娘生来就神往美丽,却迷上了这女 主人家中的小儿子。后来她去巴黎,企图摆脱此事。在富于浪漫色彩的法国巴黎,有很多可 看的,也有很多可思考的。 就在那里,她终于忘却了过去,并真正发现了自我。 我自己从未到过巴黎,但这部电影以某种方式使我认识了这个具有传奇色彩的美妙城市和美 丽的爱情,使我十分激动并爱上了那如画的风景。这部电影最令我感到惊叹的是:在我所看 过的“电影剧本”(我指的是从原著改编的电影剧本)中,这是第一本(也可能是最后一本) 比原著更令人叹为观止的了。 我总是认为,书比一部影片、一幅画或一出戏美妙得多,因为 书本使用的语言似乎触及到你的内心以及你可能想象的地方。我记得我一生中阅读写得好的 书都是这样,全身心地感受描写每一个动作、每一种感情的每一个词语。我从未想到一部影 片能像一本书那样对人会产生更深刻的影响。看完这部影片后,证明我错了!哦,至于这个 故事的结局吧,你只有看过这部影片才会相信,因为不可能有什么字眼可以描写这样的体验! II、Writing:(75 points) Write an essay of about 150 words on the topic“What is happiness”,notice that there are no wrong views(35 points) Write an essay of about 200 words on the topic “How to deal with drug problem”. (40 points) 2005 I、Translation:(75 points) 1.Translate the following passage into English(40 points) 要求你回答有关某一个人性格的问题,总的来说,要比要求你重述一个场面的问题困难得多。 其理由是,要想回答性格问题,你必须从书中的所有部分选取合适的事实。 故事中的人物可以分为两类,一类是主要人物;另一类是次要人物,例如在 Jane Eyre 中, Jane 和 Mr Rochester 是主要人物而 Mrs Reed 与 Grace Pode 则是次要人物。 说明一个人性格的最主要方法是记下他的抽象特征,然后以书中的事件来加以证明。你应该 注重的性格特征是:勇气、胆小、大方、吝啬、善良、残暴、善解人意、愚蠢、狡猾等等。
千万注意,在回答问题之前一定要写一个计划。只要这样,你才能确保准确地回答问题。一 旦你写下了计划,它就会给你极大的帮助,你不仅知道你该写几个段落,而且还会知道在每 一段里该写哪些内容。 2.Translate the following passage into Chinese(35 points) The argument of those who object to the notion of a private“pain”is this.Private or not,a“pain” is supposed to be one definite sort of thing,and a sort of thing which a man who has one can himself identify.For if he did not know what a pain was he would not know when to say he had a pain,he would not know how to use the word “pain”in this sense.i.e.,as the name of a private sensation.But how,if pains are private,could he know what a pain is;how could he have learned this? He could not have been taught by someone else to identify pains.to say(correctly) “now I have a pain”for no one else could know when indeed he had a pain and hence tell him when it was correct to say he had one.Suppose he just happened to say“I have a pain”when in fact he had one. But this would not help.For since he would not know that what he had was a pain(and no one else could tell him that it was)he would have no reason to connect these words with his pain;he would have no way of knowing that“pain”was the word for what he was now having.Parhaps then he could decide to use the word “pain”for a certain sort of sensation that he noticed in himself and just happen to get it right.i.e.,to use the word for the right sensation.But no,for he could not know that he was using the word consistently that he was using the sanme word for the same sensation each time it occurred. II、Writing(75 points) 1.Write a passage of about 200 words to argue for OR against the statement “Advertising is one of the most unpleasant features of modern life”(25 points) 2.Write a story of about 200 words about a person,who,when young,was regarded a man of promise,but is now a miserable failure.(25 points) 3.“you cannot bully nature”Discuss the statement in about 200 words.(25 points)