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D.Ending your session
A.Dictionary view containing two schema names
C.Dictionary view containing two index names
Then, you issue the following statement
B.June 26 2037,22:30
PCCW Solutions Candidate Test 一. Core java (每题 5 分,共 8 题 ,总 40) 1. Which declarations of identifiers are legal? E. pirnt 7 F. print 8 A. $persons B. TwoUsers C.*point D.this E. endline 2. Which are syntactically valid statement at”// point x”? class Person { private int a; public int change(int m){ return m; } } public class Teacher extends Person public int b; public static void main(String arg[]){ Person p = new Person(); Teacher t = new Teacher(); int i; // point x }} i = m; i = b; i = p.a; i = p.change(30) { A. B. C. D. 3. What will happen when you attempt to compile and run the following code? public class Static{ static{ int x = 5; } static int x,y; public static void main(String args[]){ x--; myMethod(); System.out.println(x + y + ++x); } public static void myMethod(){ y = x++ + ++x; } } A. compiletime error B. print 1 C.print 2 D.print 3 4. Given the following code, what will be the output? class Value{ public int i = 15; } public class Test{ public static void main(String argv[]){ Test t = new Test(); t.first(); } public void first(){ int i = 5; Value v = new Value(); v.i = 25; second(v, i); System.out.println(v.i); } public void second(Value v, int i){ i = 0; v.i = 20; Value val = new Value(); v = val; System.out.println(v.i + " " + i); } } A. 15 0 20 B. 15 0 15 C.20 0 20 D.0 15 20 5. What will be the result of executing the following code? boolean a = true; boolean b = false; boolean c = true; if (a == true) if (b == true) if (c == true) System.out.println("Some things are true in this world"); else System.out.println("Nothing is true in this world!"); else if (a && (b = c)) System.out.println("It's too confusing to tell what is true and what is false"); else System.out.println("Hey 1
this won't compile"); 11. which method is contained in Servlet class A. The code won’t compile. B. “some things are true in this world” will be printed C. “hey this won’t compile” will be printed D. None of these 6. What results from attempting to compile and run the following code? public class Ternary{ public static void main(String args[]){ int a = 5; System.out.println("Value is - " + ((a < 5) ? 9.0 : 9)); } } A. print:Value is -9 B. print:Value is -5 C.Compilation error D.none of these 7. In the following pieces of code, A and D will compile without any error. True/False? A. StringBuffer sb1 = "abcd"; B. Boolean b = new Boolean("abcd"); C.byte b = 255; D.int x = 0x1234; 8. Which of the following collection classes from java.util package are Thread safe? A. Vector B. ArrayList C.Hashmap D.Hashtable 二. 9. J2EE (共 2 题, 每题 5 分, 总 10) In java web developing , which component is often use for C in M-V-C? F. Resin G.Apache H.Struts I. Velocity 10. which url-pattern in servlet config is legal? A. /path/*.do B. /*/do C./do/* D.all above but not in HttpServlet? A. doGet B. doHead C.service D.doPost 三. Web 编程 (共 3 题,每题 5 分, 共 15 分) 12. Which layout manager is used when the frame is resized the buttons's position in the Frame might be changed? A. BorderLayout B. FlowLayout C.CardLayout D.GridLayout 13. Define a array in js, which is right? A. var txt = new Array="G","J","T" B. var txt = new Array(1:"G",2:"J",3:"Ts") C.var txt = new Array("G","J","T") D.var txt = new Array:1=("G")2=("J")3=("T") 14. which tech is AJAX base on? A. java B. javascript C.css D.xml 四. ORACLE 题 (3 题, 每题 5 分, 共 15) 15. 设有图书管理数据库: 图书(总编号 C(6),分类号 C(8),书名 C(16), 作者 C(6),出版单位 C(20),单价 N(6,2)) 读者(借书证号 C(4),单位 C(8),姓名 C(6),性 别 C(2),职称 C(6),地址 C(20)) 借阅(借书证号 C(4),总编号 C(6),借书日期 D(8)) 查询每个出版单位出版的书数量。SQL 语句正确的 是______。 A. SELECT MAX(出版单位) FROM 图书 B. SELECT 出版单位,count(*) FROM 图书 GROUP BY 出版单位 C. SELECT 出版单位, max(*) FROM 图书 D. SELECT 出版单位, 总编号 FROM 图书 GROUP BY 出版单位 2
16. 3 个表同 15.请统计每本书的借阅次数(包括 0 次的) D.group by COW_NAME; E.There are no errors in this statement; A. SELECT 图书.书名,COUNT(借阅. 总编号) FROM 图书,借阅 WHERE 图书.总编号=借阅. 总编号 GROUP BY 借阅.总编号 B. SELECT 图书.书名,COUNT(借阅. 总编号) FROM 图书,借阅 WHERE 图书.总编号(+)=借 阅.总编号 GROUP BY 图书.书名 C. SELECT 图书.书名,COUNT(借阅. 总编号) FROM 图书,借阅 WHERE 图书.总编号=借阅. 总编号(+) GROUP BY 图书.书名 D. SELECT 借阅.总编号,COUNT(借阅. 总编 号) FROM 图书,借阅 WHERE 图书.总编号=借 阅.总编号 GROUP BY 借阅.总编号 17. 表结构同上.查询读者为女的数量.sql 正确的 是 A. SELECT count(*) FROM 读者 B. SELECT count(*) FROM 读者 WHERE 性别=’女’ C. SELECT count(*) FROM 读者 group by 性别 D. SELECT count(*) FROM 读者 ORDER BY 性别 五. PL/SQL 测试 18. You are formulating a SQL statement to retrieve date from Oracle. Which of the following SQL statments are invaild? A. select NAME,Jersey_No where Jersey_No=6; B. select NAME,Jersey_No from PLAYERS; C. select * from PLAYERS where Jersey_No=6; D. select Jersey_No from PLAYERS; 19. Inspect the following SQL statment: SELECT COW_NAME,MOD(CARTON,FILL_STATUS) FROM COW_MILK GROUP BY COW_NAME; Which of following lines contains an error? A.select COW_NAME; B.mod(CARTON,FILL_STATUS); C.from COW_MILK; 20. You are coding a complex PL/SQL block where several procedures call other procedures.You have one outermost procedure that calls all other procedures.If you wanted to prevent the user of outermost procedure from having the procedure fail due to an unanticipated problem,you would include which of the following exceptions? A.no_data_found; B.others; C.zero_divide; D.too_many_rows; 21. You are attempting to develop a PL/SQL application.Which of the following keywords allow you to associate a user-defined error message with an exception condition? A. Pragma B. others C. raise_application_error D. exception 22. You are processing some data changes in your SQL*PLUS session as part of one transaction. Which of the following choices does not typically indicate the end of a transaction? A.Issuing an update statement. B.Issuing a commit statment. C.Issuing a rollback statment. D.Ending your session 23. You have just removed 1,700 rows from a table that were no longer needed.In order to save the changes you've made to the database,which of the following statement are used? A.savepoint. B.commit. C.rollback. D.set transation. 24. You are creating some tables in your database as part of the logical data model. Which of the following constraints have an index associated with them that is generated automatically by Oracle? 3
A.UNIQUE B.FOREIGN KEY C.CHECK D.NOT NULL 25. You are using SQL operation in Oracle.All of the following DATE functions return a Date datatype,except one.Which one is it? A.NEW_TIME B.LAST_DAY C.ADD_MONTHS D.MONTHS_BETWEEN. into the BANK_ACCT table.Which of the following statements will enable you to execute the same statment again and again,entering different values for variables at stement runtime? A.insert into BANK_ACCT(ACCTNO,NAME) VALUES(12346,'SMITH'); B.insert into BANK_ACCT(ACCTNO,NAME) VALUES(VAR1,VAR2); C.insert into BANK_ACCT(ACCTNO,NAME) VALUES(&VAR1,&VAR2); D.insert into BANK_ACCT(select 26. You issue a select statment on the BANK_ACCT table containing the order by clause.Which of the following uses of the order by clause would produce an error? ACCTNO,NAME from EMP_BANK_ACCTS); 30. You execute the following SQL statment:select ADD_MONTHS('28-APR-97',120) from dual.What will Oracle return? A.order by acctno DESC. B.order by 1; C.order by sqrt(1); D.order by acctno ASC; 27. You execute the query select 5+4 from DUAL.You have never insertd data into the DUAL table before.Which of the following statement best describes the DUAL talbe? A.Dictionary view containing two schema names B.Table with one column and one row used in various operations C.Dictionary view containing two index names D.Table with two columns and no rows used in various operations 28. You issue the following statment: select DECODE(ACCTNO,123456,'CLOSED',654321,' SEIZED', 590395,'TRANSFER','ACTIVE') from BANK_ACCT; if the value for ACCTNO is 503952,what infomation will this statment display? A.ACTIVE B.TRANSFER C.SEIZED D.CLOSED 29. You are entering several dozen rows of data A.28-APR-03 B.28-APR-07 C.28-APR-13 D.28-APR-17 31. On Monday,June 26,2037,at 10:30 at night,you issue the following statement against an Oracle database: ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT='DAY MONTH DD,YYYY:HH:MIAM'; Then, you issue the following statement SELECT SYSDATE FROM DUAL; What will Oracle return? A.26-JUN-37 B.June 26 2037,22:30 C.26-JUN-2037 D.MONDAY JUNE 26,2037:10:30PM 32. You wish to join the data from two tables,A and B,into one result set and display that set in your session.Tables A and B have a common column,called C in both tables.Which of the following choices correctly displays the where caluse you would use if you wantd to see the data in table A where the value in column C=5,even when there was no corresponding value in table B? A.where A.C=5 AND A.C=B.C; B.where A.C=5 AND A.C=B.C(+); C.where A.C=5 AND A.C(+)=B.C(+); 4
D.where A.C=5; 33. Each of the following statment is true about referential integrity,except one. Which is it? A.The referencing column in the child table must correspond with a primay key in the parent. B.All values in the referenced column in parent table must be present in the referencing column in the child. START WITH 394 INCRMENT BY 12 NOMINVALUE NOMAXVALUE NOCACHE NOCYCLE Three users have already issued SQL statment to obtain NEXTVAL,and C.The datatype of the referenced column in four more have issued SQL statment to the parent table must be identical to the referencing column in the child. obtain CURRVAL.If you issue a SQL statment to obtain the NEXTVAL,what D.All values in the referencing column in the will ORACLE return? child table must be present in the referenced column in the parent. 34. You have a situation where you need to use the NVL() function.ALL the following statement about the nvl() function are true except one.Which is it? A.406 B.418 C.430 D.442 37. Afer creating a view,you realize that serveral columns were left out A.nvl() returns the second value passed if the Which of the following statements would you first value is null. B.nvl() handles values of many different datatypes. C.nvl() returns NULL if the first value is not equal to the second. D.Both the values passed for nvl() must be the same datatype. 35. You are developing a stored procedure that handles table data.The %rowtype expression in PL/SQL allows you to declare which ofthe following kinds of variables? A.Records B.VARCHAR2s C.PLS_INTEGERs D.NUMBERS 36. You create a sequence with the following statement: issue in order to add some columns to your view? A.alter view B.create or replace view C.insert into view D.create view 六. 算法题 (5 分) 38. 编写 Java 代码,打印如下的杨辉三角。 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1 1 5 10 10 5 1 七. 主观题(2 题, 每题 5 分, 共 10) 39. 存储过程在软件开发中有什么样的优势和劣 势,有什么样的缺点。 CREATE SEQUENCE MY_SEQ 40. 简述 Servlet 的生命周期 5