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C++ Template C++ Templates - The Complete Guide 1
PDFword C++ Template zqding@hotmail.com 2
About This Book C++ templates templates templates C++ programming paradigms C++ templates template-based C++ templates David C++ template templates Nico templates Addison-Wesley C++template tutorialC++template reference C++ template idioms 1.1 C++ classesinheritance C++ iostreams , containers C++ templates 1998 C++ Standard[Standard98] C++ [Standard02]C++ [StroustrupC++PL][JosuttisOOP] [JosuttisLib] C++ B.3.5 1.2 (1) templates (2) templates tutorial template constructs C++ templates templates templates B C++overload resolution 3 2 3
functors 22 smart pointers 20 1.3 C++ templates templates templates templates templates templates templates templates http://www.josuttis.com/tmplbook/ 1.4 Programming Style C++ typesparametersvariables void foo (const int &x); void foo (const int& x); void foo (int const &x); void foo (int const& x); constant integer int const const intwhat is constant const const int N = 100; int const N = 100; // // int* const bookmark; // bookmark int const * syntactical substitution principle template typedef char* CHARS; typedef CHARS const CPTR; // chars const CHARS typedef char* const CPTR; // chars const const 4
typedef char* CHARS; typedef const CHARS CPTR; // chars const CHARS typedef const char* CPTR; // const chars void foo (int const& x); char *a, b; C a b char C++ C++ size_t ptrdiff_t std:: std::size_t size_t 1.5 vs. Standard versus Realit y C++ Standard19982002 C++ Standard C++ Standard C++ Standard C++Standard C++ C++ C++ C++ templates 13 5
The Basic C++templates function templates class templates template nontype template parameters typename member templates templates Object-Oriented Programming in C++by Nicolai M. Josuttis, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., ISBN 0- 470-84399-3 templates C++ C++ Templates C++ specific typesentities quicksort linked-list binary tree 1. 2. common base type Object void* 3. preprocessors, macros CJava C++ 1. 2. common base class classes base classes 3. preprocessors C/C++ preprocessors formatted source codescopetypes Templates templates functions classes templates argument templates type checking scope Templates C++ templates objects values container classes stringTemplates templates 6
2 Function Templates function templates function templates functions 2.1 Function Templates Function templates function template functions function 2.1.1 Template function template // basics/max.hpp template inline T const& max (T const& a, T const& b) { // a typename T typename type parameter C++ template parameter template parameter nontype parameter 4 Tidentifier T TypeType parameters function template T class T T operator< class typename type parameter typename C++ class type parameter class template max() template inline T const& max (T const& a, T const& b) { // a
// basics/max.cpp #include #include #include "max.hpp" int main() { int i = 42; std::cout << "max(7,i): " << ::max(7,i) << std::endl; double f1 = 3.4; double f2 = -6.7; std::cout << "max(f1,f2): " << ::max(f1,f2) << std::endl; std::string s1 = "mathematics"; std::string s2 = "math"; std::cout << "max(s1,s2): " << ::max(s1,s2) << std::endl; } max() int doubl std::string max() max(7,i): 42 max(f1,f2): 3.4 max(s1,s2): mathematics max() "::" global namespace max() std::max() template ambiguity templates entity max() max() int i = 42; ... max(7,i) ... int template parameter T function template inline int const& max (int const& a, int const& b) { // a c1, c2; ... max(c1,c2); // operator< // templates 1. template 2. template 8