
Omni6900 Switch 安装使用手册.docx

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1.1Cable connection
1.2Login switch
1.3Set EMP IP (switch management IP)
1.4Allow WEB/SSH/FTP
1.5Set date/time
1.6Restart switch
1.7VLAN configure CLI
1.8Save and backup configuration
1.9Enabling/Disabling Spanning Tree on a Port
1.13Save configuration
1.14GUI vlan configuration
1.15Upgrade firmware
1.16Port Statistics
1.17Port mirror
Contents 1 Omni6900 Switch configuration ..........................................................................................2 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Cable connection .....................................................................................................2 Login switch .............................................................................................................3 Set EMP IP (switch management IP) ......................................................................3 Allow WEB/SSH/FTP .............................................................................................. 4 Set date/time ........................................................................................................... 4 Restart switch ..........................................................................................................4 VLAN configure CLI .................................................................................................4 Save and backup configuration ...............................................................................5 Enabling/Disabling Spanning Tree on a Port ..........................................................6 1.10 LAG ......................................................................................................................... 6 1.11 CRAN VLAN SCRIPT ..............................................................................................7 1.12 VCRAN VLAN SCRIPT ........................................................................................... 8 1.13 Save configuration ...................................................................................................8 1.14 GUI vlan configuration .............................................................................................8 1.15 Upgrade firmware ....................................................................................................9 1.16 Port Statistics ...........................................................................................................9 1.17 Port mirror ..............................................................................................................11
1 OMNI6900 SWITCH CONFIGURATION http://www.alcadis.nl/downloads/Alcatel-Lucent/OmniSwitch/OS6900/ 1.1 Cable connection There are three OAM port on Omni6900, from top to down: 1) EMP port (RJ45) 2) USB port (USB interface, it's useless) 3) Console port (USB interface, use special cable convert to serial port) Serial connection: For Desktop PC: Omni6900 Console port -> black converter -> normal network cable ->grey converter-> Desktop PC's serial port.
For Portable PC: Omni6900 Console port ->black converter ->normal network cable->grey converter -> Serial to USB converter -> Portable PC's USB port. EMP connection: Omni6900 EMP port -> switch -> terminal with telnet SW. Omni6900 EMP port -> switch -> terminal with web browser. 1.2 Login switch Login by serial port: (band rate 9600, Parity none, data bits(word size) 8, stop bits 1) User name: admin Password: switch If you want to modify Omni6900 configuration, you need goto working mode: 1) Reboot switch and load configuration from /flash/working directory. -> reload from working no rollback-timeout Confirm Activate (Y/N) : y 1) wait the switch to reboot, it cost about 3min 1.3 Set EMP IP (switch management IP) -> ip interface emp address mask 配置交换机管理 IP -> show ip interface 显示交换机 IP 配置 Total 3 interfaces Name IP Address Subnet Mask Status Forward Device --------------------------------+---------------+---------------+------+-------+--------
EMP EMP-CMMA Loopback UP DOWN UP NO NO NO EMP EMP Loopback 注意:EMP 端口不支持 default GW,如果要从不同网段访问 EMP,需要设置在交换机里设置 静态路由。如果只用同一网段访问,则不需要设置。 -> ip static-route mask gateway 设置 135 来访 IP 使用指定的 网关 1.4 Allow WEB/SSH/FTP -> aaa authentication default local 允许 WEB,SSH,FTP 访问 1.5 Set date/time -> system date 02/27/2011 -> system time 18:35:00 1.6 Restart switch -> reload all 1.7 VLAN configure CLI Telent to Omni6900 EMP port, IP address reference to above chapter. Vlan configuration -> -> -> -> -> show vlan //显示 vlan show vlan members //显示 vlan 与端口的关联 show vlan members port 1/1 //显示端口 1/1 的所有 vlan 信息 show vlan 1234 members //显示 vlan1234 的所有端口 vlan 255 name “vlanname” //创建 VLAN -> no vlan 255 //删除 VLAN -> vlan 220 members port 1/5-6 untagged 设置 slot1 的端口 5 和 6 的 default vlan 为 220, 从端口 5 和 6 进来的没有 vlan 的包会强制变成 vlan 220,从端口 5 和 6 出去的 IP 包,如果带 vlan220,就会被强制变成 no vlan.
-> vlan 1 members port 1/5-6 untagged 值 1。 //恢复 slot1 的端口 5 和 6 的 default vlan 为默认 -> -> -> vlan 255 admin-state enable //启用 VLAN vlan 255 admin-state disable //禁用 VLAN,端口配置还在,但不会转发流量 vlan 255 members port 1/1-24 tagged //关联 vlan255 到 slot1 的端口 1-24 -> no vlan 1-4 members port 1/1-24 //取消 vlan1-4 到 slot1 的端口 1-24 的关联 -> vlan 100 members linkagg 10 //关联 vlan100 到 agg10 -> vlan 200 mtu-ip 1000 //设置 vlan200 的 MTU 大小为 1000(最大 9198) 1.8 Save and backup configuration Prepare work: Reboot switch and run below command to enter working mode before modify any configuration -> reload from working no rollback-timeout After modify switch configuration, run below command to save and reboot switch to enter certified mode. -> write memory -> cp /flash/working/* /flash/certified Note: if the switch is working for virtualization environment, switch is forbidden to reboot while any VM is running. Otherwise VM may be crushed. Note: If switch in certified mode, it’s impossible to save any modified configuration Backup: -> cd /flash -> mkdir backup -> cd /flash/working/* /flash/backup Restore : -> cd /flash/backup -> cp * ../certified
1.9 Enabling/Disabling Spanning Tree on a Port -> spantree vlan 10 port 8/1 enable -> spantree vlan 20 port 6/2 disable 1.10 LAG -> linkagg static agg 3-10 size 8 创建 agg3-10,每个 agg 都是 8 端口的 -> no linkagg static agg 3-10删除 agg3-10 -> show linkagg 显示已创建的 agg -> linkagg static agg 2 name accounting 命名 agg2 为”accounting” -> no linkagg static agg 2 name 删除 agg2-10 的命名 -> linkagg static agg 2 admin-state disable 把 agg2 禁用 -> linkagg static agg 2 admin-state enable 把 agg2 启用 -> linkagg static port 2/1-5 agg 4 把 2/1-5 端口加入 agg4 -> no linkagg static port 2/1-5 把 2/1-5 端口从 agg 里删除 -> show linkagg agg 1 显示 agg1 的端口信息 -> show linkagg agg 1-5 port 显示 agg1-5 的端口信息 -> show linkagg port 4/1 显示端口 4/1 的 agg 信息 -> show linkagg port 显示所有 agg 的端口信息 //查看agg //查看agg绑定的端口,例如看到端口1/10,1/12 删除动态链路聚合命令 -> show linkagg -> show linkagg port -> linkagg lacp agg 126 admin-state disable //禁用agg 126 -> no linkagg lacp agg 126 -> no linkagg lacp port 1/10 -> no linkagg lacp port 1/12 例子: -> show linkagg Att/Sel Ports Number Aggregate -------+-------------+---------+----+------------+--------------+----------- -- //删除与链路聚合相关的端口绑定 //删除与链路聚合相关的端口绑定 //删除agg2-10 SNMP Id Size Admin State Oper State
123 124 125 126 127 Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic 40000123 16 40000124 16 40000125 16 40000126 16 40000127 16 ENABLED ENABLED ENABLED ENABLED ENABLED UP UP DOWN DOWN DOWN 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 -> show linkagg port Slot/Port Link Prim -------------------+----------+--------+----------+----+-----+-----+---- Aggregate Agg Oper SNMP Id Status 1/10 1/12 Dynamic Dynamic 1010 1012 ATTACHED ATTACHED 124 UP 123 UP UP UP YES YES These two ports seem to have configured dynamically To remove: linkagg lacp agg 123 admin-state disable linkagg lacp agg 124 admin-state disable Then remove the ports currently in the dynamic linkagg no linkagg lacp port 1/10 no linkagg lacp port 1/12 You then should be able to remove the linkagg entirely: no linkagg lacp agg 123 no linkagg lacp agg 124 1.11 CRAN VLAN SCRIPT Both up and down switch need to run this script.
1.12 VCRAN VLAN SCRIPT Only down switch need to run this script. 1.13 Save configuration -> write memory -> cp /flash/working/* /flash/certified 1.14 GUI vlan configuration Use web browse to open 6900 web GUI. Select “Layer 2”->”VLAN Mgmt” Select VLAN to create/modify/delete vlan Select Members to create/modify/delete vlan port in switch.