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2008 年 9 月翻译资格中级英语口译实务真题及答案 英译中 In a slowing U.S economy, job opportunities are shaped by uncertainty. As president of a small college, I am keenly aware of the job market that awaits this year’s graduates. The recent news that Bear Steams was nullifying a few hundred job offers to business school students fits a pattern of corporate downsizing that isn’t lost on college campuses across the USA. But even with the darkening economic clouds, rays of good news await this year’s graduates. Sure, companies are laying off workers, but many are also looking for new talent, especially at the entry level. As more than a million entrants flood the job market, students should know that in a global marketplace, language skills will go a long way. So will flexibility. If a grad is ready to accept an entry-level job, give a little on job requirements and move if the company asks, chances are he’ll land a job. So despite the rising job losses, a new graduate should embrace the market as the first challenge of a long career. 中译英 据消息灵通人士透露,今年春节前,家乐福才与新大新发生“第一次亲密接触”,其中广州 市政府无疑起了“红娘”的作用。短短几个月时间,双方“情投意合”。外界关心的是:家 乐福到底看中新大新什么地方? 对此,新大新总经理何先生没有作出正面的回应,只是笼统地陈述在广州的百货业中新大新 有自己独特的一面。据何先生透露,这次新大新出资持有新组建的公司 35%的股份,家乐福 占 65%:“这是按照国家有关部门政策,即中方持股不得少于 35%的规定厘定的”。 英译中 【参考译文】 美国经济持续萧条,各种不确定因素对就就业机会深有影响。身为敝院院长,我敏锐地意识 到诸位毕业生都是当今就业市场的热门人才。近来有消息称,贝尔斯登公司取消了原本给予 数百名金融专业学生的机会,这的确符合如今美国公司针对毕业生裁员的大气候。但即便经 济市场满目疮痍,也不可心灰意冷。对今年的毕业生来说,前景很是乐观。因为各个公司裁 员的同时也在增员,特别是要注新鲜血液。 百万大军浩浩荡荡,涌入就业市场。同时应该牢记,只有善于交流并且随机应变,才能走得 顺当。当你毕业之后作为新手入行,如果能按照公司的要求略做调整,那多半这个位置就是 你的囊中之物了。因此,纵使失业率不断攀升,刚毕业的同学还是要心怀远大志向,迈出职 业生涯的第一步!
中译英 【参考译文】 According to a well-informed source, before this year’s Spring Festival, Carrefour made its “first intimate contact” with Xindaxin company. Without doubt the Guangzhou Municipal Government served as the “matchmaker”. The two parties “had an affinity for each other” in only a few months. What on earth is Xindaxin’s appeal to Carrefour? It is of great concern to the outsiders / the public. Mr He, general manager of Xindaxin, instead of giving any positive response to this question, just made a general/ambiguous reply that Xindaxin boasts its uniqueness in the department stores industry in Guangzhou. Mr He disclosed that Xindaxin holds 35% of the shares of the newly-established company while Carrefour owns the other 65%: “which is in conformity with the policies of departments concerned, stipulating that the Chinese side must hold no less than 35% of the shares. ”