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2023 年山西中考英语真题及答案 听力部分(共 20 分) 一、情景反应(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 本题共 5 个小题,每小题你将听到一组对话。请你从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三幅图片中,选出与你所听到 的信息相关联的一项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. A. 2. A. 3. A. 4. A. 5. A. B. B. B. B. B. C. C. C. C. C. 二、对话理解(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 本题共 5 个小题,每小题你将听到一组对话和一个问题。请你从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出 一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 6. A. Jim. B. Tony. C. Lucy. 7. A. Τo the store. B. To the cinema. C. To the restaurant. 8. A. A teacher. B. A worker. C. A driver. 9. A. Safe. B. Tired. C. Lonely. 10. A. He doesn’t like bike riding at all. B. He can exercise by riding his bike. C. He sometimes goes lo school by bike. 三、语篇理解(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 本题你将听到一篇短文。请你根据短文内容和所提出的 5 个问题,从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中, 选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 11. When did the writer become less interested in science? A. In Grade Seven. B. In Grade Eight. C. In Grade Nine. 12. Why did the writer want to give up science?
A. Because he often got very bad grades. B. Because he didn’t see why he had to try. C. Because he needed time to do what he loved. 13. What did the writer’s mom encourage him to do? A. To fix cars. B. To sell cars. C. To make cars. 14. How did Mom help the writer know what to do? A. By telling him a story of a scientist. B. By asking him to get help from teachers. C. By giving him an example of climbing mountains. 15. What does the story mainly tell us? A. A good habit can help us grow up. B. It is necessary to ask Mom for advice. C. Sticking to dreams is the key to success. 四、听力填空(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 本题你将听到一篇短文。请你根据所听内容,完成下面的句子,并将获取的信息填到答题卡相应的位置上。 每空一词。 A Labor(劳动)Star Name: Li Lei Age: 16. _ years old Experiences: ·When he was ten, he made a 17. for his mom. ·To make a good meal, he had to 18. again and again. ·His mom and dad 19. enjoy his food. ·He’s really 20. that he can help around the house through his hobby 五、补全对话(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 笔试部分(共 100 分) 下面是手机群聊的界面,请根据聊天内容,从所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上 将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余项。 (Three friends are talking about the school trip.) Hey, Lin Tao. ____1____ Greal! I’ve learned a lot about China’s space technology. How rapidly it develops! ____2____ It has got a lot of success. Right! I was excited to see Shenzhou XVI(神舟十六号) rising into space on TV. ____3____ Yes, I did. I feel so proud of our country.
All the astronauts are my heroes. Their fighting spirit touches me deeply. So do I. And Jing Haipeng is my hero. ____4____ Me. too. Let’s work harder together! Yeah! ____5____ A. Thank you. B. That’s true. C. I have no idea. D. What about yours? E. Did you watch the news? F. I want to be a person like them. G. How was your trip to the space museum? 六、完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 8 分) 请阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳 选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Joe got a bar of chocolate from his father for his cleaning work at home. ___6___ he was ready to eat it, his elder brother Jack returned home from school. He ___7___ the chocolate from Joe and put it in his mouth and ran away. Joe rushed to his room ___8___ and locked the room from the inside and fell on his bed, with tears on his face, worrying about his lost chocolate. Learning about it, his father carried a larger bar of chocolate to Joe’s ___9___. He knocked at the door and asked Joe to open it. He even told that he had a larger bar of chocolate for him. But Joe ___10___ to listen to his father. He lay on the bed, paying no attention to his father’s knock and talk. He continued to cry, thinking about his small loss(损失). His ___11___ stopped him from getting a much greater joy. We may ___12___ a lot of time, energy and chances worrying about the small losses that have happened in our lives, and blaming(责怪)the persons who we think are responsible for our losses. By doing this, we are actually refusing to receive ___13___ gifts from life. It’s really foolish action. 6. A. If B. When C. Though
7. A. ate up B. took away 8. A. carefully B. bravely 9. A. room 10. A. refused 11. A. hope 12. A. imagine B. school B. needed B. secret B. waste 13. A. greater B. cheaper C. gave out C. angrily C. yard C. tried C. worry C. notice C. smaller 七、阅读理解(这一部分共五篇短文,A 至 D 篇每篇短文后有五个小题,E 篇后有六个小题,每小题 2 分, 共 52 分) (A) 请阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 The 3 most wonderful train journeys provide the natural beauty of our motherland. Read on to see which line you want to start your journey with. Xining to Lhasa Length: around 1,900 km long Price: 781 yuan for a soft sleeper The railway line is popular with travellers who want to visit Tibet(西藏). It is the longest high altitude(海拔)train trip in the world and is named as “the way to the sky”. Most of the line is over 4,000 meters. You can see Qinghai Lake outside the train’s windows. Chengdu to Kunming Length: around 1,100 km long Price: 487.5 yuan for a second class The railway line has been in service since July 1970. From Chengdu, with an altitude of 400 meters or so, the train goes up to about 2,000 meters across mountains. This line is called Geological Museum(地质博物馆)because of the special geography along the railway line. Length: around 250 km long Price: 64 yuan for a soft seat Lhasa to Rikaze This railway line connects to the Qinghai-Tibet Railway and has an altitude of above 3,600 meters. It makes Tibet travel easier for travellers, especially those who want to see Mount Qomolangma, the highest mountain in the world. 14. Xining to Lhasa Railway is called “the way to the sky” because ________.
A. most of it is over 4,000 meters B. it gives travellers a feeling of flying C. there are many high mountains along it 15. Mr. Green and his wife are planning a train trip from Chengdu to Kunming, they should pay ________ for their second-class tickets. A. 781 yuan B. 975 yuan C. 551.5 yuan 16. As for Chengdu to Kunming Railway, we can know that . A. it is about 2,000 kilometers long B. it has been in service for 70 years C. the geography along the line is special 17. The railway from Lhasa to Rikaze makes it easier for travellers to see ________. A. Qinghai Lake B. Geological Museum C. Mount Qomolangma 18. The three wonderful railway lines ________. A. go across Tibet all the way B. run from the east to the west of China C. take us to enjoy the beauty of our motherland (B) 请阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Times change! The day I heard that the Bright Bookstore was closing, I was sad. The bookstore had been in the neighborhood for 50 years, and it was a great place where people could connect through their love of books. When I met Old Tim, the store’s owner, he told me it was difficult to run(运营)a traditional bookstore. Most young people preferred reading e-books and more people bought books online. Childhood memories came back to me so clearly. A group of us kids often went to the store. We looked at the new books, or just talked with Tim. We spent hours reading there. Tim encouraged us to share our ideas by writing them on a large board. A few months later, I was back and was surprised to see that the Bright Bookstore was still open for business. It was still old, but inside it was like a different world. In an area, a book reading was going on. Nearby, some readers were sharing their ideas on a screen instead of the large board. Some were reading on computers. It even had a coffee shop selling nice food. Clearly, the Bright Bookstore was in good, creative hands.
Tim told me that there were more community events in the coffee shop such as book readings and even concerts and movie nights. The bookstore was turned into a place where the book lovers got together and shared ideas and experiences. “Well, as you can see, technology and creativity have brought my old bookstore into the 21st century! I’m so glad to see that everything I wanted it to offer to the community is still here,” said Tim. No matter how times change, there are always people who love reading. With the development of technology, traditional bookstores should also change in a creative way. 19. What made the writer sad about the old Bright Bookstore? A. No kids read in it. B. It was closing. C. It moved to another place. 20. Why did the writer miss the old bookstore? A. Because he had a good time working there. B. Because the owner often read stories to him. C. Because it brought him back to the good old days. 21. How was the bookstore different a few months later? A. The board helped people share ideas easily. B. The coffee shop brought people closer together. C. The new look from the outside surprised people. 22. What did Old Tim want the bookstore to offer? A. A way for the neighbors to sell food. B. A chance for the kids to show their skills. C. A place for the book lovers to read and share. 23. What does the writer want to remind us? A. E-books will take the place of paper books. B. Reading always plays an important role in our life. C. Traditional bookstores will disappear in the future. (C) 请阅读下面短文,根据语篇内容,从所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺,并在 答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有一项为多余项。 Every one of us has a chance to try new things. ___24___ The risk is that we will not be satisfied with our choice.
For example, we may try a food we have never had before. ___25___ It can be too sour, too salty or too spicy. We may try a new style of music and get a headache. We may try a new sport like skating and end up falling down a lot. We may see a different kind of art and be completely disappointed(失望的). We may try to speak or write a different language and end up embarrassing ourselves. It sounds risky(有风险的)to us. ___26___ For example, we can try a new food. And we fall in love with it finally. It can be sweet or tastes very good. We may try a new sport and fall down but we get back up and finally experience pleasure, even for a minute. We may see why people love that sport so much. If we try a new kind of music, we may regret we didn’t find it sooner. ___27___ We can try to write speak a different language, and we may be a little embarrassed at first, but we know that the only way improve is to make mistakes and keep on trying. ___28___ Then you will have chances to get rewards(回报). A. How can we try a new sport? B. But it is not so bad to take risks. C. And we don’t like the food finally. D. All in all, keep trying something new. E. When we try something new, there’s always the risk. F. We can see a new kind of art and may be surprised at its beauty. (D) 请阅读下面短文,根据语篇内容,在方框内的缩写文章中,填入与短文意思最符合的单词,并将答案写在 答题卡相应的位置上。每空一词。 Animals play so many important roles in our lives. Some, like cows and sheep, provide us with food; pets are our friends; other animals work for us. Above all, every animal—big or small—can fill us with a sense of the wonder of the natural world. Unluckily, we don’t always value this. Many animals are endangered because of our actions,
and millions of animals in the world are badly treated. World Animal Day reminds us, at least for one day a year, “to celebrate animal life in all its forms” and “to be thankful for the way in which animals enrich(使丰富)our lives.” World Animal Day was started in 1931 in Florence, Italy. It made us pay attention to the problem of endangered animals around the world. It is now celebrated in most countries around the world. The day falls on October 4th every year. All over the world on this day, volunteers raise money for animal centers and social organizations. Museums and zoos organize special events. Schools have also joined animal projects. No matter what is done, the idea is to remind us of the importance of animals and to show us how we could improve our relationship with animals. If you want to take part, you could help an animal or organize a money-raising event for a local charity. The important thing is just taking an active part. We should offer animals as much as they offer us. Animals are important in our lives. They offer us ___29___, friendship, help and a sense of the wonder of the natural world. However, our actions make many kinds of animals in danger, and we treat millions of animals ___30___. World Animal Day reminds us to be thankful to animals. It was started in 1931 to draw people’s attention to the ___31___ of endangered animals. Now World Animal Day is celebrated on October 4th every year. On this day, many activities are held to ___32___ how to improve the relationship between humans and animals. So let’s just be ___33___ to take part and offer animals as much as they offer us. (E) 请阅读下面的非连续性文本,根据语篇内容,回答问题,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。 Project-based learning(项目化学习)is learning while doing. It gives learners the chance to get a deeper understanding of a topic. During the learning, learners solve problems by using real-world examples and challenges. Project-based learning is becoming widely used in schools. Students work on a project over a period of time—from a week to a term. At the end of the project, they show their knowledge and skills by creating a product for people. Let’s take the example of Sandra. Sandra is an eleven-year-old student in Sunshine Primary School. She wanted to know more about